Personal Nutritionist

About Personal Nutritionist

MeLoDi4U is a Healthy-Realistic and ultra-Enjoyable weight loss program based on the most well studied diet in human history, the Mediterranean Diet. .
The intitials stand for Mediterranean Longevity Diet (MeLoDi 4U)

Personal Nutritionist Description

MeLoDi4U is a Healthy-Realistic and ultra-Enjoyable weight loss program.
It's Healthy because it's important for us to achieve the desired goal with a diet based on literature and research, not on fashion and opinions.
Every year 400 plus articles are published in high-quality Medical journals, highlighting and expanding the positive and vivid benefits of the "Mediterranean Diet" on health.

It's enjoyable to have a strong incentive to adopt.
More specifically, our goal is to compile a specialised programme that is far more tasty and far more enjoyable than your current situation.
Our specialised programme will directly guide you to many various and exceptionally mouth-watering' Mediterranean' recipes, that are loaded with an array of colours, aromas and taste.
Realistically, only a specialised designed diet programme that is perfectly adapted to your lifestyle, and very easy in its implementation, can be adopted for a lifetime.
Having a daily busy schedule it can be extremely difficult to devote time to a diet as healthy and as tasty it is.
The 'Mediterranean Diet' (simultaneously extremely simple), strongly stands out its taste and simplicity in execution of recipes.

But MeLoDi4U does only not stop here.
We go well beyond designing an individualised 'Nutrition Plan'.
We professionally target the 'underlying causes' that horrendously drives you to emotional eating.
Therefore, parallel to our 'eating plan', we apply cognitive behavioral therapy to directly steer you to eat mindfully, and. . . . . . . . . not emotionally.