Movement Against Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking

About Movement Against Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking

The United State of Humanity is a Movement against Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking, to raise public awareness against these heinous crimes and violence towards all humanity!

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Within a decade, 238 homicides in NSW occurred in domestic violence
context: report
By Antonette Collins
Updated 24 Mar 2015, 7: 48am

A report has called for better training of police officers and other frontline staff to detect and monitor cases of domestic violence in New South Wales.

It is the third annual report prepared by the NSW Domestic Violence Death Review Team, which included an analysis of data findings spanning a 10-year period from 2000 to 2010 and 19 case reviews of deaths that have been finalised between 2009 and 2010.

Over the 10-year period, the report found that 238 homicides in NSW occurred in a domestic violence context.

Out of that number, 137 deaths were women, accounting for almost half of the homicides, and 55 were children, with the vast majority of those - 96 per cent - killed by a parent.

Half of all child victims were under two years of age.

State coroner Michael Barnes, who is also convenor of the Domestic Violence Death Review Team, said the figures made for some disturbing reading.

"It's horrifying. It's deeply shocking, " he said.

"But that said, mere emotive reactions won't make anyone safer so that's why it's appropriate that there be a more scientific analysis of the circumstances in which those children and mainly women died.

"And that's what this report seeks to do. "

Majority of deaths were 'Intimate Partner Homicides'

The report also found that 60 per cent of the homicides were considered "intimate partner homicides", where almost all of the women that had been killed had been victims of domestic violence.

Of the 35 men killed in this category, 29 were killed by a current or former female partner. Almost all of the men killed in that context had been the domestic violence abuser in the relationship.

There were no cases where a woman was a domestic violence abuser had killed a male victim.

One of the key findings outlined in the report was that separation featured in a high proportion of cases.

In two-thirds of all intimate partner homicides where a woman was killed, the victim and the perpetrator had either recently separated or were in the process of separating.

In most cases, there was no apprehended violence order (AVO) that had been applied for or that was in place at the time of the homicide.

Better police training recommended by report

The report has made 23 recommendations, many directed at the NSW Police Force for better recording of information and better recruitment and training of officers in recognising domestic violence incidents.

The report recommended that Family and Community Services (FACS) be notified of any domestic violence event where children may reside with a perpetrator.

It also recommended that NSW Health coordinate and implement a referral strategy for the Ambulance Service and emergency departments.

"It gives us a solid evidence base for suggesting what changes could be made, " Mr Barnes said.

"Everyone knows the problem is horrendous but unless you look at the individual cases . . . and identify weaknesses in systems, we're left just wringing our hands. "

But the report also followed up on recommendations made in the 2011-2012 report.

Half of the 14 previous recommendations had seen no action taken.

'Identifying risk earlier' could help prevent deaths

Domestic Violence NSW CEO Moo Baulch said the reports were an important way to get government action on the issue.

"I think the recommendations from this report are very interesting, " Ms Baulch.

"I hope that it will translate into a very different way of working between government and non-government and being able to identify risk a lot earlier on and being able to prevent some of these horrific deaths.

"All the pieces of the puzzle have to be put together in order for us to be able to make an impact on the way domestic and family violence is responded to, particularly when we think about that in relation to the deaths of children. "

She said a $100 million investment is needed over the next three years to incorporate all sectors involved, including housing, health, justice, young people and those at high risk.

"We really need to put some money into this, " Ms Baulch said.

"When you consider that this costs NSW more than $4 billion a year, an investment of $100 million is fairly insignificant. "

The retirement of the former NSW coroner Mary Jerram and the late appointment of review team members led to a delay in the tabling of the report - over a year since it was initially drafted.

The next report is scheduled to be tabled towards the end of the year.

More about Movement Against Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking

Movement Against Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking is located at 2 Chifley Square, Woolloomooloo 2000