Made N' Grown - 3 Rivers Region

About Made N' Grown - 3 Rivers Region

Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Region Market is a food-and-farm-oriented produce market and an artisan product market in Dunedoo in Central NSW.

Made N' Grown - 3 Rivers Region Description

Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market runs every second Saturday of the month, except January, and provides an outlet for locally grown and made products as well as seeking to develop community connectivity, promote seasonal foods, support production of a diversity of fresh food locally, supporting ‘slow food’, healthy eating and production of local artisan products. The provision of local market space will support the local economy and development and sustainability of small and micro businesses. It will also provide a regular outlet for fresh produce and artisan items.

Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market also provides a free stall for locals who wish to sell small amounts of produce, such as extra home grown produce that is additional to their own needs. This stall may also be used by local, not-for-profit groups to distribute flyers and information. Musicians and buskers are encouraged to entertain, and in return may sell and promote their own music for no market fee.

Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market is held at O. L. Milling Park, Bolaro St, Dunedoo, every second Saturday of each month, except for January. The Market is open for trading from 9am to 2pm. The first market will be held on Saturday, 14th November, 2015.
If there is wet weather, the Markets will still go ahead.
A second market is planned to be held on the third Saturday of the month in Coolah.
The principles in the Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market charter align with the Australian Farmers’ Markets Association Charter which states:

“A Farmers’ Market is a predominately fresh food market that operates regularly within a community, at a focal public location that provides a suitable environment for farmers and food producers to sell farm-origin and associated value-added processed food products directly to customers. ”
The Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market is based upon the following core values:

The purpose of this market is to provide an opportunity for the sale of goods direct from local farms, kitchens and other local venues where produce is grown, livestock raised or artisan products are made.
Direct selling to the public allows stall holders to obtain a fair price for their products while customers can learn more about the origin of their food. Agents, wholesalers and resellers are not permitted to hold a stall at the Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market. Produce that has been purchased or collected from other markets cannot be sold at the Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market.
All produce for sale at the Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market must be grown or raised within a 150 km radius of Dunedoo or Coolah.
Value added products and Artisan products are not required to use entirely local ingredients; however the use of local produce is supported and the products must be made within the 150 km zone.
Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market. believes that interaction between the farmer, chef or artisan producer and the customer is an essential part of the Market.
Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market. allows stallholders to employ staff to work at their stall on their behalf. Staff must display detailed knowledge of the farm, restaurant or production process and the products being sold.
Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market. recognises our impact on the environment and understands the importance of sustainable business practices especially with regards to water use, waste management and carbon emissions.
To reflect our commitment to sustainability, the following strategies have been implemented:
- Recycling bins to reduce general waste provided at venue.
- Local producers reduce food miles.
- Encouraging stallholders to use eco-friendly bags, plates and cups.
- Supporting sustainable farming practices.
- Availability of a community stall.
Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market. is committed to provision of high quality produce and products.
Made ‘n Grown 3 Rivers Produce and Artisan Market requires products and their presentation and packaging to be of high quality.


• Stallholders must complete an application and be approved by the committee before they can sell at the market.
• Management will conduct spot checks to ensure that products adhere to guidelines in this charter.
• Appropriate insurance to be maintained by stall holders at all times.
• Adherence to State and Local Food Safety Guidelines and Legislation
• Stallholders and their staff can demonstrate detailed knowledge of their product
• To reduce oversupply and support diversity, stallholders must provide information on products they will sell. Changes to product lists to be approved by the committee.

Produce sellers.
• Produce must be grown within a 150km radius of Dunedoo or Coolah
• You must be the producer, a family member or employee of the business in order to sell at the market
• Produce must be of good quality
• You must display certification if you are claiming to be Organic or Biodynamic.

Artisan Products
• Ready-to-eat food or beverages must be locally made and where possible use local produce
• Products must be of good quality
• No re-selling, on-selling, or wholesaling of items you didn’t make
• You must display certification if you are claiming to be Organic or Biodynamic.
• Packaging must comply with all Local and NSW Food Authority requirements and unless required by legislation, must not feature any brand other than that of the stallholder.