
About "Open_Minds"

In the world of pure thoughts there are no boundaries hence no limits. . . / Dans le monde des pensées pures, il n'y a ni frontiére ni limite . . . In der Welt der "reinen Gedanken" sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. . .

"Open_Minds" Description

Project number two, walking from Cape Town to Cairo will set off in early 2013.
I am still in the early planning stages so I will post more details as time goes on. This time I will be putting together a documentary or and a series. I am going to make a couple of practice docos here in Australia this year and i will be posting up these also as the year goes on.

The first project which ran from Late August 2011 to Early November 2011 went like this. . . . I (Brett from New Zealand) and at different times three friends (Pramod, Nepal from Veera from Finland and Franziska from Germany) walked from Lyon, France to Barcelona, Spain with limited money a few instruments and alot of good vibes. We slept out between towns and in the towns were generally invited by wonderful people that we met along the way to sleep in their homes. I also used couchsurfing.org a few times which I highly recommend. The idea was to 1; Show a different way of living and traveling, 2; Show the amazing things that can come out of a single moment of connection between two people, 3; The charity of strangers, 4; Share the positive energy that I feel in the hope that if I meet someone on the street and that person gets a good feeling from me, then they will walk away from that experiance and pass that feeling onto people in their own lives. As you can see on the site, there are some videos and photos mostly from this journey. Please feel free to make any suggestions, offer any help or to send anything you discover on your journey in life to open_minds@hotmail. co. nz. Everyone is continuely learning espeacially me, so try not to judge me too harshly. I beleive there is always many ways to look at a single event or object and i wouldnt want to pretend i know the best awnser so please, if you dont agree with what I say or do, let me see it in a different light.
Heres what I think. . . There are many things going on in this world that people are very scared of but the idea is that when you listen to that little voice inside that says, Hey! go out and live, and not always take the easy way out, that all of your stress, insecurities and worries will melt away.
Let's take every day and every moment and make it real, lets together release this giant energy that is built up inside every person and make it positive.
First and foremost judge yourself, not others, be happy with yourself and it no longer matters what others think about you. Lets not be scared to create and follow what feels right inside.
Find your true purpose and do not stop discovering the possibilities that can be created from the smallest action, allow yourself to be set free and every day will be an amazing journey.
If everyone could do this then I believe the world will automaticly be a better place.
If this site can offer up a single positive moment to a single person, it's worked wonders already. Respect, love and peace to you all.

/ Pour commencer ce projet un petit groupe de personnes marchera de France jusqu'en Espagne, sans argent, avec seulement de bonnes vibrations et de la musique. Nous dormirons à l'extérieur des villes et nous jouerons de la musique dans les endroits dans lesquels nous arriverons en essayant d'intégrer les gens et de gagner assez d'argent pour nous nourrir durant la prochaine étape. Nous essayons de découvrir toutes les possibilités ou potentiels qui pourront se manifester a nous le long du trajet et d'écouter autant d'histoires que les personnes voudront nous raconter de leurs expériences de la vie, nous filmerons ce que nous pourrons de ces moments et posterons ces vidéos sur le site open-minds. yolasite.com en fonction du déroulement du voyage. J'aimerais réaliser un documentaire ou un petit film a la fin pour essayer de répandre ce concept le plus loin possible. Il y aura differentes photos et albums vidéos avec différents concepts, N'hésitez pas à faire une quelconque suggestion, d'offrir une aide ou d'envoyer quoi que ce soit que vous auriez découvert dans ce voyage a open-minds@hotmail. co. nz, nous apprenons constamment. Il y a tellement de choses qui se passent dans ce monde que les gens ont peur mais l'idée est que tu dois être vrai et toi-même. Tu ne dois pas toujours choisir la facilité et tu verras que tout ce stress, cette insécurité et ces problémes s'en iront au loin. Prenons chaque jour et chaque moment pour en faire quelque chose de réel, relachons ensemble cette energie infinie qui est contenue en chacun de nous et rendons la positive, ne soyons pas effrayés de créer et suivre ce qui semble juste a l'interieur. Trouve ton vrai but et ne t'arrêtes pas de découvrir les possibilités qui peuvent être crées de la plus petite action, autorise toi a être libre. Si ce site peut offrir un seul moment positif a un seul d'entre vous, c'est que cela fonctionne déjà.
Respect, amour et paix a vous tous.

/ Die Idee ist, dass eine kleine Gruppe von Leuten von Frankreich nach Spanien laufen wird, ohne Geld, nur mit guter Musik und guter Stimmung. Wir werden draußen zwischen Ortschaften schlafen. Wo wir ankommen, werden wir Musik spielen und den Leuten erklären was wir machen. Der Plan ist, dass wir so genug Geld für unser Essen bis zum nächsten Stopp zusammen bekommen. Wir sind offen für alle Möglichkeiten und Potentiale, die sich auf dem Weg eröffnen. Wir wollen Geschichten und Erfahrungen von Menschen sammeln , die uns unterwegs begegnen und offen darür sind - wir werden filmen was wir können und dieVideos immer hier und auf der Website veröffentlichen ( open-minds. yolasite.com ). Am Ende soll daraus ein Kurzfilm oder eine Doku entstehen, um unsere Idee so weit wie möglich zu verbreiten. Es wird verschiedene Alben mit unterschiedlichen Konzepten geben - bitte lasst uns eure Ideen dazu wissen; schreibt einfach an open-minds@hotmail. co. nz, auf jeden Fall auch Erfahrungen, die ihr in euerm Leben macht. Viele Leute haben Angst in ihrem Leben - unsere Idee ist, dass es darauf ankommt, sich selbst treu zu bleiben und nicht immer den kürzesten Weg zu gehen. So lassen wir viele Ängste und der Stress und Unsicherheiten einfach hinter uns. Lasst uns jeden tag, jeden Moment wirklich leben, lasst uns diese gigantische Energie, die jeder von uns in sich trägt, frei lassen und positiv sein und das tun, was sich richtig anfühlt. Hört nie auf, all die Möglichkeiten zu entdecken, die sich jeden Tag neu eröffnen, lasst eurem wahren Selbst freien Lauf. Wenn nur eine Person einen einzigen positiven Punkt auf dieser Seite für sich entdeckt hat, hat es funktioniert. Euch allen Respekt, Liebe und Frieden.

/ Para empezar este proyecto un pequeño grupo de personas andara desde Francia hasta España sin dinero, sòlo con buenas vibraciones y mùsica. Dormiremos fuera de las ciudades, y tocaremos mùsica en cada lugar, intentando integrar a la gente y ganar el dinero suficiente para la comida de la pròxima etapa. Intentaremos descubrir todo lo que nos ofrece la vida a lo largo del camino, escuchando la gente hablar sobre sus propias experiencias. Grabaremos con una càmara video estos momentos y los cargaremos en esta pàgina web : open-minds. yolasite.com si es posible durante el camino. Me gustaria hacer un pequeño documental con fotos y videos, para que este concepto se difunda a lo mas lejo posible. Si tienes ideas para ayudarnos, o si quieres enviarnos lo que sea, algo que has descubierto gracias a este viaje, este es el correo electronico : open-minds@hotmail. co. nz, las experiencias nunca paran.
Hay tantas cosas ocuriendo por el mundo que la gente tiene miedo, pero la idea es que tienes que ser sincero, ser una buena persona, y no eligir la facilidad, luego veras
que todo el estrés y este sentimento de insecuridad desapareceran. Hay que hacer de cada dia, cada momento, algo real, algo bueno. Tenemos que dar todos juntos ernergia positiva a los demas, no hay que ser asustado. Solo hay que escuchar esta
vos que nos habla desde el interior. Tienes que descubrir el papel que quieres desempeñar en este mundo, y veras todas la posibilidades que pueden resultar de una pequeña acciòn.
Ser libre.
Si esta pagina web puede ayudar tan solo una persona ya functiona.
Respeto, amor y paz para todos.



Hello to anyone still on this well neglected page. I am in the initial stages of planning a new project that at this stage will be called organic Serbia. This summer I will be looking for land to purchase to get it off the ground but the practical part of development will likely not start until mid 2018. Many many details to be worked out so I won't say much more at this stage but I will be keeping those who are interested updated as I get deeper into it. Lots of love ✌


Love and happiness everyone 😘❤️💚💛


Watch this space, there is a new project coming soon


It was a xhame they fell down 5 metres before the top but i missed it. although they did get back up again and finish, ll credit to tem and the little girl who wasn't phased by any of it.


The little girl that climps to the top is only four years old!


This is a Catalan tradition, where they have to walk up the cathedral steps I can't remember how many it is but it's a lot!


With my host Clara and my second family :)


Sorry about the quality


just a few random videos I was still holding on to, will post some more from Spain when one of my memory cards arrives from France


During the Montpellier pitstop


I have arrived back in Australia, so the time has come to start building the Africa project. This is going to take some time as i have alot of work to do so that 1: I survive the journey and 2: the documentary and the idea itself is done to the best of my abilities. I hope you all are loving life and I wish you all the best. I will be in Europe for a little bit before starting the walk so i hope to catch up with as many of you as possible during this time. And I want to take this opportunity to thank you all and give my love to everyone who helped me in the last project it wouldn't have been the same without you! If any of you are thinking of coming to Australia, my house is your house. I will be posting some interesting things that I see or find or do and some updates from time to time. All the best, you are amazing people ;)

More about "Open_Minds"
