Neurophysics Therapy Clinic - Sydney Cbd

About Neurophysics Therapy Clinic - Sydney Cbd

Fast proving to be the most advanced form of Training and Rehabilitation in the world.

Neurophysics Therapy Clinic - Sydney Cbd Description

NeuroPhysics Therapy (NPT) and the associated Ware K Health Trigger Process is an exercise-based therapy, which has broad applications across many aspects of rehabilitation, health and performance.

Utilising over 30 years of research into maximising system integration and engagement, NeuroPhysics Therapy (NPT) recalibrates the body's systems in a natural and unique way, to optimise system communication, recovery and response.
NPT is a method of activating communication in the nervous system that naturally innovates pathways - in a manner that had not been previously discovered, or thought possible. This breakthrough method is a repeatable, observable phenomena, which is currently the focus of a host of scientific studies into the treatment of chronic, complex and acute disorders.

Benefits of the therapy are seemingly unlimited, as, by treating the overall system, it delivers incredible improvements to a huge variety of dis-ease, disorders and performance markers. This is routinely achieved in remarkable time scales and, with continued integration, reaps ongoing results for the individual.

Being an exercise-based program, NPT utilises specialised equipment and advanced techniques, which are delivered in private treatment sessions by a Qualified NeuroPhysics Therapist. The program begins with assessing the response and function of a client’s system. Techniques are then applied to trigger the nervous system to self-organise toward optimal function. By facilitating the body's natural health-trigger process, the individual remains in-control, relaxed and composed; even under high stress loads once advancing through the program. .
The founding developers and practitioners of the NeuroPhysics Therapy training system have been successfully using this world-leading process for more than 25 years, to help (now thousands of) clients recover their quality of life, from a variety of problems in remarkable time scales.

More about Neurophysics Therapy Clinic - Sydney Cbd

Neurophysics Therapy Clinic - Sydney Cbd is located at Level 1, 99 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, Australia 2000