Mind-Set & Development Coach

Monday: 09:30 - 14:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 14:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 14:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 14:30
Friday: 09:30 - 14:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 02:00
Sunday: -

About Mind-Set & Development Coach

Grow your confidence and unlock your potential by working with limiting beliefs and past influences the are creating blocks in your current life.



It is 😊


The services I offer are-
Emotional healing Negative emotions Anxiety... Nervousness Anger management Sadness Self esteem issues Motivational coaching Life coaching Mediation (conflict resolution) Relationships coaching Time management Organisational skills Performance Enhancement Decision making Procrastination Past regression Social skills Work - life balance Addictions
And much more -
I use the following techniques -
Neuro Linguistic Programing
Mindset Coaching Timeline Therapy Hypnosis Reiki Crystal Dreaming Meditation
I also have my -
Diploma of counselling Cert 4 in drug & alcohol
And am also a Mindpower graduate .
For a discussion on your situation -
Call Lidija on 0448 035 227
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Difference between traditional therapy and Nlp coaching


Timeline therapy would be my favourite technique to immediately release any negative emotion or limiting decisions that you hold within you or about you.
As we all have a past, present & future. Using the timeline therapy technique we are able to go back to the time when you felt that negative emotion or belief , which affects your life today, and remove it .
Carrying these emotions and beliefs can be crippling emotionally and disempowering to your self esteem . And it doe...s affect every aspect of your life .
Emotions such anger, sadness regret , fear .
Beliefs like Im not good enough , ill never or I cant .
Free yourself ,
For a booking call 0448035227
Lidija 😊
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Who you surround yourself with says alot about you and where you currently are in your life. As we all radiate on frequency, and like attracts like . Who you choose to surround yourself with affects your life.
When you surround yourself with high vibrating souls you feel it and are inspired.
When you surround yourself with lower vibrating souls you absorb it. And drama follows .
... And will continue until you change your circumstances and life.
If this is your current situation, and dont know how to get out, or would like to change to a higher frequency . I can help. For a discussion on what I can do for you. Call me on 0448035227 .
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Thats right x


Anxiety is a warning from the unconscious mind to focus on what you do want , not want you don't want.
When you feel anxiety, your imagining your future not working out or the worst possible outcomes.


Anything you want is available to you. Create a life that encourages others and you're self into greater consciousness.
We are the creators of our own experiences.
We think positively , when we don't know what to do. Every choice you make has consequences.
... I do not deserve this , is an illusion. You did create this.
Negativity exists because we create it in our life through choice. Which means we can uncreate it. Both negative and positive are equally balanced through choice.
We can't be the creators of good circumstances and the bad just happen and blame others. Recognising the cause, will help you understand the effect.
When we refuse responsibility, we loose power. Claim the mess, then the mess can be cleaned.
Two keys to manifesting change . Is to be conscious and responsible for the change you desire ,which equals the power to change.
If we know how we have already created what we do have.Then we can create more.
A negative choice is when we go against who we really are. When you understand the negative choice. Only then can you make changes.
If the same circumstances keep on happening. Change what you're doing.
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Mind-set coaching
Is to assist you in changing your current views and beliefs within your self and about your self .
Most people put restrictions on them selves with (its not possible , i'll never & I cant) or blaming others for circumstances in there lives.
... At the end of the day , you are responsible for your life. It is what you make of it.
It all starts with a thought ,it is the steps you take that make it a reality and create results. 20% of your actions creates 80% of your results.
In saying this the first step is to work with negative thoughts and beliefs which create blocks and unwanted out comes, perception is projection.
What you put out is what you recieve back. When you start to recognise thats these thoughts arn't serving you positively , you can consciously replace them with ones that do.
I'd like you to think of a time when you told your self that you couldnt do or achieve something, and when you turned up and attempted it(or put your mind to it ) You suprised yourself and found that you did and could achieve it .
So with that in mind, what else is it that you would like to achieve that you think or thought you can not or could not .
The first step is to make managable goals . Your goals need to be realistic and achievable to suit your resources and circumstanes . If you feel that they are.
Then ask yourself does it feel right . If it does , and your not sure where to start .
Coaches are available to help you unlock your potential and get you started, and support you along your journey .
For further enquiries call Lidija on 0448035227
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More about Mind-Set & Development Coach

Mind-Set & Development Coach is located at Pine Forest Rd, Tomerong, New South Wales, Australia 2540
Monday: 09:30 - 14:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 14:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 14:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 14:30
Friday: 09:30 - 14:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 02:00
Sunday: -