Life'S Potential

About Life'S Potential

I'm Vesna, author of Life's Potential postings. Each breath you take is sacred, each thought you share is a gift. I also create Essential Oil Blends to Support and Nurture ~ Rejuvenating Face Serum, Deep Healing Blend, Muscle Recovery Blend & Parfums.

Life'S Potential Description

Through Life's Potential I bring you inspiration with my words & beautiful imagery to connect you visually to the dialogue. I'll be sharing knowledge about the importance of honouring & caring for ourselves.

It's in the pausing that there is stillness, so we can truly hear the sound of our own heart. When connected to this source, we are powerful & clear about what we say, what we do & how we live our lives. I live my life from this perspective.

Everything I post on this page is a reflection of who I am as a person & what I believe. The words are my words, original and part of the collective consciousness. The comments, recommendations or suggestions are all based on personal experience & what I use for myself, family & friends.

You are welcome to share the posts and I simply ask that you link the piece back to me at Life's Potential.

I look forward to seeing you on the pages of Life's Potential!

<3 Vesna

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