Progressing Ballet Technique

About Progressing Ballet Technique

A program Junior, Senior and new level for students to understand the depth of training muscle memory in achieving their personal best in ballet training.

Progressing Ballet Technique Description

The programs are designed to assist the teaching of the correct muscle groups relevant to enhance the training of muscle memory. Each exercise has been trailed with various students within the age group and reports of progress filed and reported. The results have been logged and significant improvement noted. All students responded with positive feedback. Teachers' that have commenced implemented this program into their own ballet studios have commended extremely positive feedback.



This photo is from the workshop in Houston, Texas during the Advanced Level PBT exercise. Shows the students push back into the penchée alignment. Always ensure at this point that the student doesn’t over cross the working leg. And that they pull down through their trapezius.


Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT)
1-day intensive certification Teachers Workshop Hosted by PBT Director of USA, Megan Berlint-Nicko
... Designed for teachers who wish to learn all 3 levels of Progressing Ballet Technique and be certified in PBT. Places are strictly limited and will sell out.
Learn this technique of innovation to develop muscle memory to enhance ballet training. It will be explained how to transfer this innovative technique into your classroom. You will leave the workshop with a comprehensive training on the program, typed notes and certification in PBT.
Megan Berlint-Nicko will go through in detail the difference stages of students’ development and what exercises to introduce and accelerate as the student becomes stronger.Development of a progression will be extended to the more Advanced levels of ballet training. Detailed will be given to you regarding the content of the combinations.
An explanation of the ‘how’ and ‘why” of the value of this program will be detailed. Question and answer time will be allocated. Explanation of the muscle groups that initiate different ballet exercises and a full discussion.
Outcomes of learning the Progressing Ballet Technique Program’s:
an understanding of the activation of muscle memory to activate “turn out” an understanding of the activation of muscle memory to enhance “adage movements” an understanding of the activation of muscle memory to accelerate “allegro” an understanding of the activation of muscle memory to activate “batterie” an understanding of the activation of muscle memory for controlled landings an understanding of how to breakdown the exercises an understanding of how to build the exercises an understanding of the appropriate age relevant to each exercise an understanding of the correct muscle groups that assist each movement
$275 per teacher
Physical Address is 181 Ridgeview Ave SW
See more


At every workshop, the teachers cover Junior, Senior & Advanced arabesque training. I don’t advocate to open the hip with young students as they often crunch into their lower spine. This photo is from the PBT teachers workshop in Houston. During all levels of arabesque training always encourage soft elbows as the student pulls down through their trapezius.


2nd October to note ✅


Another treat to view ❣️


Important advice that should be mandatory at the end of the barre


Sensitive and inspiring ❣️


Dia 15 de Novembro em João Pessoa/ Paraíba - Brasil Inscrições pelo site


Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) Workshop com Certificação para Professores em um dia, com a diretora e tutora PBT Brasil Ana Maria Macedo.
Projetado para professores que desejam aprender todos os 3 níveis de Progressing Ballet Technique e serem certificados pelo mesmo.
Os lugares são estritamente limitados, reserve o seu com confirmação de pagamento.
... Aprenda esta técnica de inovação para desenvolver a memória muscular e para melhorar o treinamento de ballet.
Será explicado como transferir esta técnica inovadora para sua sala de aula.
O workshop apresenta um treinamento abrangente sobre o programa, além da apostila digitada e certificação em PBT.
Ana M Macedo apresentará detalhadamente as etapas de diferença do desenvolvimento dos alunos e quais os exercícios para introduzir e acelerar à medida que o aluno se torna mais forte. Será demonstrado o desenvolvimento de uma progressão para os níveis mais avançados de ballet.
Serão detalhados o conteúdo das combinações.
Será detalhado uma explicação do "como" e do "porquê" do valor do programa.
Reservaremos tempo para perguntas e respostas e a explicação dos grupos musculares que contribuem para diferentes exercícios de ballet.
- Resultados da aprendizagem do Progressing Ballet Technique Program:
- uma compreensão da ativação da memória muscular;
- uma compreensão da ativação da memória muscular para melhorar os
- movimentos de adágios
- uma compreensão da ativação da memória muscular para desenvolver os "allegros";
- uma compreensão da ativação da memória muscular para ativar "bateria";
- uma compreensão da ativação da memória muscular para descidas controladas;
- uma compreensão de como desconstruir os exercícios;
- uma compreensão de como construir os exercícios;
- uma compreensão da idade apropriada para cada exercício;
- uma compreensão dos grupos musculares corretos que ajudam cada movimento.
See more


Saskatchewan -Any studios who are interested in hosting a PBT Teachers Training Workshop in July? Please contact me


Saskatchewan -Any studios who are interested in hosting a PBT Teachers Training Workshop in July? Please contact me


In each workshop, I demonstrate the exercise first and then walk around to check the teacher's technique. Afterward, the teachers have the chance to ask questions. Always during the scissor twist with oblique activation, both legs remain in parallel. This photo is from the PBT course in Houston.


During this exercise in the Advanced Level PBT workshop, I explained to the teachers that if the student will not activate their supporting leg they will lose stability. This photo is Melissa Ludwig at the Houston PBT course.


What an amazing group of teachers in Houston. I am extremely humbled by those who traveled this far once again to learn PBT. Those who flew in from other states, I appreciate your comments at the end of the workshop. I hope you enjoy your PBT journey.


When placing the resistance band on the foot as a footprint, take the band from the heel across the tibia! As the ankle lengthens notice the resistance band's adjustment. This photo is from the Dallas PBT Worksop (Robyn Segal Shifren - PBT Director)


During this Senior & Advanced exercise please ensure that the fit ball isn’t weighted. In a few courses during the PBT world tour, some teachers used weighted fit balls and they are much too heavy to lift.


Absolutely fantastic course for dance educators of any genre, but especially Ballet. Excellent program that is thorough, well organized and backed by medical research. The exercises build strength and increase the understanding of neuro-muscular patterns. You will see amazing results in your students - improved balance, increased rotation, better placement, more engaged core control, increased flexibility and awareness of how the body moves. I love the program and so do the students.


Absolutely fantastic course for dance educators of any genre, but especially Ballet. Excellent program that is thorough, well organized and backed by medical research. The exercises build strength and increase the understanding of neuro-muscular patterns. You will see amazing results in your students - improved balance, increased rotation, better placement, more engaged core control, increased flexibility and awareness of how the body moves. I love the program and so do the students.


Absolutely fantastic course for dance educators of any genre, but especially Ballet. Excellent program that is thorough, well organized and backed by medical research. The exercises build strength and increase the understanding of neuro-muscular patterns. You will see amazing results in your students - improved balance, increased rotation, better placement, more engaged core control, increased flexibility and awareness of how the body moves. I love the program and so do the students.

More about Progressing Ballet Technique

Progressing Ballet Technique is located at 20 Brodie Spark Drive, Wolli Creek, Sydney, New South Wales, 2205
+61 435 562 043