
About Radicate

A concetrated footbath solution for the control of spread, treatment and progressive eradication of all strains of footrot in sheep.

Radicate Description

Radicate is a specially formulated, patented footbath concentrate for the effective treatment and progressive eradication of all strains of footrot in sheep.

When used in accordance with label directions, it has the ability to cure infected sheep and aid in the progressive eradication of footrot from the flock. Cure rates of up to 97% within 4 weeks.

Radicate offers Spread Period control with 2 weeks protection from reinfection. Therefore sheep do not have to be returned to clean pastures, allowing easier stock management.

Treatment programs may commence any time of the year, during the Spread or Non-Spread periods. Giving successful results year round and allowing eradication in a single season.

Treatments are for 15 minutes at 14 day intervals. During the Non-Spread period 2 treatments may be required. During the Spread period a treatment program may require 3 to 4 treatments.

Gives the option of two treatment methods “Pare and Treat” or “Treat with Delayed Paring“. To achieve maximum results all sheep must be pared during a treatment program.

Active constituents do not strip during repeated treatments, allowing the solution to be continually used. Reclaimed solution can be stored and re-used again during thc next treatment.

For more information visit www. radicate.com. au or email office@radicate.com. au