Newcastle Yoga Therapy Clinic

About Newcastle Yoga Therapy Clinic

@Hummingbird Centre of Psychology

@Triggerpoint Health, South Hamilton

@Yoga Body Works, Newcastle

Newcastle Yoga Therapy Clinic Description

“I was drawn to yoga to find balance and inner calm at age 17. My first yoga class was taught by my friends Grandmother in my hometown on the N. W Coast of
Tasmania. Though I was initially hesitant of yoga, when I looked to my 70 year old teacher who was a beaming light of health and happiness and had a larger range of motion than I did, I knew yoga had to become part of my life. Jean is still an inspiration to my yoga journey today.

I experimented with different styles of Hatha Yoga while living in Sydney before moving to London at the start of 2012, where the door opened to explore more spiritual aspects of yoga as well as the physical. I put my fashion career on hold after 5 years to undergo my 200hr teacher training in Bali with ‘Shades of Yoga’. Broadening my knowledge and finding out more about myself contributed to my desire to teach and share the awesomeness of yoga with other at Yoga Body Works where I have been teaching for 6 months.

I use a unique approach to offer creative yin and vinyasa classes catered for all levels.

I continue to enjoy the physical challenge and the peaceful energy yoga brings to my life every day. ”