Life Matters Academy

Monday: 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 17:00
Friday: 09:30 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Life Matters Academy

Personal development from an Islamic perspective.

Life Matters Academy Description

Life Matters Academy is centred on providing the skills, tools and knowledge to facilitate empowerment and excellence in all areas of your life.

We specialise in working with individuals who aspire to live their lives with a meaningful purpose and balance. Our unique programs ultimately facilitate the continual development of your character, and encourage you to aspire toward the achievement of true excellence in this life and in the hereafter, in sha Allah.

We believe in the power of personal development to change people’s lives, and move them toward taking action to achieve the results they ultimately want.

Personal growth is key in this journey, and knowledge is important. Applying the 'knowledge' is what stops most people from making lasting, positive changes.

At Life Matters Academy, you'll find services that will bridge the gap between attaining knowledge and taking the necessary steps to apply it consistently in your everyday life, in sha Allah.



Alhamdulillah, full house last night at Life Matters for our Emotional Freedom Session!
Here's our *Free Online Resource* for you - a snippet of the key strategy Aisha shared with ladies –
“The NLP 10 STEP ACTION PLAN” for Emotional Freedom
... 👉To read the BLOG with mini-workshop audio version (& share with others) action-plan-for-e…/
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“Why I’m I struggling in raising my kids?”... and “how do I best raise my children so they grow into pious, balanced and successful people in this world and the hereafter?”...
It took me a while to answer these questions myself; so I will explain the answer in an analogy (with the pic I drew below 😎) ...
Imagine yourself as a container; you’re only able to maintain your “children’s rainfall” according to the size of your container!
... Once you’re full; everything they ”offer” will seem unbearable and hard to will just overflow... and likely create “floods” of anger, stress and resentment... as there will be no room for more...
If we, as parents, are operating from small containers, we won’t be able to do ourselves or our kids justice...
The solution is to *expand your container*; so you can contain more...
And the only way to expand your container is through knowledge!
Allah (swt) rhetorically Asks in the Qur’an: “Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” 38:9
The answer: absolutely not...
Knowing about yourself as a mother, deeply understanding your children and learning powerful strategies and tools that will equip you to deal with your children on a day to day basis is the key to parenting success...and ultimately all success is from Allah Alone; but we need to learn how to do our best as we will be asked...
Not many people unfortunately invest time learning to gain such knowledge “to expand their container”... when we all should...
In less than a week; I will be running a three week Parenting Success intensive training in Sha Allah- my favourite training in the year at LM! which is all about gaining such essential knowledge that will free and empower us and our children for years to come in sha Allah...
* We run this “life changing training” (what numerous previous attendees said about it) only once a year! * Childminding is available * Fee instalment option over the three weeks is available (contact us for details) * See flyer in comments for more information
Don’t miss out... last chance to register... only a few spots left before this training is booked out...
Register here:
#ExpandTheContainer ✊🏽
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Was speaking to a dear friend today; who was diagnosed with a vicious type of cancer a few years ago and told she “won’t live for long”, but Alhamdulilah; it’s been more than 10 years that she’s been in remission, cancer free and healthy mashallah... May Allah keep her well always... and give cure and health to every sick person, Ameen...
She was sharing with me how another woman she knows, also diagnosed with the same cancer, had entirely different results to her- and how woman directly told her, “why are you OK, and I am not!”...
Which lead to a discussion about reda, envy, diseased hearts, life trials, patience, etc...
But in the discussion my friend said a profound phrase that stuck with me all day... she said, “everyone has a different history with Allah” ... she didn’t mean it in an arrogant way; but she truly believes that her healing has been possible only by Allah’s Will then her determination to do what Heals...
She was *constant* with charity, dua, Qiam and Qur’an since she was diagnosed - and constant meaning daily; till now mashallah...
But she was doing all these things also BEFORE she got sick... she didn’t return to Allah in her time of need only; she was near Him before... in the good times as well... mashallah ولا نزكي على الله أحدا
She had a good history with Allah that probably saved her...
Our history with Allah (swt) matters...
And we all create our “history with Allah” everyday...
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Join us tonight, 8-9pm at Life Matters, for our ‘Emotional Freedom’ session using NLP (Free) 😘
🌸 Tonight you'll gain insights & strategies you can start applying in your life on:
* How our physiology/state of our bodies effects our emotions... * The four different ways people deal with challenging emotions (what the ideal way is) * A powerful and easy to use ‘NLP 10 Step Action Plan’ you can use, for any negative emotional response or habit that you struggle to overcome
Simply register at: otionalfreedom
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The beauty in mornings is not in the rise of the sun, but in being grateful for being alive for another day...
Being alive and healthy is a blessing that if we truly understood and appreciated; we won’t allow feelings of sadness or worries to take over in this passing life... the blessing of being alive and well is massive it can contain all other worries...if we reflect...
Hence why we are meant to say every morning upon waking up:... الحمد لله الذي أحيانا بعد ما أماتنا وإليه النشور
“All praise is for Allah who gave us life after having taken it from us (through sleep) and unto him is resurrection”
Starting your day feeling gratitude to Allah (swt) from within your heart is a game changer... the effect of this state will impact the rest of your day... and actively feeling and practicing “hamd” daily will impact the rest of your life in Sha Allah 🤲🏽
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None of us can “add” even one moment to our life course by if we can’t alter our lives with worrying by this little; why have anxiety about the rest?!
Let *it* go... you’re going to be fine in Sha Allah... you’re worrying won’t make any difference to the Divine Plan that’s designed for you before you were even born...


Aisha's new blog shares her Islamic Meditation practices - (including PDF for easy reference, video/audio on the way). She is sharing 6 meditation practices developed over the years that have transformed her whole life spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
Daily Islamic meditation enhances our ability to live in a strong spiritual states, feel connected and close to Allah swt thoughout our day and provide various powerful anchors that you can trigger off at any time such a...s the ability to enter and *maintain* strong relaxation states easily, no matter what situations/contexts.
Inshallah it will do this for you and more by you making it part of your daily routine for at least a solid 20 minutes minimum to super boost your day and ability to stay in positive states inshallah for your optimal success in all that you do. meditation/
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Social media has become a key tool for interacting with the world we live in...what we share with in this media platform is important...
I believe there are 3 types of things we can share on social media platforms:
1. Content that benefits the self and others: this includes educational material, raising awareness on causes and injustices, sharing of beneficial services, keeping up with friends and family, support in challenging times, activism, daw’a purposes, etc
... ~ And the person who shares such content will in Sha Allah get rewarded for doing so; so their scale of good deeds is working whenever they are on social media in Sha Allah
2. Content that harms the self and others: such as sharing rumours, misguiding information, teaching people how to do wrong, sharing of forbidden content and pictures, bullying behaviour online, showing off etc
~ The person who shares such content will be held accountable and accumulate sins if they don’t repent.
3. Content that neither harms nor benefits: for example; “where I’m having lunch and what I’m having for lunch”, just scrolling down the never ending newsfeed and killing time, stalking random people online and following their lives, etc
~This is considered a form of “waste” of time and energy that we will regret later, especially on judgment day if we were to find for example all these hours added up to months if not years of “empty time” that we could’ve invested in what benefits us in our life and hereafter; where we would beg to return for just one minute to do good!
How we use our time on social media, why we use it and how much we use it are all questions we need to all individually reflect on...
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This Parenting Workshop came out of my own struggles with parenting...
I struggled SO much in my early years of parenting when the girls were younger... I remember almost always feeling stressed, guilty, exhausted and I wasn’t feeling the joy I thought “I should feel” as a mum...I didn’t know if it was “me” or “my kids” that created this reality... ✨ It took me years of unnecessary pain to realise that I actually must “learn how to do parenting”! And that raising children d...oesn’t come “naturally”... all success is from Allah (swt); but we are still required to seek knowledge to do the best we can... ✨ And just like we have to go to university to learn and train to become doctors and teachers; I believe it’s more important to do similar learning and training for parenting; because there isn’t an important role as important as the role of a parent whose responsible for the wellbeing and upbringing of a human being... ✨ This three week workshop series (only 2 hours a week) is compiled from the parenting trainings I personally did, content from 20 of the best parenting books I read and the experience of hundreds of mothers through coaching and workshop clients who have shared their difficulties and their triumphs with me... ✨ The information I will be sharing with the mothers attending in Sha Allah transformed my own parenting, helped countless mums Alhamdulilah and I would like to invite you to this unique training opportunity (which we only run once a year at LM!) which will help you immensely on your parenting journey in Sha Allah... ✨ I believe that YOU are the expert in your parenting (no one knows your kids like you do!); but this workshop will give you some superb tools to add to your “parenting tools box” that will take your expertise to the next level in Sha Allah... ✨ ✔️It will help you with managing your “parenting day” ✔️It will help you feel more relaxed and less stressed ✔️It will help you reactivate and reclaim your parenting power ✔️It will help your release the blockages and old traumas of your own childhood (the way we were raised directly impacts how we raise our own kids) ✔️It will help you acknowledge that parenting is a daily bumpy road (we need to stop romanticising it!) the struggle is part of the process; but we need to “struggle right” ✔️It will help you make the world a better place! YES; good parenting does this - as I believe almost all of our world problems stem from parenting! ✨ Alhamdulilah been running this successful training for the last three years and it books out every time...
We have a few spots left... Don’t miss out!
Join is and the wonderful mothers on this three week journey that will in Sha Allah equip and help you in ways you never thought possible 💪🏽
Register now here:
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Don’t invest your energy and thoughts on people that don’t matter... heal from the “disease to please” 🙌🏾

More about Life Matters Academy

Life Matters Academy is located at 2/69 The Mall, Bankstown, New South Wales 2200
Monday: 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 17:00
Friday: 09:30 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -