Lynda Griparic Naturopath

About Lynda Griparic Naturopath

Health professional for gut health, weight loss and constipation.

Founder of BetterMe tea http://bit. ly /1TTPtTi

Lynda Griparic Naturopath Description

Hello I'm Lynda

Self professed ‘poo whisperer’ and naturopath.


Yes you read that correctly. Poo whisperer.

My journey with poo and gut health started in my early 20’s and, as is a common trait of twenty somethings, I strived to achieve an image of what ‘healthy’ looked like.

Physically I looked happy, healthy and displayed all the right signs of someone who looked after themselves but something wasn’t quite right. I begun to notice that at times it would be hard for me to completely empty my bowels - a frustrating symptom for someone so busy and energetic.

Studying amongst other practitioners it had become clear that my passion was gut health, but more specifically constipation. It wasn’t until I was standing naked in front of the mirror, a constipated pot belly protruding, that my interest for constipation became my niche, my point of difference. Faced with an overall feeling of heaviness, lethargy and a little bit of embarrassment I realised I wanted to help others let go of the shame that constipation brings.

When I began to delve deeper I soon discovered that constipation was almost an epidemic.

Many were suffering. . . mostly in silence. Unfortunately the repercussions of leaving constipation unattended aren’t limited to the short term. Quick fixes such as laxatives can be detrimental to one’s health and mask what may be a bigger problem at hand. The long term consequences of avoiding seeking medical help for constipation can be extremely harmful and scary words like chronic disease could come into play down the track.

So, after a conversation with my husband I announced I wanted to work with constipated people. You can imagine his surprise. And that is how I came to develop BetterMe Tea - a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements go to the bathroom with ease.

As well as being the ‘poo whisperer’ I am a qualified naturopath, yoga teacher and wellness practitioner. My qualifications and personal experience with constipation have helped me help clients struggling with the battle of misbehaving poos find relief and move on with their lives - sans constipation!

More about Lynda Griparic Naturopath

Lynda Griparic Naturopath is located at Byron Bay, New South Wales
0413 922 445