Premier Angus

About Premier Angus

Premier Angus - excellence without compromise

Premier Angus Description

Premier Angus was established in 2010 after having dispersed Premier Limousins in 2008.

We are drawn to the Angus breed because of the core fundamental attributes the breed possesses – fertile, maternal, durable, performance and carcass quality, combined with an exceptionally well setup breed society and massive data base to draw information from, helping us make informed decisions as progressive breeders.

We know even average Angus cattle do carcass quality better than any other breed. As a result, we feel the core values we wish to build into our cow herd and to suit our production system revolve around having the fundamentals correct . We wish to breed cattle to a Premier ‘type’ , creating uniformity, resulting in predictability, cattle which will have longevity in the herd and raise exceptional calves. We can achieve this with calving ease, structural soundness, teat and udder quality, moderate to high milk production and having the ability to maintain favourable body condition score at different times of the production cycle. We feel these core values can be achieved by combining the very best attributes from a selection of cattle from Australasia and North America.

We admire the structural soundness, muscle patterns, fertility and durability of Australasian bred cattle, and the curve bending performance, shape, udder quality, stoutness and information data from the North American cattle. Carefully combining these two groups of cattle is how we feel we can achieve our desired line of cattle.

As the science of cattle evolves at an incredibly fast rate, we are getting a profound understanding of the genetic basis of the cattle we breed. The data now available, at a click of a button, is truly remarkable, and to dismiss it as a progressive breeder would be foolish. Consciously acknowledging the importance of this data and showing restraining in its use is a philosophy we have at Premier. We feel the use of this data is best served when combined only after the core values mentioned above are met.

Our emerging herd comprises of progeny from donors and embryos we have purchased from SAV Angus (USA), St Paul's, Vermont, Kansas, and Kenny's Creek.
We try to use only a handful of bulls at joining time in an attempt to create uniformity and predictability. Our selection criteria for the bulls we use is based firstly on an attempt to capture the Premier ‘type’, then adjustments are made based on the information data available.

We are proud owners of Vermont Dream Y301. She is the dam of the 1st, 2nd and 4th highest selling Angus females in the breed.

We will strive to breed cattle that we are proud of and along the way we are confident these cattle will be honest and will find homes in other herds.

More about Premier Angus

Premier Angus is located at 1524 Burrandana Rd, Mangoplah, New South Wales 2652