Lyn'S Numerology Charts & Tarot Card Readings

Monday: 19:30 - 23:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 19:30 - 23:00
Friday: 19:30 - 23:00
Saturday: 08:30 - 16:30
Sunday: 09:00 - 16:30

About Lyn'S Numerology Charts & Tarot Card Readings

Welcome to my new Facebook page. Thank you for taking a look. A Numerology chart and Tarot card reading can help you to understand yourself better, your talents and abilities, challenges and lessons and the
influence of the cycle of energy transits.

Lyn'S Numerology Charts & Tarot Card Readings Description

A numerology chart and Tarot card reading can help you to understand yourself better and the cycle of energy transits through your life. Contact me today.



Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the lovely, creative energy of The Empress No 3..
The Empress III The number 3 here is the indicator of the creative force – the world of nature and sensation., the product of two equal and apposing energies. This card depicts a woman in a beautiful, fertile garden rich with fruits, flowers and crops. Whereas the High Priestess is the virginal aspect of the feminine principle and The Empress is the female aspect of fertility and ...motherhood. She is the personification of the mother instinct. In many decks she is depicted as pregnant. The Empress is a mother figure. In terms of the Fool’s Journey she is the nurturing warmth of the mother figure as he begins to relate to the world around him. In a reading this card indicates a pleasant time, a comfortable home, happiness, love, motherhood, marriage and childbirth are all meanings which apply to The Empress. Emotional and physical security is indicated. You or your client has a strong sense of well being, generosity, kindness readiness to help others and enjoyment. As this card is also the number 3 there is an element of creativity here and it can also relate to manifestation of ideas and productivity and of course the birth of a child is the ultimate creative energy of the earth bound state. Keywords: security, wellbeing, motherhood Reversed: The reverse aspect of this card often indicates domestic problems. Dissatisfaction with one’s life and lack of material or emotional comfort may be indicated. Marriage problems and breakdowns in relationships can be signified. As this card is often associated with pregnancy the reverse aspect could imply difficulties with fertility and pregnancy. Physical problems regarding health or well being, poverty and homelessness are all possible interpretations. Keywords: Insecurity, domestic problems If you draw the Empress today - your great ideas are coming to fruition. You are productive, capable and caring. As with mothering you will nurture your ideas to completion. On a very human level perhaps today is the day you are focused on your children, parenthood and your role as mum to many.♥️♥️♥️🌻🌻🌻
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Join me for a fun and informative workshop on the Fool's journey through the Major Arcana. What messages do they have for you? What stage of spiritual development do they indicate? How do you interpret them in a spread? Cost $40. Includes morning tea. Please message me privately for further information, address details and to register. You can also email me at:


Happy Friday Everyone. We are looking at the High Priestess. The number 2 in the Major Arcana and the balance between the masculine energy of the sun and the receptive energy of the Moon. There are many ways of interpreting this duality but the High Priestess represents the feminine principle, intuition and influences from the unseen world of the subconscious.
The High Priestess No 2 The High Priestess is also called The Papess or Female Pope. She is associated with the femin...ine principle, the unconscious, the underworld, mystery, dreams, unconscious mind and intuition as apposed to the conscious mind. In a spread this card represents guidance, teaching and wisdom from a hidden source. It can also represent undeveloped potential and psychic energy and occult powers. If you look at the image she is holding the scroll or manuscript from which wisdom is revealed. Also note the two contrasting pillars. The dark representing the unconscious feminine energy and the white pillar, the conscious energy. The number two is apt here depicting the balance of these forces and the flow of energy between both. You can also see the seeds of the pomegranates implying potential yet to come. She represents our potential waiting to be developed. Keywords: Intuition, dreams, anima. Reversed: When reversed this card suggests guidance or warnings from one’s intuition are being ignored or that one’s potential is not being recognised. It can also indicate negative feelings towards women or a reluctance to accept any information from the unconscious. Keywords: suppressed feelings, unrecognised potential. Have a great day.
If you choose this card your insight and intuition is awakening. Trust your instincts and look for the signs and messages from the universe.🦉🦉🦉🙏♥️
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Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at No 1. The Magician
The Magician No 1
Old versions of this card tend to show the Magician as selling trinkets from a stall. This image sees him with one hand raised drawing energy from a higher power and then directing this energy down into practical affairs of the real world with the other. The 4 elements are represented here showing resourcefulness and mastery and an ability to manipulate these elements. Any spiritual journey in...volves mastery of the physical first. The magician needs to be the centre of attention. He is the No 1 – a leader with the ability to make others listen. In a reading this could be someone with mastery of language, persuasive abilities and the art of selling and influencing others. On a personal level it means that you or your client are confident, skilful, articulate and that you have the ability to effectively direct your energy, creativity and imagination into practical matters. Independence of thought and willpower is also shown. This person may be charming and influential and an excellent communicator. Now is the time to make use of your skills and to put your capabilities into practice. Keywords: Skills, confidence, communication. Reversed: A lack of confidence is indicated and difficulty in putting ideas into practice. There may have been a breakdown in communication or some sort of miscommunication or an unwillingness or inability to talk about something important. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have the ability but that there has been some block to this expression. Occasionally it can point to a misuse of these skills where the ability to manipulate the elements and to persuade others becomes cunning and deception with language used to deceive. Emotional blackmail can be indicated. Keywords: Lack of confidence and bad communication.
If you select the Magician for today and have something to say or would like to take charge of some issue or project today is the day to do it. Stand up and you will be heard. You have the ability, others trust you and will follow your lead! Have a great day.🌻🌻🌻♥️
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Good morning everyone. Today we are starting on the Major Arcana beginning with THE FOOL card. Just remember that the minor Arcana cards represent everyday affairs in the real world. The Major Arcana represent outside influences of fate and destiny and are connected with our spiritual growth. Don't forget to check which card is your personality type and soul type. You will certainly be able to relate to these cards when we get up to them.
The Major Arcana is often said to r...epresent a journey of the soul from the innocence of childhood through trials and tests to maturity, old age, death, resurrection and eventual transcendence. That is the Major Arcana represent a journey to enlightenment. In a reading these cards tend to represent things that the client does not have control over and can be equated to the forces of fate and destiny and one’s personal spiritual lessons.
There are 22 Major Arcana Cards The first card is numbered zero and signifies the openness of the soul being a vessel to be filled and the spirit of adventure.
The Fool 0 The Fool Card is about naivety and the innocence of life prior experience. There is an element of trust and adventure. Note that he is about to step off a cliff. The Sun is shining and he fears nothing. The bundle he carries is light but contains the elements of what he brings from a past life. It suggests living life one day at a time with an open heart and mind. There is childlike innocence depicted here as well as an element of risk but also of trust as he is about to step forward off the cliff. Keywords: Spontaneity, trust, taking risks.
Reversed: Childishness in a negative sense, recklessness, impulsive actions are indicated here. You may be acting foolishly on the spur of the moment. There is a warning to be more cautious and to take responsibility for your own actions. Plan ahead and be more cautious. You may be happy for the moment but the long term prospects are not that good. Recklessness and irresponsibility.
If you choose the Fool as your card for the day - embrace the spirit of adventure. Dont analyse things. Trust that the universe is sending you off in a new direction. Be positive, optimistic and receptive to new experiences. You are protected and free to try new things. 😃🌻🌻🌻🌻♥️
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Good morning everyone. Its the 10 of Pentacles today - the final expression of the practical energy of the physical world - money, finance, security.
The Ten of Pentacles Ten is the base of our number system and 10 reduces back to 1. Ten can therefore represent the start of a new phase with the strength of the zero behind it. In some respects it is the overdo of the energy of the suit it is in. That is going past the point of completion leading to the idea of one too many, de...cadence or destruction. The number 10 can also signify groups of people in the tarot.
In the suit of Pentacles the group usually indicated is the family. This card stands for close nit family support either emotional or financial. In general it can be any supportive group of people which provides help, security and advice but you also have responsibilities being part of that family or group. This card also shows the influence of one’s background and upbringing on our present attitudes, values and behaviour or way of life.
Sometimes this is a card connected with inheritance. Even in the best of circumstances generosity from inheritance can trigger family discussions and disagreements.
Keywords: family support, friends, inheritance Reversed Harmful influences from one’s family, friends or upbringing are indicated. There can be interference in family matters from one family member or a close friend giving unwanted advice. It may also show that you or the client feel overwhelmed with family problems or the problems of a group. Your individuality may feel stifled and there may be too many responsibilities. In the reversed position there may be legal problems and conflicts relating to inheritance. Keywords Family responsibility and problems, social responsibility. ♥️♥️♥️🙏🦉🌻
Tomorrow we are back to the Major Arcana and the spiritual journey leading to growth in wisdom and enlightenment. Have a great day. If you receive the 10 of Pentacles you will most likely receive financial help of some sort and will then be looking for a new challenge and direction. Contained in the 10 is always a new beginning.
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Good morning everyone. Its Monday. Take to take stock of your career and life in general? Is what you doing rewarding? Do you have what you need in life to be comfortable and satisfied? Do you see the benefits of all your hard work?
Nine of Pentacles The nine is the final single digit. It represents completion or the final stage, endings and sacrifices. It is a product of the creative energy of the 3 multiplied by 3. It signifies attainment on the material plane from former ...effort and satisfaction.
In the suit of coins, connected with material success and comfort and well being the achievement attached to the number 9 signifies security and peace and comfort which have been earned from past effort and well deserved.
There has been much struggle and sacrifice getting to this point. It is now time. The past hardship experienced makes you appreciative of all that you have achieved but there is a sense that it may not last long. This card often represents someone living alone enjoying the solitude and satisfaction of what they have achieved and what they have. They enjoy their lifestyle and are not necessarily lonely. Solitude and time alone may be something of great value to them or to you if you are reading for yourself.
Keywords: rewards, comfort, material gain, security through effort.
Reversed That sense of comfort and prosperity is not as secure as you may think. The person may have a guilty conscience and feel that they things that you may have done will prevent future happiness. It may also imply that the personal sense of security that you have may not be as a result of your own efforts only and may not be completely deserved. Maybe someone else has done the hard work and the client may be dependent on them and not in control or independent Keywords: Illusory security, dependence.🌻🌻🌻♥️
Have a great day and appreciate all that you have achieved and all that you have. Life is good when you receive this card.
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Thought I would mention my entry today on my blog page on my website Its about a book I am attempting to write. The title of the blog is "Finding Your Cloud Nine". Some may like to have a look at it. Have a great weekend everyone! ♥️♥️♥️🙏


Good morning everyone We are getting somewhere and moving on to the 8 of Pentacles – achievement and rewards on the physical plane.
The 8 is the product of four and two. It contains the stability and material security of the four and the balance and movement of the number 2. It is a number of material success and justice but also has the idea of progress and advancement. It concerns the idea of establishing firm foundations, personal growth and greater success in the future.
...In the suit of Pentacles the achievement and progress of the number 8 together with the practicality and material security of Pentacles signifies prosperity and satisfaction from work. There may be a requirement for skill and craftsmanship or apprenticeship. This card may also signify complete involvement in some hobby or personal project that brings you a great deal of satisfaction and pleasure. In all that you do you will feel a sense of pride and achievement from using your skills and by doing you best to achieve the best result. Keywords: Skilled work, craftsmanship, self employment. Reversed You may not be able to concentrate on work as you are preoccupied with the present or worrying about making money or being financially secure. There may be some wasted effort indicated. There is definitely a need to plan for the future and a feeling that you are getting no where financially or not sufficiently rewarded for your efforts. More consistent effort needed. Keywords: Short term gain, preoccupation with finances and security, inconsistent application to work If you encounter the 8 of Pentacles in a spread pat yourself on the back. Have pride in what you have achieved and know that you have earned every cent of it! You are good at what you do and have worked hard to achieve your level of expertise. You may be getting a promotion or pay rise soon!🦉👩‍🏭🛠️🌻🙏 Have a great day! ♥️
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Just a few motivational sayings to help you when you encounter the 7 of Pentacles.


Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the 7 of Pentacles. If you think life is hard work and sometimes feel like giving up then know that this card tells you to persevere. Look at all that you have achieved. Rest and plan. Get reading for the next phase. There is still a lot more work to be done before you achieve your success.
The number 7 is a number of re-evaluation, analysis, thoughtful contemplation and the gaining of wisdom. The 7 is detail oriented and focused... on investigation and truth. 7 of Pentacles
In the suit of Pentacles the 7 emphasises practical ability, perseverance and hard work. It is a time of re-evaluation. You have worked so hard so far. You should not feel discouraged by any current setbacks because continued effort will result in success. Circumstances might not look this way but hard work will be rewarded soon and better times are on the way.
In my experience this card can also relate to emotional issues and to relationships that are hard work. You may be wondering if it is worth the effort. The implication here is that you have been building towards a future in many ways and it is most likely worth the effort but the key with understanding this card in terms of relationships is that you expecting something in return and a reward for your effort. Ask yourself if what you are working towards will be enough to keep you happy? Look for Cups in a spread like this to check that emotional happiness is there as well.
Keywords: Perseverance, feeling discouraged and despondent. Pause and evaluate. Reversed The effects of this card are expanded when reversed. You may feel depressed and demotivated and inclined to abandon a project because you may not have achieved the results you are seeking. Opportunities may have been missed due to your own inaction. It’s time to cut losses and move on – learning from experience. Keyword: Despondency, failure, abandonment.
If you select this card for today. Hang in there. Rewards are not far away. It is most likely worth the effort🦉🦉🌻🙏
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Good morning everyone. Today its the 6 of Pentacles - acts of kindness and generosity.
The Six of Pentacles The Sixes represent harmony, balance, equilibrium, home, family and responsibility and are also concerned with justice and rewards. Six of Pentacles or Coins... Balance and justice in relation to money and security are signified. The sharing out of money and generosity may be indicated. It generally means that you or your client are generous and that you like to help others and to show affection. You are happy to give of yourself to others less fortunate as you see it as the right thing to do. The scales of Justice in the picture do suggest an element of karma and maybe repaying a kindness or help given to you. Generally I have found this card signifies that you are supporting or helping another financially, often family and giving without expecting anything in return. Alternatively, the client or the person you are reading for may be the one receiving this generosity. Other cards in the spread will indicate which way to interpret this card. Either way the scales of justice in the image suggest that this is the fair course of action. Keywords: Gift, generosity, return of karma Reversed: You or the client may feel cheated or that something has been stolen. You may feel that you are doing all the giving and the situation seems unfair and that you are unappreciated. Theft, loss of money or possessions due to carelessness or gullibility can be indicated.
If you select this card for the day have faith in people, give thanks for your gifts from the universe, help where you can and be kind to each other. You may remember when you were struggling and someone helped you out. It may be your turn or you may now need help and that help is coming your way. 🦉♥️🌻🙏
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I often find that the card I share here for the day is a good indication of the day I'm going to have. Hence my avoidance of the tough ones! In fact I think I can say that about every post I've made for each day. Today is one of those days that the Five of Pentacles really got to me and has left me feeling a bit flat so I went searching for some thoughts and sayings that may help you to deal with the five of Pentacles when you face that card
By the way everyone - thank you for your support on here. You are my inspiration and get me out of bed and motivated each and every day!😃


Good morning everyone. Today we are getting back to the suit of Pentacles - element EARTH relating to work, finances and security and the number 5
The Five of Pentacles
The stability of the number four is disrupted by adding the number one to it to make five. Five is adaptable, vacillating and changing and therefore unstable in nature. It can involve struggle and change. The meaning therefore relates to change and disappointments as previous stability is lost.
... In the Suit of Pentacles this a card of financial struggle and difficulty. Unemployment may be signified. The poverty may not be material in that it could be symbolic of something that the client or you really need but which is lacking, such as support, love, respect or anything that gives you a sense of emotional security. However in this image the disadvantaged people and those suffering are just outside a church indicating that help is not far away if you just open yourself up to the possibility of receiving it or reached out to someone. Troubles can be alleviated by a companion or by sharing your difficulties. I find this card more to mean a sense of being "out in the cold" and unsupported. It can indicate financial struggle but the level of financial difficulty is relative and is only our perception of how bad things are. You can have things out of perspective quite easily. Help is around the corner and within reach if you look for it and share your troubles. . Keywords: material struggle, trouble, poverty and worry.
Reversed There is an acute awareness of something lacking which is needed and the situation has probably persisted for some time. Severe financial problems, homelessness or long term unemployment may be indicated. This card does show a lack of love and support. Continuing in the present way will perpetuate the problem. Asking for help and seeking a change in the way problems are dealt with is needed here. Keywords: poverty, unemployment and destitution.
If you choose this card for the day and you are feeling down, depressed and financially stressed - reach out to others, seek help and be open to sharing your situation. There are people who care who a close at hand if you are open to it. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏
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Good morning everyone. Happy Monday. Let's hope its a good week ahead. I should be looking at the Five of Pentacles today but that is a tough one for a Monday so I thought I would share a useful spread with you instead. I find it very helpful when dealing with a decision or relationship issue.
This is a straightforward spread. The only card that may cause some issues here is position 3. If you find a really positive Card like The Sun or The Wheel of Fortune or Ten of cups for... example I would suggest looking at that as a caution against a false sense of security. Interpret the usual meaning of the card and then try using the word don't in front of whatever you are thinking. That will usually steer you in the right direction. This spread can be used with our without a significator but I do tend to use one to represent the person concerned if it is a relationship based issue of any kind. If it is just regarding a decision or seeking a course of action then I wouldn't use one.
Try it and see how you go. If you have any problems just message me and I might be able to help.
Tomorrow we will look at the 5 of Pentacles. As this one is all about feeling impoverished emotionally and financially I didn't want to start the week with it but have a good look at this card.. there is hope hidden within it..
Have a great day. Stay positive! 🦉🦉🙏♥️
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Tarot Workshop Reminder
Just a reminder everyone about my Tarot workshop being held on Sunday 14th October
... at my place (Mt Kuring-gai just north of Hornsby)
9.00 am registration - finishing at 3.30 pm approximately.
This will hopefully be a fun, informative day where you will learn my simple technique of reading the cards and be able to do some easy spreads by the end of the day. there will be plenty of opportunity to share and practice and have fun. I still have a few spots available if you are interested. Please message me or email at or call me on 0412 314 264. The cost for the day is $50 which includes lunch (pizza) morning tea,afternoon tea and all notes. BYO Tarot deck but I will have some original Rider Waite decks available to purchase on the day for $30 - just let me know if you need me to reserve one for you. The Rider Waite deck is the best to learn from due to its rich imagery. There is so much information and visual meaning in each and every card. Hope to see you then. Details of my address will be provided by email. ♥️🙏🦉
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Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the 4 of Pentacles - stability, security and resistance to change.
Four of Pentacles Four is the number of the material world which is composed of four elements and four dimensions. It is a stabilising, calming influence focused on security and stability and tends to pause the action in all suits. In the suit of Pentacles... As this suit is already concerned with stability and security it results in extreme resistance to change and stability and an emphasis on material security. It is an unchanging, unyielding energy. You will experience a strong sense of security and stability and a sense of satisfaction but if this continues for too long a time and becomes a way of life you may feel bored with the routine and may grow overcautious and stifled afraid to make any change but also bored and miserly. Best advice get out of your own way. There is more to life than existing – you need to be in it and experience all that is on offer so face your fear. If this card turns up in a relationship there may be elements of control and a fear of change, worrying that you may lose your partner or too scared to take a risk to get involved in the first place. There is an old saying -" If you love someone then set them free. If they come back they are yours if they don’t – then they never were” or something like that. In my experience this card does actually relate more to feelings and fear of getting hurt. It’s the hanging on to what you know rather than taking a risk type of energy. Of course it can relate to money matters and a cautious nature there regarding investment and spending and a sense of satisfaction with what you have achieved on your own and what you have.
Keywords: Stability, security, lack of adventure, over focus on material security. Reversed. This can be the card of the miser. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are wealthy just that you are clinging on to what you have for fear of losing it. This can apply to a relationship, job or material possessions. Fear may be holding you back to maintain a bad situation as you are worried that if you change anything you may make it worse. This nervous and defensive attitude can make you feel more insecure. Keywords: possessiveness, miserliness. Have a great day everyone. If you select this card for the day - cautious is find but look at what can be gained from moving forward rather than just what you have by staying still 🦉🦉🙏♥️
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Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the 3 of Pentacles - skill, expertise and craftsmanship.
Three of Pentacles The number three is the concept of creation and creative expression and the creation of a third entity from two a bit like having a child only the child is the energy product of often two opposites. The number 3 is also connected with communication and small groups. In the Suit of Pentacles the creative energy manifests as gainful employment, skill, craf...tsmanship and expertise. The product of the labour in this suit is practical matters like security, building, architecture, home improvement, interior design, craftsmanship and practical expertise. There is a consultation process implied and the concept of working in groups. When this card shows up it indicates that you are working hard and that you are doing something worthwhile and appreciated by others. This is a card of satisfying the needs of others and employment but you also of gaining recognition for your abilities and rewards for your work. I find this card usually turns up when a person is involved in a consulting role based on their knowledge and skills and that they are generally part of a small leadership team involved in key decisions of a practical nature. Keywords: work, employment, skill Reversed When reversed it indicates that you are doing a lot of work and not feeling rewarded for it or that you feel unappreciated or criticised by others. There may be insufficient renumeration. Sometimes this card can indicate problems with someone at work or relationships at work not being good. You may also feel taken for granted. Keyword: unrewarding work, lack of appreciation.
Have a great day. If your select this card for the day know that you skills and knowledge are appreciated and valued every day. You are a very important member of the team or a great consultant in your field! 🌻🌻♥️
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More about Lyn'S Numerology Charts & Tarot Card Readings

0412 314 264
Monday: 19:30 - 23:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 19:30 - 23:00
Friday: 19:30 - 23:00
Saturday: 08:30 - 16:30
Sunday: 09:00 - 16:30