Lv Chair Yoga Australia

About Lv Chair Yoga Australia

LV Chair Yoga Teacher Certification, available online, and face to face around Australia and Internationally. Chair Yoga classes, workshops and private sessions. All asanas are adapted to a chair making yoga accessible for every BODY!

Lv Chair Yoga Australia Description

Get fit where you sit¬ģ - Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga¬ģ classes and teacher training. All asanas are adapted to a chair making yoga accessible for every BODY!



Today it‚Äôs me day! What a busy few weeks, it definitely has swung me into go, go, go mode! Today it‚Äôs time to take a breath & regain some balance starting on the yoga mat. What are you going to do to relax this weekend? . . #Repost @yogajournalaustralia with @get_repost „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ Enjoy your weekend. Take time for yourself. ‚ÄėNuff said. ... #yoga #fitness #meditation #love #motivation #workout #health #yogalove #inspiration #vegan #gym #pilates #yogini #nature #yogainspiration #travel #selflove #selfcare #yogaeverydamnday #yogateacher #yogagirl #yogi #healthy #namaste #enlightenment #healer #peace #yogachallenge #positivevibes #yogainspiration
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#Repost @balanceyogasydney with @get_repost „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ The principle of Yin and Yang is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites, for example, female-male, dark-light and old-young. This principle, dating from the 3rd century BCE or even earlier, is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy and culture in general. Pic: source unknown ‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔł é‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮ Ôłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé‚ėĮÔłé ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚ÄúYoga is a dance between control and surrender ‚Äď between pushing and ...letting go ‚Äď and when to push and when to let go becomes part of the creative process, part of the open-ended exploration of your being‚ÄĚ ~ Joel Kramer (author of ‚ÄúThe Passionate Mind‚ÄĚ ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚† Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚† Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚† Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚† Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä #yinyang #yinyangyogis #balance #balanceyogasydney #duality #yinandyang #yogaeverydamnday
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HEY! Where are my office workers at?! Have you taken a break today yet? Remember you should move once every 30mins. Here‚Äôs a quick 1 min mini-break for your wrists & hands. Enjoy! . Ps. Even if you‚Äôre not an office worker - this is good for everyBODY! ūüĎć‚účūüíēūüôŹ


I had so much fun this weekend shooting my DVD for Chair Yoga! Big thanks to Sylvi from Third Tree Creatives & Bishoi from Inview Studios for filming & making me feel so comfortable. And for the yummy food you provided Sylvi mmm! Also, big thanks Lucy Woolfman - Make-up Artist for the fab makeup (and the giggles!). Due to be released in October, I can‚Äôt wait to see it and share it with you all! Exciting! ūüíēūüôŹ


Think Chair Yoga is just for seniors? Read on :)
Great article from Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health who hold our Teacher Training twice a year.…/powerful-and-surp rising-benefits-chai…


Here‚Äôs another variation of Crescent Lunge I just came across by the wonderful @sarahmatchenyoga. So many ways to adapt just ONE pose. AnyBODY, anyCHAIR, anyWHERE. . #Repost @adaptiveyogaatx with @get_repost „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ... Gotta love Sarah‚Äôs use of chair and bolster to make this pose more accessible. . . . #accessibleyoga #Repost @sarahmatchenyoga with @get_repost „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ Give your knees some love with this Lunge variation in a chair with a bolster {or blanket} under the back knee. Focus on a feeling of stability in your core while grounding energy down through the legs + feet. ūüĎ£‚̧ԳŹ
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ALANASANA (Crescent Lunge). Anyone who does my mat classes knows this is one of my faves! I love it both on the chair and mat. This is wonderful for stretching the hips, strengthening the legs and increasing strength in the ankles, knees and thighs. It also stimulates digestion, builds focus, willpower and stimulates the mind. It‚Äôs an awesome pose for all you office workers out there to combat some of the effects of long periods of sitting. Try it out and let me know if it makes you feel as good as it makes me feel! Enjoy ūüíēūüôŹ


Here‚Äôs a fun little flow to get you going on a Monday morning. Make sure you ground those feet into the floor to keep you stable, in good alignment and to get the leg muscles going. And keep the spine long - especially when you twist. This can be practiced with or without the blocks and you can also have the option of staying taller in the forward fold and keeping your hands on your thighs for support. Enjoy! Let me know how you like it? ūüíēūüôŹ


Happy weekend everybody! This weekend let‚Äôs get some self-loving in. What‚Äôs something you love about your self? GO!! ūüíēūüĎŹūüôŹ


One of my favourite modifications on the chair too. Especially feels good for you sitters out there with the beautiful lengthening of the hip flexors. Remember keep the hips stable, ground the feet and twist the thoracic spine without excessively pulling on the chair. . . .
#Repost @adaptiveyogaatx with @get_repost... „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ One of my favorite modifications
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VRKSASANA (Tree Pose). Another of my favourite poses on the mat AND on the chair. Not only great for balance and strength in the supporting leg & foot but it also opens the hip, improves circulation, posture, core stability, increases focus and calms the mind. Again - so many wonderful benefits! And yes, you can improve your balance and strength from the chair too. Give it a try and ground your foot to the floor - you‚Äôll see what I mean. Remember to breathe & practice at your level of flexibility. Let me know how you like it! Enjoy! ūüĆ≥ūüíēūüôŹ


Trying to work or study for my next module of Yoga Therapy training today is proving difficult with this little cutie trying his best to distract me. Sometimes you just gotta give in, put the pen down and accept it’s cuddle time! #catsrule


How lucky was our wonderful LV Chair Yoga Australia teacher Sylvi Delaney who got to combine 2 of her loves - cats and chair yoga to teach Cat Chair Yoga at the Cat Cuddle Cafe Brisbane with some beautiful rescue kitties! I was a little bit jealous of this gig I must say. Thanks for sharing with us Sylvi, I love seeing the amazing work that you and all of our teachers are doing. We are really making a positive impact - for all beings, including the furbabies! ūüíēūüėļūüôŹ


Weekend to do checklist. I think I got this! Have you? ūüíēūüôŹ


Weekend to do list. I think I can handle it. Can you? ūüíēūüôŹ


Check it out! Jessica Goh from Life In Confidence interviewed me about LV Chair Yoga. Learn about what it is, some of the benefits, and how it can help you Get Fit Where You Sit! If you want more info about our classes or teacher training be sure to check out the website
If you want to learn more about Jessica's amazing work helping people to live their lives in confidence - check out her website or you can join us at her upcoming Sydney workshop on Saturday 8th Sept. I can't wait for it! More info here: :)
Thanks Jessica! It was so lovely to hang out with you and chat about all things Chair Yoga! <3 x


This is my fabulous teacher in training Yoko Nakano in Japan showing me her adaptations of Pavivrtta Parsvakonasana as part of the practical side of our teacher training course. . This is a wonderful pose for opening hips, strengthening the knees, thighs and lengthening the spine. It improves balance, digestion and stimulates the lymphatic system. It can also be helpful in reducing symptoms of sciatica and increasing lung capacity. Ahhh so many benefits! The use of the bolster and blocks make these benefits accessible to so many bodies! . Yoko is also a doctor and combines the world of yoga with her knowledge of medicine with Medcareyoga- she is dedicated to bringing better health and happiness to the people of Japan, and the world! She is an inspiration and I‚Äôm so proud of her that she‚Äôs almost be finished her course! Go Yoko! ūüíēūüôŹūüĎŹ


Happy weekend everyone! This should be pretty easy for me today given my first class is @zumba. It‚Äôs one of my favourite things to see all those faces light up when that music starts and the boogie begins. I love the way Zumba encourages you to be YOU - to leave your ego and hang ups at the door and just move in whatever way you move and most importantly - have FUN. I‚Äôm so grateful for that program - it has changed my life in so many ways and is an inspiration for so many! It even led me to Chair Yoga - but that‚Äôs a story for another day.... . What are you doing to bring on the smiles and spread joy to others this weekend? ūüėÉūüíÉūüŹĽūüíēūüôŹ


What an inspiring woman. I got goosebumps when she started talking about where beauty comes from...<3 "Nothing is impossible...."


How wonderful to be part of a new way to learn and teach yoga where the yoga mat is replaced by practice on a chair. I thoroughly enjoyed Claire Cunneen’s LVCY Teacher Training course. She demonstrated expertise, great knowledge and was very methodical in her approach. Most importantly she made it absolutely fun and engaging with everyone. I came out of the training with a more in-depth understanding, not just with the practices involved, but with the science and yoga teachings behind it. At the same time I felt no different as if I’d been practicing via my usual yoga mat method. It is such a fantastic and novel way to be able to engage and teach others especially our aging community and those physically challenged to learn the wonderful benefits of yoga. Thanks for the amazing teacher training experience Claire!


How wonderful to be part of a new way to learn and teach yoga where the yoga mat is replaced by practice on a chair. I thoroughly enjoyed Claire Cunneen’s LVCY Teacher Training course. She demonstrated expertise, great knowledge and was very methodical in her approach. Most importantly she made it absolutely fun and engaging with everyone. I came out of the training with a more in-depth understanding, not just with the practices involved, but with the science and yoga teachings behind it. At the same time I felt no different as if I’d been practicing via my usual yoga mat method. It is such a fantastic and novel way to be able to engage and teach others especially our aging community and those physically challenged to learn the wonderful benefits of yoga. Thanks for the amazing teacher training experience Claire!


How wonderful to be part of a new way to learn and teach yoga where the yoga mat is replaced by practice on a chair. I thoroughly enjoyed Claire Cunneen’s LVCY Teacher Training course. She demonstrated expertise, great knowledge and was very methodical in her approach. Most importantly she made it absolutely fun and engaging with everyone. I came out of the training with a more in-depth understanding, not just with the practices involved, but with the science and yoga teachings behind it. At the same time I felt no different as if I’d been practicing via my usual yoga mat method. It is such a fantastic and novel way to be able to engage and teach others especially our aging community and those physically challenged to learn the wonderful benefits of yoga. Thanks for the amazing teacher training experience Claire!

More about Lv Chair Yoga Australia

+61 421 077 355