Newcastle Traditional Latin Mass Society

About Newcastle Traditional Latin Mass Society

The official apostolate of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, for the greater glory of Almighty God.

Newcastle Traditional Latin Mass Society Description

The Newcastle Traditional Latin Mass Society is an association of Christ's faithful formed in accordance with canons 298 & 299 of the Code of Canon Law.

We were established in 2010 and consist of a small group of lay faithful who formed an organising committee to promote the worship of God according to the classical rites of worship that in their present form date right back to Pope Saint Gregory the Great in AD590 - 604. Saint Gregory the Great not only reformed the liturgy into its present form but according to legend, he is credited with instituting the beautiful music which adorns the Mass even until today. These Gregorian chants the saintly pope is believed to have received under the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Our organisation is established under canon law with appropriate ecclesiastical approbation. As an associated formed under the current edition of the Church's Code of Canon Law we happily operate with under the Holy See with full and unreserved obedience to the Holy Father, Pope Francis in union with the Magisterium of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

We would also like to acknowledge publicly our appreciation to the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI for his role in making the more ancient usage of the Roman Rite (usus antiquior) more available to the greater Catholic community in his 2007 document published Motu Proprio entitled Summorum Pontificum. It was Pope Benedict XVI, who through this ecclesiastical legislation both inspired and enabled the Newcastle Traditional Latin Mass Society to be established. As His Holiness wrote in 2007: "What was holy once, cannot be unholy now" and so the traditional rites of the Roman Catholic Church are still available as a source of ediciation for the Catholic faithful across the world.

Our organisation is also established entirely under the jurisdiction of our local Bishop, + William Wright. We thank His Lordship for his generosity towards our community, and especially in granting us the use of his Cathedral Church for some of our regular Masses.

More about Newcastle Traditional Latin Mass Society

Newcastle Traditional Latin Mass Society is located at St Mary Star of the Sea Church, 54 Perkins St, Newcastle, New South Wales 2300