
About Medearth

Saving Lives. Saving the PlanetMission - Contributing to the sustainability of the Earth through redistributing usable medical equipment and supplies from those who no longer want them to those who desperately need them. Recover - MedEarth works with a range of partners to recover medical surplus hospitals can no longer use and would otherwise be destined for landfill. Repurpose - Hospitals generate millions of tons of medical surplus each year. Much of that surplus is useable medical supplies and equipment. We prepare the recovered items for redistribution. Redistribute - Using the surplus we save from going to landfill, we match our inventory to medical needs in Australia and worldwide by partnering closely with both domestic and international partners to ensure that it is redistributed to people who need it.
Social Link - Facebook: https://www.
Social Link - Linkedin: http://www. /medearth
Employee Count: 5
Keywords: non-profit organizations

Medearth Description

MedEarth promotes the protection and enhancement of our natural environment through a solid waste reduction program, particularly by repurposing and redistributing medical supplies and equipment discarded by the health care industry.