Odette & Co

About Odette & Co

Odette and Co are passionate about finding solutions for your marketing and communication challenges. We specialise in digital marketing and public relations.



Offline is the new luxury. So switch off friends. Jump back in here. We’ll see you bright and early tomorrow, when we’ll all be ready and raring to go!
[Image via Cedar Stone Botanicals]


Here’s to escaping the everyday (as much as we love it) this weekend.


Now here’s someone taking their Friday morning pre-work-cup-filleth-beach-time and sun safety seriously… Happy Friday, y’all!
[Image via The Beach People]


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. We LURVE our new poolside office in the heart of the Byron Bay industrial estate… like, a lot. I mean look at this… this deliciousness is a mere 100 metres from our office. With organic grocers and amazing caffeine-based beverages on our doorstep, it’s got the goods alright – everything we need to keep doing the amazing things we do daily for our equally-amazing clients.
But we do miss our baby office cat. There. We said it. We m...iss her little face and her tiny voice and her weird obsession with lounging on our computers while ‘contributing’ to our latest strategy. We’d even trained her to perch on our shoulder during team skype meetings and she always knew exactly when we needed a cuddle.
Now we just have to cuddle each other. And that’s getting kind of awkward. Anyone else out there missing their fur baby’s face today?
[Image via Carly Brown Photography]
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This woman has just about finished her PhD in creative writing. She’s also the editorial manager for a leading academic journal. She’s pretty much the smartest person we’ve ever met in real life. And we’re thrilled to tell the world she’s also our very beloved senior copywriter here at O&C HQ. She is – Kelly Poynter.
Without Kel, Odette & Co wouldn’t be half of what it is today. She crafts strong, meaningful pieces of content for all of our clients, forever backed by her exp...ert attention to detail and innate ability to get the sweet, sweet words right… every time. We have no doubt she’ll pen a best-selling novel one day. It will be published in 20 languages (minimum) and land her the Miles Franklin Award AND the Pulitzer Prize AND the Man Booker Prize AND the Nobel Prize in literature.
But until then, we’re going to lap up every second or her wordy wisdom.
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Okay. We’re a bit excited. Everywhere we look we see opportunity and hope and nail-biting anticipation surrounded by rainbows and glitter. And no, not because it’s the beginning of a new week (although that is obviously a cause for happiness too…), but because we’ve just booked a team branding workshop with none other than Mel Packham, the brains and beauty behind A Brand Is Not A Logo (and this bloody brilliant piece of word wisdom). Yaass!
Mel has managed some of Australia’...s biggest and most-loved brands, leading them through launches, relaunches and teaching them why having brand clarity aligns everyone who works in and on your business. In her own words… “it unites people to your brand’s cause. It empowers people to make decisions that are best for your brand.”
Mel is sharing her brain wisdom with the world and we can’t wait to soak it up. She says it how it is and the clue’s in her business name. A brand is your business’s most important asset and it’s therefore next-level crucial we nurture it the way we do our baby ket (cat), doggo or actual human child.
We’re emotional creatures us humans, our souls call for more than fancy design and some mighty fine features to form a long-lasting connection. What to hear more? Stay tuned for updates on all the mind-blowingly awesomeness we learn from this wise woman.
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Well, here endeth another glorious week in sunny Byron Bay (we’ve mentioned our new lush office space at Habitat Byron Bay right... ? In the heart of Byron? It has a pool… this pool… just sayin’).
But did you know that we have team members scattered all over this sunshine-lovin’ sunburnt country? So we know what the weather’s like all over the place – Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne, Tasmania – and we know what our remote-working friends get up to both during the working week a...nd when the weekend rolls round.
How? Thanks to our lil ole’ team Facebook Group. So simple, yet so effective. We talk shop. We talk non-shop. We boost zee business. We forge friendships. We have the chance to grow something we love, with people who share our passion, no matter where they choose to call home. Because we’ve built our own little online O&C home right there on Facebook. So thanks for that Mr FB, it means the world.
[Image via GAIA SOUL Byron Bay]
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Did you know more than 60 per cent of small businesses in Australia close within their first three years?
Whether it’s due to cash flow issues, growing too quickly, a lack of knowledge or the dreaded small business burnout faced by entrepreneurs everywhere, there are countless challenges threatening to take you out. Small business is tough – and right now Odette & Co is smack bang in the middle of the most challenging time for small business survival. But listen up – we. are. thriving.
Why? Because Odette is constantly 10 steps ahead of the game. She stares business burnout in the face daily and says: not us, not today, not ever. Hit the link in our bio to check out her latest article on Inside Small Business to see why she’ll never be beaten by burnout.


Damn straight. Mid-week inspo coming. at. ya.


Is it just us or does life just seem to get faster and faster? We of all folk should be used to it, after all, the social media world we work in has done its bit to fuel the instant gratification society around us. And we love it, we do. But do you know what? That doesn’t mean that sometimes we don’t need to slow it all down, put the phone down, and reflect.
This is especially the case when it comes to running this here thriving biz, so Odette has adopted some stellar busine...ss rituals to help keep her wondrous brain on track.
“Every fortnight I have a ‘BAG ladies’ dinner (business accountability group), where I meet with a group of fellow biz ladies to share our wins, action items and really think about where we’re headed. Not only does it hold me accountable to the moving parts in my business, but it also offers a safe space to unload about running a company – something that not everyone in my life wants to hear about!
I also meet with the Byron Business Babes, a group of super supportive local business supernovas – seriously, all these women are so incredibly talented. The value of this community has been next level for me. Again, it’s a safe space for biz chit chats, but also dishes up a wealth of knowledge – I’ve learned so much! Everything from managing people and administrative tasks, to hiring, contracts and putting boundaries around work life.”
Rituals. They slow us down. Connect us to ourselves, our place, and the present moment. And come highly recommended by Odette & Co.
[Via the master of rituals, @om_cade on Instagram]
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This morning we were up and at ‘em...bright and early (yep 3:30 alarm!) to meet the incredibly insightful and kind, Shane Hickey, to discuss the challenges and joys of creating a living on the land for Farmer cookbook. I can’t wait to share more of Shane’s story (and his recipe once he agrees to spill the secret beans!).
He’s a man chasing down every alternative method to give his cows and his land, the best chance to flourish into the future. What a gem! And more so, what a joyous project to be involved with - thank you Jody Vassallo Beautiful Food!
Special thanks to Tess, Scott Hawkins and Tex for braving the early start.


Where focus goes, energy flows. Time to relax, reboot and refocus this weekend...
[Image via @boutanica on Instagram]


Beautiful humans, we're so fortunate to be working with Jody Vassallo on a drought relief cookbook sharing recipes and stories of the land. The Farmer cookbook is being developed in partnership with some of Australia's top foodies - from chefs, stylists, photographers, designers, and editors. We are over the moon to be involved. The concept is still in its infancy with all proceeds from the sales going to Buy a Bale of Hay - Making a difference to Australian Farming Families ...I would love your support as we head along this journey to support the farmers of Australia during these heartbreaking times.
Next weekend I will have a stall at Sample Food Festival 2018 where I'll be collecting donations towards our crowdfunding campaign. I would LOVE any volunteers who could share an hour or two to help get donations on board. I will need a marquee for the stall if anyone has one.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered support so far. In the meantime please jump over to the social channels where we will keep updating with progress and calls for assistance.
Image thanks to the ever talented Cath Muscat Photography.
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We are just about bursting at the seams with excitement and growth – yep our lil team is ready to expand again. Our beautiful PR superstar is just about ready to welcome another bebe human and we are looking for a PR ninja to join our team on a maternity contract, with the option to extend as our business grows.
In Melbourne or Sydney, looking for a sea change? Our office is based pool-side, in the heart of the Byron Bay industrial estate. Walking distance to organic grocers ...and some of the BEST cawfee in town. Oh and yes, we do some incredible work too! Here at O&C our philosophy is to infuse our clients with a sense of confidence and calm, based on our capability and results.
If you’re looking for a flexible role, that you can work around your family or simply to enjoy the lifestyle of our stunning beachside town, this role…it might just tickle you pink. You’ll be part of a tight team of superstars who are truly chasing their dreams. You’ll be intelligent, both intellectually and emotionally, because we don’t have space for anything less. If you want to leave your ‘real’ job and explore a slower life but still be challenged, we would love to welcome you into our coven.
Check out our website for full details of the role.
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Writing your own bio – simple for some, excruciating for most. We hear ya.
But Odette has some wise words for those of you struggling to nail this key piece of info – whether it’s for your website, LinkedIn profile or business brochure, it all comes down to the ah-huh moment.
“What was the moment that changed your life forever? What was the trigger? The newsflash? The turning point? What single incident, conversation or interaction took place that changed the course of your ...life? Got it? Now take out a notepad and pen and WRITE. IT. DOWN. Getting clear on this will ensure people want to share your story. It will immediately tell your audience what’s unique about you and your business, explain how you came to be where you are today and no doubt resonate with their own business backstory. Embrace what happened before today, rediscover the reason why you fell in love with your purpose and that big ol’ daunting bio will basically write itself.”
P.s. feeling ALL kinds of inspired in our be-YOO-ti-ful new office space Habitat Byron Bay. Who’s loving it sick as much as we are!?
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Not to be dramatic, but one of the hardest things I’ve had to do was get out of bed this morning.
To recover from the trauma I went and lay down on the beach.
I feel better now.
... [Simplicity via The Beach People]
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You’ll find us here this weekend… just around the corner from our new office space at Habitat Byron Bay 🎉
Erm, is this real life?
[Image via Folk Byron Bay]


“Not all traffic is equal, you’ve got to go after the right keywords.”
Neil Patel, New York Times best selling author, top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 and 35, and our SEO guru.
This guy rocks. He’s got the goods when it comes to all things digital and we’re lapping up his latest podcast right now – where this particular gem struck a chord with us. If you’re not investing some serious time in conquering your keyword research… you’re doing it wrong.
... Hit the link to check out this great list of tools recommended by Neil himself, and start doing it right.
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Odette & Co!!

What more can i say but I absolutely love and adore these ladies!!

Not only have they increased my business, they have made me the most stunning website, increased my socials following, made my feed so dreamy I could die and they always make me feel as though nothing is a hassle!!

They tell my own story better than I tell it myself and they bring a professionalism their expertise like no other.

I have been truly lucky and blessed to be able to work with Odette and Co and can not wait to see what the future holds for us all!!


If I could give u 100 star rating I would xxxx


Odette & Co!!

What more can i say but I absolutely love and adore these ladies!!

Not only have they increased my business, they have made me the most stunning website, increased my socials following, made my feed so dreamy I could die and they always make me feel as though nothing is a hassle!!

They tell my own story better than I tell it myself and they bring a professionalism their expertise like no other.

I have been truly lucky and blessed to be able to work with Odette and Co and can not wait to see what the future holds for us all!!


If I could give u 100 star rating I would xxxx

More about Odette & Co

Odette & Co is located at 8 Parkes Avenue, Byron Bay, New South Wales 2481
0415 852 484