Law Of Attraction Mums - Dream Believe Achieve

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Law Of Attraction Mums - Dream Believe Achieve Description

Do you love to wonder about the world we live in and enjoy the simplest pleasures? Are you looking for a similar point of view and helpful ideas and inspiration towards health and vibrant energy for the whole family? See you at www. realfoodtribe. blog : -) There you will find 3 ebooks including Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food, 33 Ways To Have A Fun Birth, and the fun and popular Dusty's Wonder Bug, and 3 paperback books ready to order either from this site or from Amazon!

Visit the SHOP on this facebook page to order your copy of Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food (How-To Guide), PLUS the colourful illustrated Dusty's Wonder Bug children's adventure book, and more!

All by author Joanna Becker.



Are you looking for a pancake recipe that you feel good about serving to your kids? My kids love pancakes. They love combining ingredients, cooking over the stove top, spreading their sauce or honey and are always full! The challenge for us mums can sometimes be in ensuring they have more than just wheat, cow’s milk, jam & egg (too much fast-release sugar!) in their bellies before they head out for the big day of action. Especially when they ask for pancakes almost every day ...of the week. So here’s the slow-release, healthy fat, recipe I’ve perfected and had the massive ✔️ of joy on!
In milkshake blender combine: - 1 cup organic brown whole-wheat flour - 1/2 cup rye flour - 1 cup organic soy milk (or oat milk) - almost 1 cup frozen passion fruit chunks - 1tsp bicarbonate soda - 1 cup coconut cream
The passion fruit helps offset the flavour of buckwheat flour but mostly I like blending it up in foods because of its anti-parasitic benefits.
The kids LOVE this! Please give it a whirl with your kids.
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What do you serve up for morning tea and lunch on home-days?
This one day I served up chick peas, steamed broccoli, tuna, attempted creamed cheese (not liked), and baby cinos, a selection of different finger foods for busy bodies.
Let your kids choose what they want to try from an unusual selection.
... Kids love to be involved! 👍 If you have a can of vegetables - baby corn, carrots, pineapple, etc, encourage your kids to have a go at opening it either with the tab-pull or a can opener (fun!) 👍 If you have rice paper sheets, encourage them to soak them in water, then add their own fillings. 👍 If you have chopsticks, let them try out a new fun way of getting food into their mouths. Eventually they get so tempted they start shoveling food in with their fingers!
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Going camping soon? Spring is soooo close! We went camping last weekend as a last-second idea and how good it was for all souls, big and small.
How to teach kids how to eat real food when camping? Join me with your ideas below. Our kiddies made apple rabbits to cook on sticks. They cut out slits for eyes and ears and inserted dried banana, which was tricky (and fun) to cut. They also made their own dampers, measuring out their ingredients “by feel” until desired consistency ...was reached. How blissed-out they were when they drizzled on warm honey! We then had 30 minutes of silence while they were buttering, honey-ing and munching on their own baked bread!
Kids can make up their own ideas and freely cook amazing little creations on the campfire, so long as parents, grandparents, friends, are supportive and encouraging (it makes all the difference!). You don’t need to prompt them other than, “I wonder what amazing things you can cook on the camp fire? Can you show me one of your ideas?” Then let them use your box of food at free will. The responsibility that comes with grating, slicing, and keeping a safe distance from fire while cooking, is empowering and satisfying. Setting them up for an empowered, rewarding future.
More Mum-to-mum talk like this in Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food ebook, available at
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If you go to Ikea and feel like remodeling part of your kitchen, you can buy an awesome kitchen bench that has a kid-sized area for your kids to cook while you cook, down at their level. OR these normal little kids tables (most of us already have these at home) work just as well. Ours is a small timber table, lovingly restored by nanna, which we tuck under the main bench in the kitchen. This way you can ask little 2-6 year old kiddies to chop up dinner ingredients, while you chop on the bench right next to them. In this photo - carrots, sweet potatoes and potatoes are being sliced, for making hot chips in the oven.
More ideas and inspiration like this in the book “Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food” available at


Hey ideas people. I’d love to hear from you. I’m having a baby and it could be anytime over the coming weeks. I need to have “sustain food” on hand for myself, kids and husband on the day. This is doing my baby brain head in!
I could leave it to the day and luck of what I’ve got in the fridge. Or I could go down to the supermarket in early labour and pick up fresh ingredients. Or I could - ideally - pack a box and have it ready, (padlock it so the kids don’t eat it tomorrow ...🤣) and put my mind at ease now.
Can you help me come up with a list of things that can be packed ahead of time, wholesome healthy ingredients, some that can be warmed up to be eaten hot perhaps?
I always have heaps of fresh eggs ready to cook, and fruit and veg to snack on, and pretty much most essentials from a health food shop in the pantry and fridge.
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How very happy I am, that by 8.30 in the morning my children have self-led, intuitively produced scones and meringue! Very few ingredients - flour, lemon juice, baking soda, milk (for scones), and egg whites from our layers, and sugar, for the meringue. The value in children seeing how easy and fun it is in making their own food, immeasurable. And no nasty numbers on food out of a packet! Do your kiddos get in the kitchen and invent? Do you let them play freely? I strongly... recommend you do so 👍
“Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food” paperback and ebook available - a guide for parents.
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Did you know kids love to sort out their own problems? Step out of the way parents 🤗 From the age of 1, they want to have a go at anything their little hearts are set on.
As a Mum of 2 with another bub soon due to join us, I remind myself often - any behavioral challenge can be overcome if we parents give our kids more responsibility, a greater way to contribute, a sense of purpose. Especially in those little bite-size moments, which we could so easily regard as insignificant and make a snap decision to fix ourselves. Especially in THOSE moments.


Have you and your kids tried using a cheese making kit, at home?
Or, have you tried blending a raw “cheese” substitute with cashews and herbs?
Was it fun?


🙌 Cooking feels 🙌 What are you doing right now? Can you get into the kitchen and entertain your kids with a live cooking show? 🤗
Here’s one for little fingers to get messy with. More on and in the book “Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food”.


When kids are involved in the growing process, their excitement to eat and drink “real food” soars.
To me this is what “real food” is: Food you understand. Food your kids understand. Prepared at home, no labels, no reading skills required!
More in the book, “Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food” available at


I hope you enjoy reading more stories like this, plus DIY activities - to inspire you on your path of teaching your kids how to eat real food - all in the book “Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food”. 🙌 Don’t focus on what you don’t want. Focus on what you DO want.


Yesss 🙌🙌 this is what the children’s book “Dusty’s Wonder Bug” is allllll about 😁


Bit of a lesson for my boys tonight. As a homeschooling family we look for ways to educate them with real living experiences that make sense. Dusty & Max were so desperate for a camping trip, we encouraged them to make their dreams happen at home.
They shopped for sausages & steak, collected firewood, got it going, cooked their dinner, collected crockery/cutlery, and got themselves ready to dig in. This is not beyond a 5 year old and 8 year old. As parents I feel we need to ...take a step back and ask them - “if you want this to happen, take charge now, what action can you take right now?”
Of course it starts with listening to their dreams. Being present. And helping them feel safe in acknowledging their dreams out loud.
🏹 Max’s Bright Fly is a children’s book about kids recognizing their power and bringing their ambitions to life. 🎣 Dusty’s Wonder Bug is a children’s book about kids realizing that food is Wonder-full and fascinating, and empowering kids with knowledge and real life experiences around food. 📕 Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food is a book for grown-ups, demonstrating how a shift in attitude, thoughts and vocabulary can turn fussy, packet-food-loving and disempowered kids into real-food-admiring, empowered, enthusiastic kids - transforming meal times and lifestyles. All available at
- Joanna Becker, author Teaching Our Kids How To Eat Real Food, Dusty’s Wonder Bug & Max’s Bright Fly
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Yesterday I wrote a list of 41 Short and Sweet result-based reasons to homeschool (read here). I did this because I feel strongly about an issue that faces all of us at some stage - and it's witnessing children and parents who feel powerless. My main problem is with children feeling powerless, and growing up into adults who believe they are powerless. [ 498 more words ]…/connecting -people-to-free-peo…/


Listening to your heart can be challenging. You can want to homeschool but have no idea how to start and what it would involve, and come up with all kinds of reasons why it isn't possible. And sure, it isn't possible for some people - depending on their circumstances in life (what they have moulded and shaped thus far), as well as their passions and dreams. [ 1,236 more word ]…/41-short-a nd-sweet-result-foc…/


From paddock to plate. When the daddy and the 5yo get out the pitchfork and dig up something yummy for dinner. Now we just wait and see what Mr 5yo is going to cook 🤞👍

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