Platypus Conservation Initiative

About Platypus Conservation Initiative

The Centre for Ecosystem Science collaborative project investigating platypus population health and dynamics.

Platypus Conservation Initiative Description

The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is an Australian enigma, one of only five extant species of egg-laying mammals and the only species within the monotreme family Ornithorhynchidae. It is a semi-aquatic mammal, endemic to Australia, exhibiting both reptilian and mammalian characters: egg laying, fur, lactation, venomous spurs, and has electroreception. The platypus is such an evolutionarily distinct mammal, making it of exceptional scientific value and an irreplaceable component of national and global biodiversity.

There is mounting evidence that populations are declining due to multiple stressors, including habitat loss and fragmentation and poor river management. Despite the growing evidence, the platypus is still considered to be “of least concern”, under IUCN red listing. It is also not listed on any threatened species schedules in Australia, except in South Australia, where its natural distribution been dramatically reduced since European settlement.

Platypus depend on freshwater habitats, which are increasingly degraded, making them especially vulnerable to modification of the natural dynamics of Australia’s riverine systems. Historic hunting and increasing evidence of recent local platypus population decreases and extinctions highlight a species facing considerable population risks . River regulation (dams, diversions), climate change, land use change, pollution and adhoc mortality from bycatch threaten the species.

Platypus populations appear to be different but connected mainly through aquatic dispersal (also some terrestrial). Reduced water availability, dam construction, water extraction, and habitat degradation all fragment platypus populations and considerably increase risks of overland dispersal by a species predominantly adapted to utilising aquatic and riparian habitats. Also, water extraction from Australia’s rivers, catalysed by dam construction, may increasingly fragment platypus populations likely increasing short-term extinction risks for isolated populations, and threatening the long-term viability of the species. Further, the vulnerability of suitable drought refugia with projected increasing climate change also represents a significant challenge for the long term survival of the species.

An exciting new ARC Linkage project, the Platypus Conservation Initiative, will being in 2016.

We will be investigating:

Genetic differences below and above dams as well as between catchments
Movements up and down rivers, particularly young platypus
Historical changes to their distribution
Threats to their conservation
Future scenarios of persistence

The Centre for Ecosystem Science has partnered with Taronga Zoo and assembled a national team for a national problem of high significance. It involves three universities (University of New South Wales, University of Melbourne, and University of Sydney), Cesar, and six State and Federal partners all involved in the conservation of platypus, with relevant expertise and management responsibilities.

All four eastern States which coincide with the distribution of platypus are involved:

NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH)
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research (ARI)
Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP)
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks and Water and Environment (DPIPWE)

At the national scale, The Platypus Conservation Initiative has partnered with The Environmental Water Holder and The Threatened Species Commissioner.

More about Platypus Conservation Initiative