About Perth True Therapy

Advanced Therapeutic, Remedial, and Relaxation Massage
Mind Body Connection Awareness and Postural Body Readings
Birthing Consultations and Doula Services
Academic Consultation and Instructional Courses in The Healing Arts

Perth True Therapy Description

At Perth True Therapy, the Whole Person is treated as one complete being, rather than in parts. With deep respect, reverence, and thoroughly advanced skill, therapies are provided for relieving pain and discomfort from many causes, such as injury, repetitive strain and use, poor posture, pregnancy and birth injuries to the spine and pelvis, migraines, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, (frozen shoulder), TMJ, lumbar lordosis and chronic low back pain, running and other athletic injuries, as well as countless other chronic and acute conditions.
Offering Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Work, Deep Connective Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Relaxation and Swedish Massage.

With more than 1000 hours hands on training and 10 years clinical practice experience, I use advanced musculoskeletal manipulation techniques combined with breath work and integrated principles of Oriental Theory to relieve pain and discomfort, while realigning the body gently and naturally, providing long term structural results without unnecessary pain during treatment.

Now also pleased to be offering Massage Therapy instruction and training courses, from Beginner to Expert levels.