Melanie Power

About Melanie Power

Helping Bookkeepers Command the Price They Deserve for The Value They Deliver And To Design A Business They Love And Work With Clients Who Value And Appreciate Them.



This wonderful woman has deeply inspired me ... this picture captures her class and grace which is supported by extreme tenacity and a deep understanding of policy and care for our country.
A very poignant moment to watch such an incredible woman make that walk from her final press appearance and expression of thanks.
Thankyou Julie... you have absolutely made your mark in the history of Australia and are a true inspiration for so many other women that want to stand and serv...e their country..
Photo Credit: Fairfax Media
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People often ask me, "what is it that you actually do Mel? " so I thought I would address two things at once.... explain a little about what I do and also share my new website for my accounting profession project The Revolutionary Firm
I have a few passions, tech, small business and helping people achieve their best selves and all around the profession that has given me a super start in life, accounting.
So here it is, and a few appearances around the world from me at things Accounting Today ( New York ), Accountex USA ( Boston ) Institute of Certified Bookkeepers ( London, AU, NZ ) Australian Bookkeepers Network, Institute of Professional Bookkeepers of Canada (IPBC), Xero and even a Facebook Livestream Sage Sage North America... onaries/
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I just committed to Ambisie #giveonehour to inspire the next generation in my local area of #mymaitland
This is all about speaking with our young people and sharing our own experiences, my particular passion is around the message of "backing yourself"
Join me and signup, visit
... #ambisie #giveonehour #giveback
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Super excited to be presenting on behalf of The Revolutionary Firm at MYOB #partnerconnect18 in #melbourne and Myob Nz #queenstown! Get ready for my session on how you can crack that million dollar mark and command the prices you deserve to have the business you love!


Register for the myprosperity webinar update to find out all the new things that are happening...


Very special moment in time - Old Parliament House with a re- enactment of Dame Enid Lyons first ever address representing women in Parliament in Australia...
Thankyou to all the incredible women that have led the way and are leading the way to inspire us all to take a step up to be the voice of our communities..


Fabulous initiative from Maitland City Council for creatives? Have you ever wanted the opportunity to showcase your work or open your own studio?
Here is your opportunity...


Thankyou so much for having me a part of the debate The Mai-Wel Group such a fun evening and most of all in support of a cause very close to my ❤️ #mymaitland


So proud to be attending this event with a group of passionate women that are committed to serving their community ... Beautiful welcome from Anne Weldon - LALC #mymaitland #womeninthehouse


Just had a super fun lunchtime podcast break with Craig from Hunter Recruitment Group for an episode of Career Conversations...
Episode will be live in a few weeks - and it was great to chat around my business and professional journey...most importantly I did share the real stuff - that includes the awesome moments and the not so awesome ones...
Thanks for having me on the show! 💯🙏
... Ps - and no video so I got to hang out straight from the gym...
#mymaitland #human #authentic #messyhairdontcare #nomakeup
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Fabulous seeing our own Bravo Victor back live in Newcastle Live.....
B is for Bass - V is for Victor...
Love our local talent we here .... world class...


My latest podcast live with The Revolutionary Firm from #bookkeepcon18 in NZ....
Bookkeepers are so much fun and absolutely are super passionate about being there to support small business - it's the lifeblood of our economy...…/53-d onna-carswell-expel…/


For families across NSW Service NSW now has a great little assessment tool that identifies what support is available to you.
You can check it out here /cost-living


Last call out to support Fundraising for our kids and families across the country that incorporate managing #autism in there every day lives...
Last night I spoke at The Maiwell Group Comedy Debate and we raised some great funds to contribute to the programs they deliver
My friend Hollie has just run the Annual City to Surf today and she is raising funds to directly support #countryautism...
... Think about how that money you would spend on a weekly coffee could go towards helping a child and their family
You can donate here /team-hollie
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More about Melanie Power