New Lambton Playgroup

About New Lambton Playgroup

New Lambton Playgroup is a group of parents /carers and children aged 0-5 who meet each week to play and socialise. We are affiliated with Playgroup NSW

New Lambton Playgroup Description

Toys, Craft and other activities
New Lambton Playgroup has been running for over 30 years, so we are blessed with a large number and variety of toys and other supplies. Each week we bring out a selection of our toys from the store room for the children to play with; please feel free to have a poke around and pick out whatever you’d like.

Morning Tea & Craft Roster
We welcome you to put your name on the roster to provide morning tea and a craft activity. Your session fees are free that week.
An activity could include craft, story time, sand or water play, blowing bubbles and much more. We have a craft cupboard with lots of things to choose from, or you can bring your own.

We use some of our session fees to buy tea, coffee and milk to share, so please help yourself. Each week a member of the group volunteers to bring along some morning tea for the adults; and we each bring morning tea for our own children. The children sit together to eat, so we ask that no peanut products be brought along to playgroup.
If you would like to volunteer on the morning tea and craft roster, please put your name on the roster near the day book.

Music Time
Each playgroup session at around 11: 15am our friend Dorothy Johnson visits to play children’s songs on the piano for us. Dorothy is over 90-years-old and has been faithfully attending New Lambton playgroup since she brought her grandchildren to the group over 30 years ago. We try to pack up the toys and finish cleaning up by the time Dorothy arrives so that we can enjoy a song and dance with the children.

Nappy change facilities
A nappy change table is located in the disabled toilet; please use this change table rather than the tables in the church hall. Soiled nappies can be placed in the kitchen bin, which we empty at the end of each session to the outdoor bin for council collection.

New Lambton Uniting Church
We have an agreement with the church to hire the hall and outdoor space each week, and most of our session fees are put toward meeting this cost. We are expected to leave the area clean and tidy and to store all of our toys, tables and chairs in our designated storage areas. At the end of each session we need to sweep the floor, wash our dishes and empty the rubbish bin.

Our committee
Our playgroup is run by a committee of volunteers; these people are parents /carers who attend our playgroup each week. We hold meetings each school term and an AGM at the end of September each year, so if you would like to take on a role we would love to have you involved.

More about New Lambton Playgroup

New Lambton Playgroup is located at Corner of Regent Street and Portland Place, New Lambton, New South Wales, Australia 2305
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:30 - 11:30
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -