Purpose Advisory

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Purpose Advisory

We deliver expert Financial Advice, Coaching and Mentoring services to singles, couples and young families in Australia!



Credit to Mark Tayar from MadNarrative for the awesome work he’s doing of telling stories of regular people and their struggles with mental health. Thanks for hosting an article by us for the community about de-stressing your finances and addressing anxiety on a budget: https://madnarrative.org/mental-health-an d-money


RSVP essential due to limited spots. RSVP on the website: https://paa1810-designalifeyourlove.event brite.com.au
Work isn't satisfying? Relationships feel tough to get right? Stressed about how you'll ever afford to buy your own home one day?
...Continue Reading


Very privileged to be learning from a host of unique and succesful speakers today at the Robert Kiyosaki 1-Day event. Big thanks to Ben Gin for arranging the tickets for us.


RSVP is essential due to limited spots. RSVP on the Eventbrite: https://paa1810-relationshipsandmoney.eve ntbrite.com.au
Bring your partner - please get your partner to RSVP separately so we have exact numbers of attendees :)
... So, when should we combine our finances? And how do we do it so that it works for us? A big part of working together as a team and building an awesome life together is managing your money together well. Sadly, money is one of the leading causes of stress and conflict in relationships.
PurposeAcademy has invited pro psychologist Gemma Cribb to join financial adviser Tristan Scifo in hosting a unique workshop on how and when to couple your finances.
In this workshop, Tristan & Gemma will look at: > Should you combine finances with your partner? And if so, how? > How do you have healthy (and fun!) conversations about money together? > How do you deal with different money perspectives and habits (e.g. what if one is a ‘spender’, and the other is a ‘saver’?) > How do you set and stick to a budget together? > How do you do 'money conflict' well? > How do you improve your own relationship with money?
ABOUT THE HOSTS Tristan Scifo is a licensed Financial Adviser, Life Coach and Director of Purpose Advisory. He's passionate about helping couples thrive, build healthy families and design fulfilled lives they love. He's worked as a coach and trainer for 8 years, and a financial adviser for 5.
Gemma Cribb is a Clinical Psychologist who is passionate about helping people in all their variety and complexity. She has worked with couples for more than 10 years helping them find connection and grow towards their dreams. She believes in people’s capacity for growth and constantly challenges herself to stretch into new experiences – this workshop being the latest one!
ABOUT PURPOSE ACADEMY Purpose Academy hosts dynamic, public events to help people get in control of their financial life and experience more fulfilment in their lives by being more aligned to their purpose. We believe in collaboration and learning in community. We believe in investing into ourselves. We believe in learning environments free from hard-sales-techniques, and we're committed to a pursuit of truth and what works best for the people we serve.
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Do you ever wonder how a financial adviser invests their own money? I thought to share some insights this week on how I invest and weigh in on the intriguing discussion around whether to use "index" or "active management" investment options. I'd love to hear your thoughts: https://purposeadvisory.com.au/…/why-i- use-active-fund-mana…


Have you ever answered someone's question on Quora? It's an amazing platform for asking and reading and answering questions to stimulate thought and understanding and connection! Here's one of our recent responses on the question of what defines "good": http://qr.ae/TUI4d8


Some of us have given up on dreaming because we don’t believe in wasting time on unachievable feats. But mountains can move and empires fall and outlandish ideas can take root and become reality if we would dream. We could benefit from the simple wisdom of setting our targets on the mountain but focussing our attention on the small stone first. As Jordan Peterson encourages us, begin first with cleaning up your room. Sort out small bits of your life and keep moving that mountain stone by stone. For what is a mountain but a pile of stone.


Great to meet my fellow new inductees to the AVALONfs licensee group. Feels like family!


Could writing a bucket list change your life? I dare you to try it and find out. Here's what I learned from it... https://purposeadvisory.com.au/…/change -your-life-with-a-bu…


If you’ve ever watched Steven R. Covey beautifully illustrate the idea of the “big rocks” in your life, you’ll know how impossible it is to fit everything into the jar. Life is beautiful and rich and challenging and draining and more than we can stand. So we necessarily have to become great at priorities. What are the values in your life that help you make big decisions? What are the 3 key things you’re fighting for in life? What do you use to measure your success in life? Priorities lead to prosperity. #imvaluable #firsthingsfirst☝🏼


Do you know if your investments are in the index, or in the hands of professionals who try to beat the index? See how the results of Warren Buffet's 10 year bet against the hedge fund sector worked out: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/warren -buffett-wins-mill…


I started setting my wife and I with an “education fund” in our budget back in 2016. It was the coolest budgeting decision I’ve ever made because the rules are I need to spend AT LEAST $X rather than NO MORE THAN $X. So we make sure we invest into our personal development and our education regularly with courses, counselling, conferences, coaching and a much loved Blinkist membership. We prompt all of our clients to do the same. It’s a game changer! Trust me. My business success, relationship health and overall sense of Fulfilment took a steep curve upward when we made that move! #investinknowledge


Have you sorted out your Estate Planning?


We're excited to team up with SkilledSmart next month in July for a fun night talking about relationships and money - how to talk about the tough topics and come out of it feeling more connected! RSVP is a must for this one. https://www.facebook.com/events/409852859 491228/


Life wisdoms for the fulfilled life from Chris Pratt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EihqXHqxr i0


Do you wish you could get your budgeting sorted at a fun, 2 hour event for less than the price of a smashed avocado? https://www.facebook.com/events/242000697 8025095/?ti=icl


Would you pay up to $3million for lunch with your mentor? Would you pay anything? I often ask the question, “who is leading you?” And most people admit it’s no one. So who do you trust to lead you? And are you willing to step out of the boat? https://www.google.com.au/…/a-fan-paid- 3-million-for-a…/amp/


So, the dawn of GDPR is upon us! What does it all mean and why are we getting so many seemingly important emails from companies we’ve told too much information about us to?
This video won’t answer many of your questions, but it certainly will crack a smile for you and give you a great strategy for dealing with unwanted emails: https://youtu.be/Dceyy0cX6J4

More about Purpose Advisory

Purpose Advisory is located at 9/17 Power Ave, Alexandria, New South Wales 2015
Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -