Livfit Lifestyle Personal Training & Online Fitness Coaching

About Livfit Lifestyle Personal Training & Online Fitness Coaching

Empowering individuals to look and feel their best both physically and mentally through customised Health, Fitness & Wellness Coaching

Online Fitness & Wellness Coach | Personal Trainer



FREE FITNESS COACHING/CONSULTATION CALL WITH ME . . . Got specific questions regarding your training and/or nutrition? Or simply in the need for a clear direction to get started on your health and fitness goals? Then simply comment below or DM me with your biggest concern or struggle and I will choose a couple of you to get on a free 30 minute coaching call to guide you through it all.... . . . I am planning on doing an informational live video every single day of next week so your comments/DMs to this post will help me choose my video topics. And in return I would like to provide a few of you with a free coaching call just as a gesture of appreciation --- my way of saying thanks to you all for supporting me so far and being so interactive with my content. . . . Look forward to getting on a call with you 😊
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WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT YOUR HEALTH & FITNESS? . . . I recently had someone ask me this simple question a few days back and it got me thinking. You would think I would have a quick and easy answer to respond back instantly but after some digging (to find the real reason), this is what I came up with:... . . . ➡️The discipline required to stay committed to a structured training and nutrition routine directly translates to other aspects of my life. . . . ➡️Provides me a sense of accomplishment and empowerment since I know the health and physique I have achieved cannot be purchased like fancy cars or clothing. I earned it and continue to invest my sweat and efforts to keep achieving more! . . . ➡️It allows me to show up as the best version of myself in my career, relationships, etc. . . . ➡️Makes me feel good physically and mentally. Helps me keep a positive outlook on life situations. . . . ➡️Provides me self confidence (something that I struggled with most of my life) . . . WHY DO YOU FITNESS? Share it in comments below! . . . 📸 @barry_1357
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HOW DO I STAY MOTIVATED? . . . People often have this misconception that since I am a Fitness Coach, I must stay motivated in the gym all the time but to be honest, this is so not true. I am not always motivated but there are some things that do help me push through when the going gets tough. This might be helpful to you (and applies to other aspects of your life as well): . .... . 1. BE AWARE OF YOUR 'WHY' If you struggling with keeping up with your goals, always return back to 'WHY' you started in the first place. Your 'WHY' could simply be "to look great at the beach by getting a 6 pack"! But I challenge you to dig deeper --- Why do you really want to hit the gym and improve your body and health? This step is so crucial and essential for being successful at any of your goals. . . . 2. BE SELF-AWARE OF YOUR NEGATIVE MINDSET Our mind can be extremely self-sabotaging --- holding us back and limiting our belief in our potential. Until and unless you are aware of these negative thought patterns, it will be impossible for you to change your mindset. Your job is to be aware of these as they come up and see them for what they are --- NOT TRUE AT ALL! Our mind will always find excuses to avoid working out but that is when you go back to step 1 --- think about your 'WHY' and shift your mindset. . . . 3. PRACTICE POSITIVE RE-INFORCEMENT We are all human and we are all motivated by pleasure and reward. Find a way to "hack" your internal reward-centre and self-motivate. Shift your focus on the positives of working out --- think how much better you feel after a training session --- how empowered you will feel once you have lost the excess fat --- how you will have more energy and stamina to play and keep up with your kids --- and so on. . . . Comment below your 'WHY' and what helps you stay motivated! . . 📸 @barry_1357
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MEMORIES OVER MACROS - EXPERIENCES OVER EVERYTHING ELSE! . . . This post is not going to have my usual long and 'boring' captions 😋... . . . Just wanted to do a quick throwback to our travels and experiences. Training, being conscious about nutrition, health goals, etc. Are just a PART OF YOUR LIFE and NOT YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. It is so important to understand this and have a balance. Do not get too obsessed --- enjoy life and experience new places, new people, new settings without worrying about calories, workouts or thinking "Damn it, I didn't reach my protein goal today"! Travelling is one of my other passions and when I am travelling, I make sure I let go and try to soak in all the experiences that the place has to offer. I know that once I am back, I will jump right back into my routine --- so no stress. . . . Here is to more travels and new experiences with my travel buddy @barry_1357 . . . PS if you look close enough at the photo, you will see me in it as well...hahaha! 📸@barry_1357 . . . Comment below your favourite place you have travelled to. Mine would be New Zealand & Mauritius so far.
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WHY NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS! (Post 2 of 2) --- personal story . . . Through research and follwoing "no-bullshit" fitness coaches, I learnt the right way to achieve my goals! You got to focus ok one goal at a time (fat loss or muscle gain) for optimal results. Soon enough my motivation was no longer driven by aesthetics but rather strength and the sense of empowerment it gave me. Through right training and nutrition, I have successfully been able to put on lean muscle and... the "curves" that my body has the potential for. . . . We cannot expect to look like a certain person we see on the internet ---- every person's body is different and has different potential. So aim for YOUR best potential and stop chasing unrealistic body goals. I learned this the hard way and that is why I am here sharing this with you all. . . . Also make sure to set non-body/aesthetic related goals as well --- these are way more rewarding and empowering (mentally and physically). Funny enough I still get people pointing out at my body and saying you don't need to train --- you are already skinny! End goal is not to be skinny --- there are other reasons why people train --- strength goals --- mental health --- general fitness and health --- and lots more! . . . Help me change the perspective! Share this post with your family and friends. Nobody seems to be talking about this! . . . 📸 @barry_1357
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WHY NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS! (Post 1 of 2) --- personal story! . . . Being called skinny is not cool. People are so conscious about not hurting people's feelings who might be overweight but it's very rare to see someone realise that calling someone skinny is equally hurtful and rude. It is also a type of bodyshaming! . .... . I was always underweight (due to genetics --- always been the biggest foodie) all my life (except for when I was a baby...I was sure a chubby one). And people around me made sure I was aware of the fact by constantly making comments and passing judgement on my body --- sadly including my close family and friends. Unfortunately even they never realised that saying stuff like "you getting skinnier day by day" or "you should be eating more"...and so on could have a negative effect on someone! This is how our society is and to them this is normal to say. Sad but thats a fact! . . . When I started training, my motivation was driven by aesthetics portrayed by social media influencers and fitness magazine models. They all had the curves yet flat stomach and that was my ideal body type. I would do resistance training to "add curves" and at the same time do a 1000 calorie burn workout to "get rid of stomach fat" and punish myself if I ate too much. . . . We all know how this ended --- no results or reverse of what I was wanting to achieve. Unfortunately if you are new to fitness and training, the information floating on the webs can be extremely misleading and sabotaging your real goals. . . . CONTINUED in the next post going up this evening..... . . . 📸 @barry_1357 .
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I could probably list a million of these as there is way too much sh*t floating on the internet these days causing beginners and even intermediates to make mistakes when it comes to losing fat and/or gaining muscle.
1. Thinking MORE IS BETTER
... As I am constantly at the gym working, I get to see and observe people and their training patterns. I notice so many people just over doing it. I would see a new face continuously for a few weeks, putting in their best effort (probably too much effort), and then they disappear from the face of earth. Why? Because their body is exhausted --- overtrained --- given up --- or they have caused an injury --- lack of recovery.
More sets, more cardio, more goals, more exercises, more time spent on training is not the answer! Think Quality over Quantity. You don't need to spend more than 45 minutes at the gym --- Pick a suitable training program and follow it as closely as possible.
In today's day and age, we expect instant results --- it might work in other aspects of your life but unfortunately, when it comes to your health/fitness goals, this instant result mentality is your path to self-sabotage, frustration and sometimes as worse as depression.
In fact it takes up to 2-3 months for your body to start fighting new habits and start embracing it in the form of muscle gain and fat loss.
Be patient and be more stubborn than your body --- consistently keep putting in the effort and in a matter of 8-12 weeks, you will see the fruit of your hard work.
Does cardio burn enough calories to help you lose fat? Yes, it sure does but it's by no means the most efficient or effective way to achieve this goal.
Muscle burns calories even when you at rest --- so the more muscle you add (via resistance training) --- you become a more efficient fat-burning machine.
Other mistakes --- getting fixated on the scale, cutting back too dangerously low calorie intake, relying on supplements for results. . . 📸 @barry_1357
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STRUGGLING TO STAY CONSISTENT? --- I AM HERE TO HELP! . . . As a Fitness Coach, this is one of the most common things I hear from others when asked "what is the biggest struggle for you to reaching your health and fitness goals".... . . . CONSISTENCY --- extremely important in achieving any goal that you might have but let's be real --- we all struggle with staying consistent and on track. This is when being accountable to someone, like a Fitness Coach is extremely beneficial. . . . Having a Fitness Coach on your side, who is equally invested in your goals as you are, who is there to consistently and persistently guide you through the process, will help you stay on track and push through your hard and low times. Besides providing customised guidance (training and nutrition), a Coach keeps an eye on your progress and adjust your program as needed to ensure optimal results. . . . When you have someone to answer/report to on a regular basis, you are forced to stay consistent, leading you to achieve the results you have been chasing all this time. . . . We all need accountability! Personally, being new to the business world, I opted to hire a Business Coach and that has been the best investment to date so far as that accountability to a Coach helped me to stop procrastinating, take action and stay consistent. So now I am here to help as your Fitness Coach --- to be that person, that guide, to keep you on track and be consistent and get you the results you have been struggling to achieve. . . . DM me if you interested in getting to know more about my Online Fitness Coaching.
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MY STORY --- MY SELF DISCOVERY EXPERIENCE (Post 2 of 2) - continuation to my previous post! . . . . . Once I discovered my passion and realised that a career in fitness and wellness was what I really wanted and that I wanted to give my 100% to this new phase of life, I decided to give in my resignation --- it was a sudden overnight decision. I had finally given myself permission to be myself. To focus 100% on my own purpose. I have been a CEO of my life, reporting to myself f...ull-time for 18 months now. . . . . I will say, the nightmares I had about what would happen if I quit --- have not come true. In fact, quite the opposite! I am completely free! I am making bigger impact on others than I ever thought I would --- in a way that is so rewarding and fulfilling --- coaching others how to transform from inside out --- has brought a deeper level of fulfillment in my life --- a level I didn't even know existed. . . . . It is only now I realise that if people love and care about you unconditionally, they will be happy with your success if you are happy and content with what you are doing. If someone is not happy with where you at, then it's unfortunately time to cut these people off from your life. . . . . I share this story because perhaps some of you are in the shoes I was in 18 months ago --- you have this idea --- a faint light hanging out in front of you trying to guide you! If you do, I'd advice to explore it and follow it. This intuition of yours --- this light --- will never steer you wrong and if your passion is strong enough, Failure will not even be an option! You will WIN!
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MY STORY --- MY SELF DISCOVERY EXPERIENCE (Post 1 of 2) . . It is always hard to share your personal story on social media platforms but from my experience, I have come to realise that sharing your personal stories, struggles, wins --- is valuable to some of you who might be able to relate with me. .... . . I have always been the one to make others around me happy and try to make them feel proud of me. I have always been the one seeking other's approvals and do things that were acceptable by them. Unfortunately and sadly we all are socially conditioned like this to some extent. . . . I come from a family of Engineers (including my Dad) so my "obvious" choice of career was Engineering. No one ever forced me to do so but I knew that it would make Dad proud of me. And now looking back at it, I didn't even think twice before making the choice --- didn't even consider a second option. On the day of graduation, my dad said "It is the most proud moment for me" and that meant the world to me at that very moment. . . . Down the road, I started working in the industry --- had a respectable job with fairly good income --- was really good at my job too --- my bosses were extremely content with my performance --- I should have been happy, right? But no I felt an emptiness. I was just living a life of a robot. Wake up in the morning, get ready, go to work, sit in front of the computer for 8 odd hours, come home, vent out work problems, eat and go to sleep and start all over again the next day. But this was the "norm" for me --- because everyone was doing the same thing around me --- so it must be how things were supposed to be! . . . CONTINUED IN POST GOING UP TONIGHT ❤
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10 REASON WHY YOU NOT SEEING THE RESULTS . . It could be either one of these or a combination of few that are hindering your progress and causing you to not see the results you have been expecting! . . 1. You do not have a specific goal that you are working towards .... . 2. You are not following goal specific training & nutrition . . 3. Lack of consistency . . 4. You are pushing yourself too hard that causes you to burn out and restrict your training and progress . . 5. You are not changing up your training routine and tweaking your nutrition based on your progress . . 6. You give up when you stop seeing results instead of tweaking things to experiment how to challenge your body further . . 7. You are relying on cookie cutter programs and not a customised program . . 8. Lack of professional guidance . . 9. You are being impatient - if you want to achieve results in a healthy and right way, the process takes time. You got to be patient and trust the process . . 10. You are depriving yourself of certain food groups that is unsustainable for you in the long term and you end up falling off track . . . Which one of these you reckon is holding back your progress?
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Reflections/Lessions from my previous year (my year 29 :) ) --- warning --- these are really random!
I am the luckiest person alive to live the life I live
... You can thrive in life doing what you love
I thought I loved dancing but now I know that I looooveeee dancing (and as a matter of fact, love making other people dance too - love my dance fitness class) :P
If you not willing to take the risk, then don't expect the growth you have been wanting
Practicing meditation and gratitude in the morning has the biggest positive impact on my day
Faith and trust between you & the photographer is a must for taking photos like this :P @barry_1357 had my back and I had his!
I am so freaking grateful for every single one of you who follows me and appreciates my content
I need to give myself credit and feel proud for my achievements
Not to wait around for the perfect moment to take action - just do it
Eliminate negative influences in your life
Travelling without a plan is the best way to do it
Doing taxes as a business owner is not fun so it's best to get yourself a @barry_1357
Always set yourself goals
When I feel anxiety and stress, it's better to just accept the fact and not try to fight against it as it just makes things worse
I'd rather spend Friday and Saturday night at home with @barry_1357 and some take out food than go out for dinner or party
My client's mental and mindset transformation is my biggest achievement
I always do and will fall asleep 10 mins into watching a movie
Stop stressing about trying to make your parents proud of you --- if you proud of your work and success, their love and appreciation will follow
Not be a perfectionist and super well organised all the damn time
Sharing personal experiences, struggles, achievements and being transparent helps others who might be going through a similar situation
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Compound vs Isolation moves? Which is better? . . Compound exercises are multi-joint movements involving more than one major muscle. For instance Squats, Deadlifts & Lat pull downs. .... . Isolation exercises are single-joint movements involving only one muscle. For instance, Bicep curls, Leg extensions & Calf raises. . . Compound exercises have been proven to be more effective because they recruit greater amounts of muscle fibres overall, they improve intermuscular coordination, help you do more in less time by working more than one muscle group at a time, help improve functional movements (day-to-day activity movements like lifting, carrying groceries, sitting down and standing up, etc.). . . Isolation exercises help develop a better mind-muscle connection, allowing you to really focus on a single muscle at a time. . . It is great to have a combination of both in your training program. Perform compound exercises first during a training session as they are more physically demanding so performing them first means you will have the energy to do these exercises with maximum intensity, resulting in greater release of anabolic hormones and greater overall workout intensity.
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LET ME VENT! . . I have previously talked about my thoughts on "quick fixes" to reaching various health/fitness goals. With summer approaching, I have been constantly getting questions about quick fat-loss solutions! It is absolutely baffling to me as to how much misinformation is still floating around the internet, misleading people into falling prey to such quick solutions. .... . So I really felt the need to vent out my frustration and share things that really irritate me as a Fitness Coach who believes in achieving goals through creating a well balanced lifestyle. . . Cutting carbs --- why are you punishing yourself?
Waist trainers --- go fool someone else please
Weight loss pills and powders --- if the product says "weight loss" on it, it's probably full of sh*t
Low fat --- why do you hate yourself?
Infomercial ab gadgets --- unfortunately do not come with abs
Hours of cardio for no particular reason --- do you even know what your goal is? Chances are, you aren't moving towards it
Juice cleanses or other cleanses --- valuable in many ways but it does not justify you not pushing yourself and your body to perform
Overly obsessive about macros and calories --- don't wait till tomorrow to live your life --- it's good to have basic knowledge of it but shouldn't be a lifelong practice . . I can go on and on...but you get the point. Please let me know if you agree with any of these or any you would like to add to the list.
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In the past few weeks, I have let work commitments get the best of me.
I have meditated and followed my 'morning routine' may be only twice in the last 3 weeks and that too half hearted.
... I have not stuck to my plans for the 'mini-cut' --- nutrition has been all over the place --- most days I am not consuming enough calories for my goals --- trying my best to stay on top of my training program however struggling to stay consistent on a weekly basis.
Not sleeping well as I am struggling to switch off from work mode before bed.
Due to all this ---- I am not being myself --- I am not as sharp --- I don't show up as the human being I want to be for others.
I simply have to acknowledge the situation for what it is and make a change rather than making excuses --- here is the thing that we all tend to forget --- it is completely fine to fall out of a routine --- we are all humans and not robots. When I say this, it is mostly a reminder for myself because I tend to be way too harsh on myself for not being "on point" with everything.
We all have our off days, off weeks, hell may be even off months and years but what really matters is that we keep a check on ourselves and this is exactly what I am doing right now by writing this post.
Time to hit the mental reset button and re-focus on things that get me excited and make me feel better.
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OVERWHELMED BY THE AMAZING RESPONSE FOR MY 30 DAY FITNESS & WELLNESS PROGRAM! . . I had the first bunch of consultation calls today with individuals who showed interest in the program --- will continue with calls over the next few days to shortlist the right candidates for the program. .... . I could not help but express my excitement as I had the opportunity to talk to a couple amazing individuals who opened up to me about their lives, their goals and are super excited and pumped to make the change to start a healthier, happier and sustainable lifestyle that they have always craved for. . . This is why I do what I do --- my aim and goal every single day is to somehow make a positive impact in other's life --- even if it is just a small one! Cannot wait to get started with these wonderful people who always have been determined to make the change but were lacking the right guidance and direction. I am committed to go above and beyond for these individuals, like I do for all my clients (in-person or online), to help them reach their goals. . . Cannot wait to get on call with rest of you who applied :) . . Applications still open --- please DM me or comment below if you interested to book a consultation call :)
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SPECIAL 30 DAY FITNESS & WELLNESS KICK START PROGRAM - EXCITING OPPORTUNITY - 75% OFF! . . This is ideal for you if: - You struggling to make time in your hectic schedule to get on track with your goals... - You have constantly failed to see the results you had been expecting - You are clueless where to start and how to start . . My usual coaching programs are of 12 week duration but I decided to launch a 30 day program where we will work together to get you started on your goals through customised coaching. You will receive intense coaching services just like all my other online clients - constant support, accountability and guidance. . . Great opportunity to get hands on experience of Online Fitness & Wellness Coaching! . . Starting August 1st! I am only looking for 10 individuals and only those who are 100% ready to make a change and make the change right now! Comment below or message me if you are interested. . . P.S. I will also be picking out a winner (based on overall transformation - physical, mindset shift, lifestyle change) at the end of the 30 day program who will get the opportunity to continue on for 8 more weeks to complete my 12 week program :)
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We are so influenced by what we see on social media these days. I have been a victim of this as well until I encountered a few scenarios myself. Since I have been this active on Social Media, I had a few people reach out to me saying "Your life is perfect", "Your physique is on point...I want to achieve the same", "You are so unbelievably happy", "You are perfect and I wish I was the same"!
This came as a huge shock to me because I believe I a...m like anyone else out there. I have a lot of low moments --- there are days I wake up and am unhappy the way I look --- I have personal struggles --- anxiety --- family, financial, work issues like anyone else --- and lots more. But I totally get where all these comments are coming from because I used to look at fitness models pictures and think the same --- used to see travel vloggers having the best times of their lives and wanted a life just like them! The truth is that we always portray our best moments on social media --- our best pictures --- best pose! But this does not sum up our entire life.
Do not compare yourself or your life to someone else's. You are unique and wonderful in your own way. We all are! So cherish your unique self --- cherish the unique life you have --- set your own career goals, physique and strength goals, health goals, life goals and work towards them rather than wanting what the other has!
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More about Livfit Lifestyle Personal Training & Online Fitness Coaching

Livfit Lifestyle Personal Training & Online Fitness Coaching is located at Wentworth Point 2127