
About Pceasybooks

Ever typed half a page of carefully thought out words only to have them disappear in an instant? I'm sure it's happened to you.

Pceasybooks Description

Now think about that happening to your whole computer's contents! How would you feel?

All your photographs, emails, address book, accounting records, perhaps your nearly completed novel, all gone for good.

Not a problem as you reach for your Backup Disk

Oh dear, you'd been meaning to backup your hard disk for a while hadn't you but hadn't got around to it, probably because you didn't know how to do it.

You'd be horrified to know how many people this happens to and even more alarmed at the cost of salvaging data from a PC's hard disk; $850 for the last person I arranged this for. Backing up your hard drive is not difficult and is a critical step in protecting your computer investment, it's like a computer contents insurance policy.

I Wish I'd Backed Up is a simple to read, step by step guide enabling you to set up your own simple, or comprehensive, computer backup procedure. You'll learn what, when and how to backup and end up with an automated process that runs in the background so you don't have to worry.

How about that, for a fraction of the price of getting a computer technician to set it up for you you can do it yourself and learn about your computer in the process. This short guide is written mainly for Windows XP but the principles apply to any computer.

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