
About Pockebay

PocketBay, a cross border trading platform, a mobile app for seller and buyer matching, a tool to check goods prices.

Pockebay Description

If you live or visit in Australia, China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, want to have a smart language translator, find local products during your traveling, or sell local products to overseas users, this application is your portable cross-border productivity tool.
It has Speech and Vision recognition functions to understand foreign languages and translate to your language. For example, by taking a picture of product's ingredient table, the app will recognize and translate them to your language.
It also keeps a record of the texts translated, help you recall and learn a new language from your daily life.
The text-to-speech function is able to use the translated result to talk to foreigners of foreign language speaking, help you communicate with them conveniently.
If you are a buyer or seller, the application will translate the product content to the reader's native language and price automatically. The application converts prices based on currency exchange rate and postage.
Use your social network account to log in, take a picture, add product ​description and price information, then other users will be able to find the new product, purchase, bid or quote it later.
You can build or join a social circle of cross-border buyers /sellers, by following them ​and chatting.

如果您在澳大利亞,中國,日本,韓國 和 台灣等地方 生活 或 訪問,想要一個智慧型的翻譯軟體,同時在您的旅行期間找到當地特產,或向海外用戶出售您的本地產品,這個應用是方便的一個移動,跨境生產力工具。

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