Prestige End Of Lease Cleaning

About Prestige End Of Lease Cleaning

End Of Lease Cleaning provides end of lease and vacate cleaning with a 100% Bond Back Guaranteed.

Prestige End Of Lease Cleaning Description

End Of Lease Cleaning provides end of lease and vacate cleaning with a 100% Bond Back Guaranteed.
Prestige End Of Lease Cleaning specialize in getting your bond back, our services are 100% guaranteed, Sydney Wide.
Moving can be a very stressful time without having to worry about doing all the cleaning. Our highly experienced cleaners will do the work for you. All our staff have police checks and are fully insured.
Prestige End Of Lease Cleaning Sydney can provide you with a fixed price, with flexible booking times.
Services Provided – End Of Lease and Vacate Cleaning
• Kitchen Bench Tops - Tiles, Sinks, Floors, Cupboards inside and out.
• Bathrooms – Vanity, Shower, Tiles, Floors, Cupboards inside and out.
• Bedrooms – Floors, walls and window tracks
• Laundry – Floors, walls and sink
• Living Rooms – Floors, walls and window tracks
Our team of highly experienced and professional cleaners will provided you with quality cleaning and are committed to providing outstanding service to our customers.

More about Prestige End Of Lease Cleaning

Prestige End Of Lease Cleaning is located at 6 Jubilee Place, Mona Vale, New South Wales, Australia 2102