
About Raediance

Lomi Lomi Massage, Counselling, Reiki, Art Therapy, Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, Workshops and Retreats for Women

Raediance Description

I offer deeply nourishing and restorative Lomi Lomi Hawiian Massage to bring you gently back to centre. I work intuitively - sensing energetic, physical and mental blocks and assist the body to release them through breath, soft and deep massage techniques.

This process can be enhanced and move you in to the realm of manifesting your heart's longings through prayer, guided meditation and visualisation.

I am also a qualified Counsellor and offer a client-centred, present and confidential one to one space for you to explore your direction in life, your relating, relationships, patterns, traumas, ways of being and experiences. I use a narrative and creative approach that draws from many styles depending on what is needed in the moment.

I love to hear people's stories, to connect and to see people empowered and living in alignment with their highest expression and vision of life and of self.

I also love to share the journey of art therapy with people. Exploring the inner terrain through the creative process. Again this process is client-centred and gentle. Together we enter the unknown and what is revealed is always a surprise - offering depth, a window in to the subconscious, sometimes what is beyond words and the story. We are all artists - life is a creative process. . . There are no rules and there is no right or wrong. . . It is about expressing, getting out of the mind and letting the body speak, the heart speak, the subconscious speak.

I have no agenda or preconceived plan of how things are going to go and where things will go . . . You choose the course, the direction, the focus and the outcome - it is your journey. . . I am not here to judge or analyse your story. . . I am the witness, I am standing by your side, curious, present and open to the mystery. . .

Ultimately you and me are one. . . We are all in this together. . . As one person shines, we all shine. . .

I believe in collaboration not competition. . . Supporting each other to feel more love, to be more love and to give more love. . .

United we fly. . .

More about Raediance

Raediance is located at 65/65 Crystal Waters Ecovillage, Conondale, Queensland 2101