Kylie Gilbert

About Kylie Gilbert

Coach @ Lift Performance Centre
Female Fitness Method

INSTA: kylielgilbert
WEBSITE: www. au

Kylie Gilbert Description

I understand that health is more than just a lean body, it begins from the inside out and is something I whole-heartedly empower with my clients.

My passion lies in training the female client for aesthetics, health and mind. For females especially I believe making lasting changes is not just about attending a 45 minute personal training session but about making this a change for your lifestyle.

This is why Female Fitness Method is based off the idea that a method is a procedure, technique, or way of doing something in accordance with a definite plan. Female Fitness Method incorporates this into your lifestyle, training, nutrition and most importantly mindset to maximise your results whether it be health, fat loss or fitness.

I have worked alongside one of Australia’s top female trainer, Rachel Guy (Athletic Fox) as a Senior Coach on the Bombshell Athletic project. A project designed exclusively to get females lean, strong, and that sexy athletic look girls dream of.



🌟 Miss Consistency 💁🏼🙋🏼🙆🏼🌟
This is what my coach, @allenmao90 calls me 😂. It makes me laugh, because for me it's something I don't even think about. It's just what I do. Consistency is what allows me to stay focused on my goals, allows me to hit my goals, and is what keeps me following my plan without fail every single day. Both inside and outside the gym. 💟
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I was listening to one of my all time favourite podcasts by @dangarnernutririon the other day and what he said really related to me and totally hit home:
"People ask me all the time, Dan how do you stay on your diet? Dan, how do you not miss your training sessions? Look - I don't cheat on my diet because I'm not someone who cheats on things, and I don't miss training sessions because I'm not someone who misses things that are important to me. It's not a program I'm sticking to; it's a reflection of character. I am not committed to a diet or program, I am committed to myself" 🙌🏻
I'd never really been able to put my finger on why sticking to my training, nutrition or whatever goal in life it may be came so easy until I heard this. It's as if @dangarnernutrition was speaking exactly what I thought but couldn't articulate. Following something which you know will benefit you, help you get ahead and be a better person is a no brainer for me. That's just the way it is. 💟
It's what @headspace calls a 'trained mind'. A mind that knows it is always changing. Some days it might feel calm, other days totally stressed out. An untrained mind chases every thought and acts upon them whereas a trained mind learns to observe and let go. Do I have days where the LAST thing I want to do is train? Yes. Do I have days where I want to binge on food? Yes. Do I act upon them? Never. ❌
This is how @headspace puts it:
"This provides a completely different view on the concept of willpower. Instead of it being about forcing yourself to do something, it has more to do with letting go. Some thoughts may be particularly persuasive (your workout will be too short, you’ll be home late) but even they are just thoughts. And they don’t affect the reality of the situation – which is that unless you train, you won’t reach your goals."
The difference between people who stay consistent to those who jump from one thing to another is understanding that thoughts come and go but the goal never changes. They commit to themselves, their goals and keep to a routine. 👌🏻
I'm not saying you need to become a buddha and find a higher place of enlightenment to achieve your goals. But you do need to step outside of your thoughts and learn to view them objectively before taking the next step. 💛
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🌟​ What's the first thought that comes to your head with this image? 🌟
Sexy? Hot? Skinny? Lean? Toned? Healthy? Happy? In Control? Or Unrealistic? Unhealthy? Too Lean? Too Skinny? Not Happy? I would genuinely love to know your first thought so feel free to comment below 👇🏻☺​
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🌟 Are You Emotionally Attached To ​The​ Scales? 🌟
I'​m guess​ing​ that 99.9% of people (if being honest with themselves) would answer 'yes' 🙋🏼 Just watch the scales at your gym and observe peoples reactions; ​every person will be driven by some kind of emotional feeling to step on them. It may be a female who has lost 1 kg and steps off with a big smile on her face..or a guy ​who's almost hit the 100kg mark and punches the air with joy when he steps on (I know I am being V...
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🌟Current Stats🌟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ❤︎⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ✎ Weight: 56.1kg (1.2kg increase from last week)⠀⠀... ✎ Height: 165cm⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✎ Calories: 2410 (increase by 100 cals)⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✎ Protein: 150g⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✎ Carbs: 250g (increase in 25g)⠀⠀ ✎ Fat: 90g (no change)⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ✎ Training: 5 x Weight Sessions (60 - 75 mins max)⠀⠀ ✎ Short Term Training Goal: Second week on new phase (3 x 5 with increase in Intensity)⠀ ✎ Long Term Training Goal: Hypertrophy 💪🏻⠀⠀ ✎ Cardio: 15,000 Steps Walking ONLY 🚶🏼⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ❤︎⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Although my weight is up by over a kilo in a week I have no concerns for a few reasons:
1. And the most obvious answer; I am in the very late stages of the luteal stage of my cycle (bascially I'm just about to get my period). This is typically when females' weight is at their highest due to a drop in progesterone which causes water retention. 💦
2. I have been consuming this many calories before and didn't 'blow out' or continue to put on weight. So although I am more than likely in a small surplus I don't feel I am eating in excess. 🍗
3. It would be pretty impressive (though not impossible) to put on over a kilo of fat in a week 😂💁🏼 I don't feel 'fatter' I feel 'puffier' ... and what goes up can only come down meaning once I start my follicular phase I get to enjoy my weight being at it's lowest and feeling good 😊
One of the benefits of tracking absolutely everything is you don't get any nasty surprises when you jump on the scales; or if you do you understand why, whats happening with your body and if you should (or shouldn't) take any action. ⚠️
For some people tracking everything everyday would be a mind**k, and to be honest I thought it would be for me too. I thought I would feel controlled by 'numbers' but I actually feel the opposite. It has armed me with the data and knowledge to make smart decisions around my goals (coupled with having an awesome coach @allenmao90 and @flexsucess to support me) And also because I spend time learning and educating myself about what is happening with my body. 💁🏼
I'm not saying everyone should track everything everyday like me; you have to find what works for you. But for me it works and I don't feel it holds anything over me. If someone told me I no longer had access to My Fitness Pal or a set of bodyweight scales tomorrow I wouldn't have a breakdown; far from it. I still know how to eat well and intuitively and know how my body feels. 💗
The key is finding something that works and most importantly sticking with it. Then educating yourself or finding someone who already is. Don't jump ship as soon as you see something or feel something you don't like. Because you might be jumping to assumptions that are wrong and making changes that in the long term aren't warranted and could also be detrimental to your goals. 😥
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🌟 Are You Scared Of The Weights Room? 🌟
​Where do you hang out when you go to the gym? In the cardio area? Or the functional area with all the group training equipment like the kettle bells and med balls?
... ✎ The most common thing I hear from new clients is:
"I don't like to go into the weights area at the gym"
✎ The most common feedback I get from​ ​clients is:
"You gave me the confidence to train on my own and in the weight​sroom"
To me it is very blac​k ​and white; ​if you are not using the weights room at the gym you are not making the most of your time and money spent while there. 😒
It's the equivalent a student at university​ ​never setting foot in the library. ​They'd probably​ pass ​their degree but without ​utilising a highly valuable ​available asset it's highly likely ​they will be spending a lot of time and energy doing things which aren't going to get ​their highest grade. 😕
​And ​I TOTALLY understand how and why the weights room is intimidating! I have been there. ​I ​remember ​the first time I walked into my little 24 hour gym after spending hours researching ​@​bodybuilding​c​om with a little sheet of paper ready to give it a go. I was totally overwhelmed, had no clue what to do (they made it look so god damn easy in those videos!) and wanted to run ​home. I persisted​ ​for a couple of weeks but knew I wasn't going to get anywhere fast. I had 2 choices: give up or find myself a PT​ - I ​chose the latter and never looked back.​ 💪🏻​
Bodyweight, high intensity, plyometric and high rep​, low weight​ exercises will get you so far​; but if you are really serious abo​u​t making lasting changes to your body, both for health and ​aesthetically; at some point or another you will have to enter the weights room.​ 👀
​You then have 2 options​; either go get yourself a PT ​like I did ​who can fast track you to results OR give it a go yourself. And my one piece of advice if you are going to do it on your ​own?! Don't worry about what any one else is doing or thinking ​, ​​because I can promise you that every other person in there is wondering if they are ​doing​ the right thing or doing it correctly too. ​Everyone is far too worried about themselves to care what anyone else doing​ and if the worst that could happen is someone might offer you some advice, it might even help!
Push yourself out your comfort zone and just give it a go; what do you have to lose!? There are a million and one free weights programs you can get online (you can even download my 4 week program for free via my Insta Story Highlights)​. The ONE AND ONLY reason I got into PT in the first place was to educate and empower women to get in the weights room and realise just how empowering it can be. You won't get bulky (unless you want to) but you might just spend a little bit less time in the gym and get a little bit better results in the long term 💥​
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🌟 Do You Eat Mindfully?! 🌟
Not sure?! Then try answering these questions...
... 1. Do you eat on the go? (in the car for example?) 🚗 2. Do you eat at your desk while working? 💻 3. Do you eat in front of the TV? 📺 4. Do you eat while walking? 🚶🏼
We are all guilty of it...and my clients will tell you they often see me chucking a meal down me from ​m​y tupperware in-between their sessions... but if you answered yes to all of the above and/or on a regular basis then it might be time to reassess your eating habits👎🏻
Distracted Eating 😮
✎ Distracted eating (like those points mentioned above) are just one of the ways we eat mindlessly. We try and multitask and the result is a one way ticket to:
1. Over eating 2. Digestive upset 3. Emotional eating 4. Feelings of 'not being able to stop' with certain foods 5. Making poor food choices ​6. ​Feeling dissatisfied with our meals
Mindful Eating 💭
✎ Although mindful eating in the true sense of the word (where you would take 5 minutes on each bite for example!) is simply not realistic for many of us, especially with families, jobs, and a million other responsibilities and tasks, a modified version o​f​ mindful eating is​ ​definitely something which can be beneficial to anyone s​uffering from any of the above points. I personally do it myself with at least 3 out of my 5 meals a day and is something I regularly practice with my clients who work in corporate, stressful jobs.
✎ There are lots of ways to eat mindfully, but one of the easiest ways is simply eat without any distractions. Practice makes perfect and as with anything if you have a routine in place with when you eat this will become second nature in no time. My key tips would be:
1. Before you eat take just 10 - 20 seconds to take 1 or 2 deep breaths to appreciate and show gratitude for the food you are about to eat. Really considering how the food you are bout to eat is going to nourish you really can help you to pick and eat more wisely
2. Eat with others, at set times and places. Talk around a dinner table as opposed to in front of the TV and stick to the same time each day.
3. Never eat at your desk! Get some fresh air and practice the above steps.
4. Try and take 15 minutes (minimum!) to eat your meal. It might not seem like a lot but I bet if you timed yourself you would either take 5 minutes or 30 depending on what you are doing!
Mindful eating won't suddenly give you an amazing body or instantly make you feel amazing. But it is one piece of the puzzle that when all put together help you to live a better life, feel better about yourself and make you want to make better choices 💗
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🌟Why do women train for body comp rather than health? 🌟
I ask myself this question at least once a week. It never fails to amaze me how, 9 times out of 10, the first goal new clients have is to change their body comp over changing their quality of life. 😕
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People have an association that a lean body = a healthy a successful life. And although this can be true for some, (and of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to look better), why does it seem so uncool to train just to feel good?! 💁🏼
The reality is if you focus on feeling good, being healthy and leading the best quality life you can then inevitably a 'better' body will follow anyway ..... but if it didn't would it really be the end of the world?
Think about it...if absolutely everything in your life got better; you had copious amounts of energy, you were eating well and feeling nourished, you were sleeping like a baby, you weren't suffering with any aches and pains, your sex drive was high, your mood was always high and stable, you were focused, motivated and driven in all areas of your life, you had no illnesses or ailments BUT your body composition hadn't changed - could you honestly tell me you wouldn't feel happier than if you had done it the opposite way round? 😳
What if you had managed to get the body you wanted without addressing any of the above issues? (and it can be done; it just won't have any longevity or be healthy). You were walking around with a smoking hot bod but you felt like shit, you weren't sleeping, your moods were like a roller coaster, you had no interest in sex and your mind was foggy and cloudy - can you honestly tell me you would still prefer this scenario?! I doubt it.
Some of the happiest, healthiest and most successful women in my industry I know are not pursuing being lean; there one and only primary goal is to be the best version of themselves regardless of what they look like. They train for stress relief, health and the benefits exercise brings regardless of body composition.
The further away we can move from the perception that exercise = a change in body composition which equals happiness and health; and the more we can move towards exercise = a healthier and happier life regardless of if we are super lean or not - the better all of society will be in the long term.
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🌟Current Stats🌟⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ❤︎⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ✎ Weight: 54.9kg⠀⠀⠀... ✎ Height: 165cm⠀⠀⠀ ✎ Calories: 2310 (increase by 10 cals - it all helps haha)⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ✎ Protein: 150g⠀⠀⠀ ✎ Carbs: 225g (increase in 25g)⠀ ✎ Fat: 90g (decrease in 10g)⠀⠀ ⠀ ✎ Training: 5 x Weight Sessions (60 - 75 mins max)⠀ ✎ Short Term Training Goal: First week on new phase (5 x 5) ✎ Long Term Training Goal: Hypertrophy 💪🏻⠀ ✎ Cardio: 15,000 Steps Walking ONLY 🚶🏼⠀ ⠀ ❤︎⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ It feels good to have more volume but more importantly intensity in my sessions after my deload last week. I actually love my deloads - they give me more time to do other things during the day, leave me feeling focused and full of energy and more importantly super motivated for my new phase the following week. 💪🏻⠀
❤︎⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ It's been a long time since I've done 5 x 5 and the increase in volume is definitely noticeable! The favourite tings about my training at the moment are:
1. I have no specific rest time so can take as much time as I want between sets (on my A series thats usually around 4 - 5 minutes depending on if I get chatting and around 90 - 120 seconds on my accessory work)
2. Every exercise is a straight set. Meaning my mind is 100% focused on the one exercise at hand and I am resting fully between sets
3. I am feeling stronger every week and have specific numbers I want to hit ⠀ ❤︎⠀ ⠀ All of these things mean I am training for QUALITY not QUANTITY and it's showing in my numbers and my motivation. For example this week I managed:
✎ Low Bar Back Squat x 15 Reps @ 60kg (PB) ✎ Bench Press x 9 Reps @ 45kg (Equal PB) ✎ Deadlift x 16 Reps @ 90kg (PB)
If you are not progressing (and in fact going backwards in how you feel or your numbers in the gym) then it's feedback which you shouldn't ignore. This by far is the smartest programming I have had and I can't believe how good I feel on it. Can't wait to see what the next 3 weeks brings with @allenmao90
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🌟 The Top 3 Things You Should Know If You Are New To Lifting Weights 🌟
And I'm talking proper resistance training in a gym here; not a 'weights' F45 or group class. I am talking about you and the weights section in the gym; one on one in a quality session together 😊I only started lifting weights in my 30's (so less than 5 years) and I was smart enough to do my research before I started and made some good decisions which has led me to where I am today in a relatively short ...
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🌟What Is It About This Picture That Caught Your Eye?🌟
Maybe you follow me and like my posts? Or you were drawn to the beach and sunrise? Or you looked at me and wished that could be your life? Whatever the reason I urge you to consider why you go on social media and what value each person you follow adds to your life. 👀
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Even though I am active and avid user of IG if I didn't feel it was a necessity to my business I wouldn't be on here. Maybe I'm just old school and like the way things used to be, and if I am then I'll take that label. Even though IG has connected me to some awesome people who without it would have been total strangers and who are now my friends, I feel life was simpler and more importantly happier without it. 🙍🏼
Here's how I view it....we are drawn to the people on social media who are at the extreme end in whatever they do or who they are. Look at any profile who has thousands or millions of followers and I bet that person is living one part of their life to the extreme. They might be super lean all year round, or a yogi who lives and breaths everything yoga, or may be into their essential oils, meditation, tarot cards and practice journalling and self-love every morning - whatever it is these profiles do so well because we love to watch from the outside and imagine that could be us. 💞
But the truth is the normal, everyday person would be hard pushed to live their lives in this way (it not find it impossible) and even the people who are promoting these lives probably don't do it 24/7. And this is a problem for me as it leads to feelings of anxiety, negative self talk and distorted perception of ourselves that we are failing or not living up to these extreme versions of life. 👎🏻
Even I, someone who is extremely aware of how skewed peoples posts and stories can be from reality, can be filled with these feelings of doubt if I allow myself to get too caught up in the hype.
One of the best things I think IG has done lately is give people the chance to 'mute' peoples stories and posts that they follow. It means you can still find them if you want to, but if you know someone's posts are a trigger for you in any negative way you can mute them, at least for a little while, to allow you to get back into the real world and focus on what really matters. 🙌🏻
I'm not bad mouthing anyone on here who does portray that extreme way of life either; every influencer does it; its how you get known. But we all need to take more care in our own self care when looking at these profiles to avoid the pitfalls they can bring. 💗
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🌟 ​Should You Be Having​ BCAA's? 🌟
❤︎ ​
Much like my post​ ​about protein shakes ​BCAA's are a a controversial topic.​Whether your goal is pro or against no doubt there is research supporting ​both camps. 📈
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🌟 Are You Doing Dry July? 🌟
It's mid winter and that can only mean one thing; it's cold, dark and going out seems like a chore​.​ ​S​o what better time to abstain from alcohol than July? 🍷
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Every month is practically a 'dry' month for me​, and the last drink I had was in April for my partners birthday. It's just not a big deal or part of my lifestyle. I'm not trying to gloat (and if you think I am then I've probably hit a nerve). But because I surround myself with people who have a similar lifestyle or outlook I often forget just how socially ​accepted it is to drink every day. 🍻
My sister is one of those people; she ​works a stressful corporate with long hours, has a house and family to look after​; ​and has a glass (or two) of wine most nights to wind down - I totally get it. However I was shocked when she text me ​told me the ​ other day she ​was thinking of doing ​dDry July; not because she suggested doing it but because when I ​told her what a great idea it was - she said I was the only person who had supported her and told her to do it. 😓
I was shocked and it was a big wakeup call not only how much society accepts daily drinking but more so how unsupportive people can be​. 🙅🏼
The problem is people get comfortable with who you are and don't like change. T​hey know and like the way you a​re, so if you ever try and improve your life it shatters whatever perception of you that they’ve always had. So they start trying to consciously or subconsciously put you right back into that “box” that they had you in. Because to them, the more you stay the same, the more intact their personal perception of their world will be.​ 🌍​
A​nd ​​people don't like to be made to feel inferior (​how did you feel when I said I didn't drink!?) and they view your success reflected back on them as their failure. True friends are supportive and congratulatory when they see you ​do better ​​—but fake friends and undercover haters with low self-esteem only see your success as a bad reflection on where they may be in their own lives​. ​
So if you are trying to live your life for the better, whether it be dry july, losing weight, changing your health or eating habits or anything at all​; whatever people say stay strong and stick to your guns. I'm lucky in that I rarely give into social pressure about anything and can happily not drink and not give a shit what people think. It takes practice but if you stay ​strong an​d ​those people turn their back on you - they weren't the right people to have in your life in the first place. 💀
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🌟 A Quick Guide To Eating During A Deload🌟
This morning I did a story about my deload week, why I think they are beneficial and who would benefit from having them - so if you are interested to know more go check out my story 😊
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But it seemed to have caused some confusion around what you should do with your nutrition during a de-load week as I mentioned potentially decreasing your food during this week whereas some people would either keep it the same or even increase their calories. The answer is there is no right or wrong answer - so I wanted to give you and quick easy guide to what you could do with your diet during a deload:
1. Lower Calories ⬇️
If you're in a cutting phase and/or most concerned about body comp, you can scale back the calories so your energy expenditure and input are relatively the same to the previous weeks. This isn't necessarily the optimal way to deload, but if you use the extra time away from training on recovery and activities such as epsom salt baths, massages, meditation, mobilisation and stretching there is no reason why bringing calories down during this time would negatively affect you. ❌
2. Keeping Calories The Same ➡️
If your goal is maximum hypertrophy, keep your caloric intake the same during your deload to allow super compensation to occur. This will maximse repair and ensure you are not left feeling hungry and thinking about food with all the extra time you have not training! 💁🏼
3. Increase Your Calories ⬆️
If your goal is hypertrophy or athletic performance then by all means increase your calories for the ultimate deload and super compensation. However keep in mind that if you increase your calories by say 200, you will also need to factor in the additional calories you won't be burning during your training sessions. If body comp is not an issue for you or your biggest priority this could be the way to go, and is guaranteed to get the most out of your deload as long as you don't use it as an excuse to eat shit and keep your diet clean. 🍓
So in short depending on your goal anything goes! Just keep in mind the purpose of your deload and adjust (or not) your nutrition accordingly! And don't treat your delaod as a week off both your diet and training. Eat the same foods, perhaps just change the amounts you eat depending on the end goal. 🏆
Feel free to comment below if you would like me to do a post on when, how and why you should take a deload too :) 💞
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🌟Current Stats🌟⠀⠀
✎ Weight: 55.5kg⠀⠀... ✎ Height: 165cm⠀⠀ ✎ Calories: 2300 (decrease by 120)⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ✎ Protein: 150g⠀⠀ ✎ Carbs: 200g (decrease in 75g) ✎ Fat: 100g (increase in 20g)⠀
✎ Training: 5 x Weight Sessions (45 mins max) ✎ Short Term Training Goal: Deload week before new phase ✎ Long Term Training Goal: Hypertrophy 💪🏻 ✎ Cardio: 15,000 Steps Walking ONLY 🚶🏼
Following on from @em_wizzfit's request I have included my training goals this week (which makes a lot more sense because what is one without the other!?) 😊 Training volume is massively down this week in both intensity and volume, and in line my total calories are down.....But - I do get to eat ALLLL THE FATSS! 😍 Having 100g of fats to play with has literally made my week 😂 Lets just say I have been able to eat a considerable amount of chocolate each night while vegging out in front of Netflix 🍫💟
As much as I Iove eating fats I certainly haven't been able to perform as optimally as I would on a hig​h​er carb diet in the gym. It still amazes (and equally upsets me) just how many women still have a massive fear of carbs. To be honest I'm not even sure why...carbs certainly don't make you fat?! I'm not sure if it has something to do with the 'new' fad in keto diets doing the rounds, or because when people drop carbs from their diet they automatically drop WEIGHT (and lets make that clear its weight NOT FAT). ⚠ I'm an genuinuely really confused!
My only conclusion is that lack of knowledge is what fuels fear. And lack of knowledge is understandable when there is so much contradictory information out there. But the truth is for the majority of us carbs are our friends and not our enemies. They are our bodies preferred fuel source, help us feel full and taste damn good!! So if you are fearing carbs it's time to educate yourself on how awesome they can really be 💗
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🌟 What If Every time We Looked In The Mirror We Praised Ourselves Instead Of ​C​riticising​?​ 🌟
I work in a gym with no mirrors - yep you heard right​ - no mirrors! (apart from one hidden in the back corner). The Reason? It helps​ shift the focus to body awareness​ ​as opposed to relying on mirrors as feedback which can be very distracting and counter productive. ✕
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Whenever I tell new clients there are no mirrors every single one says to me 'Good because I hate looking at myself in the mirror anyway' 🙍🏼 And it breaks my heart - how can so many women feel so unhappy with what they see staring back at them?! Regardless of how they look?
​I don't believe this unhappiness with what we see staring back at us has everything to do with how we​ look, I think it also has to do with how we​ perceive ourselves​ both inside and outside. It's about our mindset - we are ​actively seeking​​ out the flaws in the mirror​ and what we don't like. Think about it ​.. ​when you last looked in the mirror what did you look at and what did you think?​ I know I subconsciously focused on a part of me I didn't really like. ​😕 ❤︎
But we have the power to change that ​without any exercise or diet. We just need to change our mindset. What if every time we looked in the mirror we either said something positive or gave thanks or praise to our bodies​; not necessarily for the way they look but what they have done for us. 😍
We all have one thing we like about our bodies; our eyes, hair, nails - anything. And it might take you a second to think of it; but if you never left the mirror without saying one positive thing about yourself there is no doubt in my mind it would help change how we viewed ourselves. Try saying thank you to your body for giving you the energy to exercise, or the ability to walk or even see - or simply ​staring in​ the mirror and saying 'I do have nice eyes/arms/bum/face .. whatever it may be! 👌🏻 ❤︎
Practice makes perfect - take it a day at a time and before you know it you will have a whole new list of things you love instead of hate about yourself 💟
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🌟 3 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Had An Eating Disorder 🌟
It still amazes me to put Someone like this side by side and see how far I have come. I actually spent about a minute just staring at legs realising how much size I have actually put on them; even though to me they are still like twigs 🙍🏼
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🌟3 Thing I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Used to Be A Cardio Bunny🌟
I've loved exercise for just over 5 years now (not long in the grand scheme of things), but only got into training weights for the past 4. For the first 18 months prior I rarley stepped foot inside a gym and was your typical cardio bunny. My week would look like this:
... ✎ Monday: 5km Run + Yoga ✎Tuesday: Boxing + Yoga ✎ Wednesday: Run + Yoga ✎ Thursday: Boxing + Yoga ✎ Friday: Run + Yoga ✎ Saturday: Yoga
I thought I was the s**t 💁🏼 I thought I worked harder than anyone else, pushed harder than anyone else, did more sessions than everyone else - I was proud of how hard I went. But the truth was I didn't have the body I wanted, in fact I wasn't anywhere close. And I was constantly driven by a fear of if I didn't train I would get fat 😕
Fast Forward 5 years later, I am now educated and knowledgable about how to train 'smarter' rather than 'harder'(although there is always more to learn and I never stop educating myself), have the body i want and in general (although I can fall back into it for sure); don't train from a place of fear anymore.
I love the journey I have been on and it has shaped who I am today, but a part of me would love to be 18 months ahead of where I am now if only someone had given me the facts about what being a cardio bunny actually means. If there are 3 things I wish someone had pulled me aside and said to me when I was on my 6th run of the week (and btw I hate running) it's this:
1. Cardio will not sculpt your body
Cardio will always keep me skinny fat. For sure I might have been bigger than if I hadn't trained but it definitely didn't change my body shape.
2. Cardio is short term and won't change your metabolism
The bottom line in any body comp change is essentially energy in vs out. However weight training will give the added benefit of changing your metabolism in the long term. So cardio might help you burn caloires here and now; whereas weight training will help you burn more calories 2 weeks from now 😄
3. Cardio will make you work harder for less results
With cardio more = more until you have nowhere left to go. You either get injured, sick, plateau or simply can't sustain the amount of volume. You can't periodise cardio without changing compromising your body comp; and at some point it will reach it's peak and results will stall.
This is not a post bagging out car​d​io; far from it. Cardio is great for cardiovascular health, body comp and mental health. However if you rely on it cardiovascular for your exercise, feel like you are putting in all the work and not getting any f the results it may be time to hang up your runners and trade them in for some squat shoes instead 💪🏻
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🌟What I Wish I had Realised After My Shoot 🌟⠀ ⠀ ❤︎ ⠀ ⠀
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🌟Current Stats🌟⠀⠀
✎ Weight: 55.5kg⠀⠀... ✎ Height: 165cm⠀⠀ ✎ Calories: 2420 (same as last week)⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ✎ Protein: 150g⠀⠀ ✎ Carbs: 275g⠀⠀ ✎ Fat: 80g⠀⠀
🙋🏼 Photo on the left - me yesterday morning taking a very posed selfie for my usual 'Current Stats' Friday post
🙋🏼 Photo on the right - me this afternoon doing my progress pics for my coach
The main differences between pictures?
1. Left is flexed and posed to within an inch of my life (plus the best of probably 10 photos), first day after a tan, taken first thing in the morning before food when I have just done my hair and makeup and under what I know is the best lighting in the house 👌🏻
2. Right is not flexed, clearly not posed, 4pm after I've eaten over half my meals for the day, trained and under natural lighting. 💡
Both are me; and tbh I don't actually walk around looking like either of these, but the one on the right is of course a more accurate description of how I look every day. 💁🏼
From my first measurements 7 weeks ago my circumferences are up (especially around my waist) my weight is slightly up but more importantly my food is up!! And I am super happy with how much food I am currently consuming and how good I feel on it regardless of what the measurements say😊 Numbers in the gym are continuing to go up, I feel more confident training in my crop again than I did 7 weeks ago, and it actually feels good to be a bit 'thicker' (if an ectomorph like me ever can be!)
❤︎⠀ ⠀ So again this is just a reminder not to believe every photo you see and that no one walks around flexing and posing 24/7 (and if they do then they're an idiot) and looking their best.
Would you like all of my stats update to be like this? I'm thinking of switching my current posed selfie to this so you can all see what real life is! Let me know your thoughts I'd love your opinion 💟⠀⠀
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Best decision I ever made was to train with Kylie! I went to her with a specific goal and we smashed it! Along with that she also taught me so much about training, nutrition and being kind to yourself which I now implement daily. I gained a wonderful personal trainer and friend ��

More about Kylie Gilbert

Kylie Gilbert is located at Lift Performance Centre, The Rocks, Sydney 2000