
About Povar

Get help with your personal finances, career change and business startup. We have free tools for each category.

Povar Description

The company empowers people to tap their greatest strengths and design their own purpose-based business or career path. Learn how to design a business or career from your heart based on your talents, passions, skills and community.

I'm a serial entrepreneur with a passion for assisting people through career change and the startup phase of a new business.

It started when I semi retired at the age of 33. I had created a passive income that covered my life expenses so I didn't have to work. I also had a custom designed micro niche* business that sent me travelling all over the country, and to top it off I landed the worlds best job as a tour guide all throughout Europe.
Everyday people asked me how I had designed my life so well at such a young age, so I stared running workshops on how I did it. Life Design Workshops have now been running for over 5 years all over Australia.

Life Design causes people to make significant changes to their life and often, that means changing jobs or starting their first business. So, naturally I was the one who helped them and now it is my favourite type of work.

I have developed a unique way of extracting the value from peoples life story and helping them begin in a new niche*. Whether it's a new job or a business, this is my special skill and it's the perfect approach for someone in a phase of change in their lives.

Your next move in life could be the one that makes all the difference. . .

Niche; A micro sector of an industry. Become a specialist in something you love so you can work less and get paid more. This is the objective of developing your own niche.