Nc Defence Lawyers

About Nc Defence Lawyers

NC Defence Lawyers led by Neil Chow is a boutique legal practice offering dedicated representation and defence of criminal and traffic matters.

Nc Defence Lawyers Description

NC Defence Lawyers is driven by its passion and dedication to provide comprehensive, approachable and affordable representation for those facing criminal or traffic offences in courts all across Sydney and New South Wales. Founded and led by its Principal Neil Chow, clients will receive direct access to Neil who will work on their matters from start to finish. Neil is a strategic, experienced and compassionate advocate who can readily appear in sentence matters, defended hearings, bail applications, appeals and section 32 mental health applications. For serious matters requiring barristers at trial or appeal, Neil can readily call upon his select group of very experienced and competent Counsel who he has instructed over the years.

Neil is a member of the Legal Aid General Criminal Law Panel and, upon assignment, can provide representation at Courts to those in financial need. Neil can also readily appear as an agent for other solicitors at Courts all across Sydney and New South Wales. One of NC Defence Lawyers' goals for 2017 is to be a regular volunteer lecturer at a traffic offender intervention program to foster a helpful and friendly legal presence in the community.

If you require assistance and representation in any of these areas of criminal law or traffic matters, please do not hesitate to contact Neil on 0404 768 983 or at neil. n.