Largest Electric Guitar Ensemble

About Largest Electric Guitar Ensemble

Australian attempt to break the World record by having 457 guitarists simultaneously playing the same song



Hey guys! 🤙 Just an update on the T-Shirts. Couple of our key team members were away after the Sydney Guitar Festival finished (let's admit, they did fantastic job), but we are now back in action and ready to pull the trigger on printing the T-Shirts. 👍
If you want to support the Australian Children's Music Foundation - ACMF by ordering the T-Shirts, please do so by 8PM on Monday 24 September. There won't be any other opportunity to purchase the T-Shirts after, so ...follow the link below, select the size you want, enter your postal address and *bada bing bada boom* your order is complete! 😎 Delivery is included in price 👍
The link is below👇👇👇 /TicketRequest…
We will get these manufactured and packed up by the end of next week and posted out to you on the 1st of October. 🚚🚚🚚
Let us know if any issues! 😎 Watch this space for updates 😉
Cheers 🤘 Largest Electric Guitar Ensemble
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Hi guys! Hope you had a great weekend!
There is an update, but nothing exciting so far...Guinness got us to upload additional paperwork as evidence, which we did just over the weekend. So our application is still being reviewed.
We will get back to you with more info as soon as we hear anything!
... Stay tuned and stay awesome 🤘
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Hey guys! 🤙 Sorry for a bit of a wait with the t-shirts, but our priority was to pump out all the required evidence to Guinness guys so that they can start processing our application! 🎸
Now, that being underway, we've finally set up the t-shirt sale system! Follow the link below, select the size you want, enter your postal address and *bada bing bada boom* the t-shirt is on its way! 😎 Delivery is included in price 👍
... The link is below👇👇👇 /TicketRequest…
Let us know if any issues! Cheers Largest Electric Guitar Ensemble
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It’s my absolute pleasure to share with you the final edit of the video taken by one of our videographers 😀. For those, who’s been there, I’m sure you’ll re-leave the amazing feelings you’ve experienced on the day! 😜 And for those, who has missed out, here’s why you should be kicking yourself for finding whatever excuse you had for not joining us! 😭
... The video is a genius combination of fantastic skills and pure passion for videography presented to you by Minji Maeng. 🔥She is a professional videographer with a heart of gold as she donated all of her pay from the day of taking the video and many many hours editing it to the Australian Children's Music Foundation - ACMF ❤️
For any video related enquiries, please contact her via 👉 Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: e1ePBrw
Thanks to The Concourse for providing the perfect space for the attempt, Sydney Guitar Festival for making the event possible, Triple M Sydney and Ugly Phil for hosting the attempt, Choirboys Official Fan Page for leading the army of guitarists to the victory, 7 News Sydney, Channel 9 and Channel 10 Studios for providing great media coverage and all of YOU for being the essential part of the event, creating absolutely mind-blowing atmosphere and showing the entire world how it’s done! 🤘🎸🤘
Comment, Tag, Like, Share and make it go Viral! 🌏 Stay tuned and stay AWESOME! 😎 Largest Electric Guitar Ensemble
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It’s my absolute pleasure to share with you the final edit of the video taken by one of our videographers. 😀 For those, who’s been there, I’m sure you’ll re-leave the amazing feelings you’ve experienced on the day! 😜 And for those, who has missed out, here’s why you should be kicking yourself for finding whatever excuse you had for not joining us! 😭
The video is a genius combination of fantastic skills and pure passion for videography presented to you by Minji Maeng 🔥. She is... a professional videographer with a heart of gold as she donated all of her pay from the day of taking the video and many many hours editing it to the Australian Children's Music Foundation - ACMF ❤️
For any video related enquiries, please contact her via 👉 Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: e1ePBrw
Thanks to The Concourse for providing a great space for the event, Sydney Guitar Festival for making this event possible, Triple M Sydney and Ugly Phil for hosting the record attempt, Choirboys Official Fan Page for leading an army of guitarists, Channel 10 Studios, Channel 9 and 7 News Sydney for providing great media coverage and all of YOU for being the essential part of this mind blowing experience, creating an amazing atmosphere and showing the World how it's done🤘
Comment, Tag, Like, Share and make it go viral! 🌏 Stay AWESOME! 😎
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Thanks Choirboys Official Fan Page for being a part of this EPIC event!


Event coverage done as it should! Thanks Channel 10 Studios 🤘


Some cool photos done by James D. Morgan. Tag yourselves and mates 🤘


How awesome is this! 🔥 made a post about us! Fantastic! 🤘 How many of you used the web-site to get tabs or guitar pro file? 🤣 I must admit...the tabs for the campaign also came from UG 😏


A bit of a personal observation…I've given up watching TV and reading news a few years ago and forgot how badly it affects people reading them. When I was scrolling through the news on CH 7, 9 and 10 web-sites and facebook pages I've come to realise that most news is NEGATIVE! From what I can see, there are only 20% (if that!) news that is related to something positive, uplifting, inspirational or motivational. Most is about terrible things like murders and accidents etc. And... it creates a vicious cycle as negative news create negative emotions in people, who do terrible things, which lead to even more negative news! Now imagine, if it affects adults so badly, what does it do to kids? Imagine all the negativity kids from difficult families absorb on daily basis! It completely ruins their lives as they don't know any better, don't see any options out of the reality they live in. That's why amongst many amazing charity organisations, we asked Australian Children's Music Foundation - ACMF to partner up with us as they do fantastic things by providing more than just music classes and instruments. They provide an amazing atmosphere, positive emotions and offer the way out of the vicious cycle, away from negativity. All to do with the creative nature of music. Sometimes all the kids need is for someone to show them how to enjoy their life by creating music.
I really appreciate all of your feedback and I'm very happy our silly event brought the smile to the faces of participants and their families! I did feel the positive energy in the air and it felt AMAZING! I haven’t been so happy in a long time! I hope these emotions inspired more people to do silly but positive things like that filled with emotions! And I also hope this motivated the kids (and there were many kids on the day) to refer to music for positive energy and for inspiration at any time. If you have a chance to help out Australian Children's Music Foundation - ACMF in their journey to change kids’ lives with the power of music, I encourage you to give them a shout and see if they need a hand, which they are always happy to accept. Don Spencer and the team are great people and very positive thinking. Thanks again for all the kind messages you’ve been sending across. People like you and I can't battle the bad things that happen in the world, but instead, we can create and share positive emotions with the world and sometimes that's all it takes to break through the negativity!
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Found some great pics here
In SEARCH line copy and paste "hundreds of guitarists gather for guinness world record attempt"


"I saw the news today oh boy..." UK 🇬🇧️ is talking about YOU! And not just any mid tier music magazine, but Guitar World! I mean these guys have over 1.8 million LIKES on Facebook alone!


We're taking over the WORLD guys! 🔥🔥🔥Thanks for posting the links to various news sources from different countries! Keep them coming🤙
So far we have...🤤
ITALIAN news 🇨🇮️:...…/ac_dc_sydney_highw ay_…/news/2018-08-13/
BRAZILIAN news 🇧🇷️:…/457- guitarristas-se-jun…/
RUSSIAN news 🇷🇺️:
and SWEDISH 🇸🇪️ news as per the previous post!
Well done guys! How does it feel to see the ripples of the massive ROCK wave we've started at Chatswood last Sunday?! 🤘🤘🤘
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*** T-SHIRTS ***
Hey ROCK stars! 🤘 How good are the t-shirts? Great quality, bright colours, but most importantly, they are an awesome item to remember the day YOU smashed the Guinness World Record! 🎸 x 457🔥 How often does that happen?!
We didn't have any extra t-shirts to sell on the day and now we are getting a huge number of requests to create another order, which is what we will do! 💪 The way we will set it up is through the crowdfunding campaign again. The campaign will for 2-3 weeks ONLY to accumulate a bulk order. You don't need to collect the t-shirts from anywhere, instead, at the time of order, you will be asked to leave your postall address for us to send them to you! Simple 😎
Keep an eye on this page as we will post the link to the crowdfunding campaing early NEXT week! 😉
BTW, it's our pleasure to recommend Merchfan for fantastic quality t-shirts! They are great guys to deal with and their work is TOP quality. If you ever need any merch done, give them a shout! 🤘
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Hey guys, anyone reads Swedish? Apparently, you ROCKED so hard, they heard it on the other side of the WORLD! 😎
Stay awesome! 🎸


More footage from Triple M Sydney 🤘


*** Footage from Channel 7 *** 😎
12 August 2018 is the day when 457 guitarists from all over Australia have gathered for an epic record-smashing attempt to beat the Largest Electric Guitar Ensemble Guinness world record. Thanks to the Sydney Guitar Festival for organising the event, volunteers, participants and supporters! Funds are raised to support the Australian Children's Music Foundation - ACMF:
Pending confirmation from Guinness committee...stay tuned and stay AWESOME! 🎸

More about Largest Electric Guitar Ensemble

Largest Electric Guitar Ensemble is located at Sydney, Australia