Max Your Life

About Max Your Life

Danae Mansour is passionate about maximising life to the fullest.

Max Your Life Description

Danae Mansour is passionate about maximising life to the fullest. In order to do this, she believes that people need to look after themselves both physically and mentally in order for everything else to flow. She has over 25 years experience in working with people to ensure they maximise their potential.

Danae has worked internationally in activity-based resorts in Europe and Asia. From ski guiding in the Alps of Europe, to summers spent working on the shores of the Mediterranean teaching water skiing, she has also set up highly successful activity centres in resorts and country clubs throughout Asia.

It was whilst working in Indonesia that she observed blind massage therapists administering remedial massage at Turi Beach Resort. This sparked her curiosity regarding the benefits of regular massage.

Years later, Danae returned to Australia, and settled back in Sydney to raise a family. Having worked in business management and constantly dealing with people (she also has experience in life coaching), Danae's passion for the benefits of massage led her to become a certified Soft Tissue Therapist.