Pumbar Kelpies

About Pumbar Kelpies

Registered breeder of kelpies both Red /tan and Black /tan. We also assist in the rescue and rehoming of kelpies.



What an awesome update thankyou Megan! 😍
Pumbar Charlie Brown had a ball at the Maclean cattle trials yesterday he scored a 94 in the open and a 91 in the encouragement. Such an awesome boy. That was only his 3rd trial too 😁😁😍


Sunday session with the boy.


Pumbar Roo.. (Pumbar Sophie x Furys Sarge)


It was a Mexican standoff ... Jane lost cause they didn't care 😂 ....... but it was still very tempting to say... BOO 👻


Pumbar Bindee and "the beast" aka Goose... he has finally finished growing 😁


So I've needed a break off facebook for a bit but we're back! Thankyou to everyone who has checked in to see how we are going... pooches say gday 😉 Harley says it all .... "feeling on top of the world" 😗


It was with great sadness i buried my best friend yesterday... Pumbar Sally Jayne; affectiontely known as Nanna. Born 14th December 2004 she lived a good life and touched many hearts. Sally came as a pup into our lives as a valentines present for my ex partner Rick, who unfortunately had a severe accident several months later which laid him in hospital and recuperation for several years. This left me with a kelpie and sheep both of which i knew nothing about. (Thankyou to Gr...eg for educating me on fly blown sheep 🤢) We grew together although some what unorthodox in education. We learnt "left" "right" and everything else was "fxxking block!" We evolved and she became the matriarch of Pumbar Kelpies. Her final years were lived at Tumbarumba doing as she pleased. She has left a legacy and some good lines. Thankyou to Steve for allowing the joining of her to Boanang Jimm. Her final months were not painful, though tumours and a chest infection finally found there mark. Many thanks to Walwa Vets, David and Suzie for your assistance and comfort through my tears. Truly a once in a life time dog and will be very missed. She now has her pride of resting place beneath the rose bush overlooking the farm and house. Rest in peace my beautiful girl 😢
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Pumbar Boomer (S/B Ice x Pumbar Cooper) and Pumbar Bob (Capree Aida x Furys Sarge)


Trying to avoid the snow 😨


Big day at the office today for our old girl kirkcaldy Amber 😴


Bbq # feedme # stinkeye.... 😉


Personal work space ..... non existent 😑


My "supervisor" for the morning 😎


Well today is Pay It Forward Day. I'm a big believer that little things can make a big difference. It shouldn't just be about one day but how about start the morning with a gday to a stranger or a kiss on the cheek for a loved one. Its gotta start somewhere 😉


Pumbar Heidi. Loving how intelligent this girl is!


Pumbar Dusty Bootz. 😍


This took work to a whole new confusing level!