Raising Vibrations

About Raising Vibrations

Reiki Healing, Chakra balancing Energy and Spiritual Healing, Counselling

Raising Vibrations Description

Body /Mind Connection Healing
Spiritual /Energy Healing
Reiki Master
Chakra Rebalancing



RV update, Available sessions with me towards end of the week, please call 07 3876 2100 for your booking <3
Phone, Skype or in person


Mars direct in Capricorn- Taking Care of Business, Grounded Vitality Returns, You are a Warrior of Unshakable Strength
On August 27th, Mars, the planet of action and passion, turns direct at 28 degrees of Capricorn. Mars, the red planet,of: initiative, drive, willpower and sexuality, has been retrograde since June 26th. Mars direct in his sign of exaltation, Capricorn, is a sign from the astrological gods to move forward with grounded practicality and solid integrity.
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You have much to learn. You will make mistakes, but they are not metaphysical mistakes. The mistakes are part of your learning, part of the illusion, part of being human. Forgive yourself, for in forgiving the self you become able to forgive all and the redemption in the eyes of a peaceful person is a blessing indeed to those who behold it, and to the planet in general, for love lightens the planetary vibrations.
This love does not come from you. We would not ask you to attempt to develop such a thing as infinite love. We ask only that you open the self, allow pain to hollow you out and make you a beautiful and transparent instrument through which infinite love can flow. You are a vessel, a precious, precious vessel. What shall you hold? What shall you offer?
Q’uo, The Law Of One


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A change of perspective can make a huge difference in your life. Try to replace
"Why is this happening to me?" to "What is this trying to teach me or show me?"
Learning to look at yourself and your story from another perspective is a liberation. You are not our past. You don't need to keep traveling with your heavy luggage. Change is within reach
... Choose to create your future.
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I want you to forget everything you have learned in your whole life. This is the beginning of a new understanding, a new dream.
The dream you are living is your creation. It is your perception of reality that you can change at any time. You have the power to create hell, and you have the power to create heaven. Why not dream a different dream ? Why not use your mind, your imagination, and your emotions to dream heaven ?
Just use your imagination and a tremendous thing will h...appen. Imagine that you have the ability to see the world with different eyes, whenever you choose. Each time you open your eyes, you see the world around you in a different way. What you will see is love coming out of the trees, love coming out of the sky, love coming out of the light.
You will perceive love from everything around you. This is the state of bliss. You perceive love directly from everything, including yourself and other humans. Even when humans are sad or angry, behind these feelings you can see that they are also sending love.
Using your imagination and your new eyes of perception, I want you to see yourself living a new life, a new dream, a life where you don't need to justify your existence and you are free to be who you really are.
Don Miguel Ruiz
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Spiritual Awakening Process
Spiritual awakening is an initial awareness of something greater than what has already been experienced, something greater than just the physical reality. It is the search for souls deepest desires, the uncovering of the true soul self and connection to the core frequency of who we are.
Spiritual awakening is the realization that we are more than our bodies. A realization that there are other realms of existence to be experienced and felt. When we...
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One cannot say that every choice made is a good one, when quite obviously there are many, many times when one looks back upon a choice and estimates it as being foolish.
And yet such moments of inner realization teach and instruct the seeker within, so that gradually, as life experiences are collected and spiritual maturity begins to develop in the entity, it becomes more difficult to be thrown off one’s balance by the realization of one’s folly and one’s limitations in gener...al.
We would encourage entities who seek to know the one infinite Creator to spend time developing an affectionate and tolerant relationship with the self. There is no use in dwelling in judgment upon the self, for every day is a new day. Every time you perceive that your personality has led you astray you have the opportunity to begin again. You do not have to carry those mistakes of your past on your shoulders.
You do not need to carry old sorrow upon your shoulders. You do not need to retain guilt for those things that you long ago expiated by your very suffering and remorse. It is well to travel lightly, if you are a spiritual seeker, and to release the judgments of yesterday, that you may be entirely fresh this day.
We feel it is well to take the personality somewhat lightly. It is well to have a sense of humor as one gazes at the many quirks and impulses of the personality. One cannot defend the indefensible!
Q’uo,The Law Of One
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When they tell you that you’re woven from too much magic, that you’re impossible to understand and untangle And you burn too bright to comprehend. Smile and thank them for seeing your complex being.
Even if they don’t take the time... to peer beyond the knots and riddles. You’re not meant for everyone, you know. You don’t need to water yourself down
And make yourself small enough For them to understand. There are ones on this planet who long for the taste of your soul just as it is.
In all of its brilliant tangle of shadow and light; In a place where you have no need to be anything but your wild and wonderful truth.”
Ara Campbell
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The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:
"We are here now.
We love you.
... We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path. Currently, a massive influx of light codes is integrating into your physical, emotional and energy body.
You are awakening from the dream of illusion and you are beginning to see more and more clearly through the different realities that you can choose to step into.
Every now moment gives you the option to step into a new reality.
Many times, you choose to continue to step into a similar reality than the one before, because you keep thinking about past experiences leading up to this now moment.
This keeps creating a chain of future realities, based on the past.
So, how can you change your reality, into one different from your past?
If you wish to change your reality, it is important to disconnect from any past experiences, emotions and thoughts.
It is called "Zero Point Reality" or "Being In The Now."
In that moment, any thoughts about the past, present and future are suspended.
Yes, even thoughts about the present need to be suspended, as your present experience is a result of past realities, thoughts and emotions.
Here is how you can achieve this type of "reset":
Think of a pleasant image in your mind. Any image. (a flower or the sun for example.)
Focus on this image and begin to feel pleasant and calm feelings...
Place your hand on your heart center.
Focus on the image for as long as you can.
Then, ask yourself: "What do I want to experience?"
Continue to hold the calm and pleasant feeling and keep your hand on your heart center.
Choose the reality you wish to experience and go about your next moment.
Repeat this process as often as you can throughout your day.
You will begin to shift the trajectory of your realities into a higher dimensional experience and we invite you to notice the first signs of a different reality.
When something happens, that wasn't there before, such as a small success or a different behavior of someone, then you'll know that your reality is shifting.
Pay attention to these signs and continue your "Zero Point Reality" exercises. We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you... always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste."
~Asara~ Adams, Founder of The Telos Channel Trance-channel for Adama of Telos, Archangel Michael and The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light http://www.teloschannel.com/ Copyright © The Telos Channel, All rights reserved.
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As you continue your inner work, it may not feel as if anything is happening. You go on, day to day, in your usual way feeling exactly the same. This may make you feel down-hearted and frustrated. However, The Universe and your soul see it much differently. Changes, even if they are minute, are happening every moment!
It is important to keep in mind that not all changes will be life altering…they are more like whispers on the wind, softly touching your consciousness until yo...u realize they are there and in working order. Do not be dismayed at your assumed lack of progress, dear one. One day, very soon, you will see them all and rejoice
Jennifer Farley
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I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight.
And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you're going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.
C. JoyBell C.


RV Update: 2 Appointments available Tomorrow and Saturday to secure your session please call 07 3876 2100 Jo <3
Your energetic field is in a state of change and expansion. You have begun to vibrate at higher levels as your consciousness move more in alignment with your Higher Self. The changes you are experiencing are not always comfortable, but they are necessary for your continued to growth. The true beauty of your soul is beginning to show and it has a positive and uplift...
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Beloved ones, today is a good day. Today is a good day to start embracing who you really are through the eyes of Source. I am Archangel Metatron and my presence here today has the intention of lifting the veils of illusion and bring you back. I want you to connect with the Divine love and light that is always present within you.
It has passed a hard period for many of you with activations, energetic upgrades, DNA interventions... this big amount of energy as lifted the dust ...of your past and it was your job to deal with your shadows and to understand what you needed to learn and leave behind. Even today, some of you are still cleaning the dust and facing some challenges so you can raise your frequency and allow more light to enter in your energetic fields.
Do not worry my friends, you already know it’s important to face your fears, your insecurities and reminiscent patterns that are not at all for your highest good and the elevation of the planet.
Even if it has been hard times, we can see that much as been dissolved and transmuted, opening space for more of the good stuff you are waiting for. I am the right and left hand of the Creator, it is my job to assist you in this periods of ascension and I want to help you with an exercise.
Please breathe and feel you lungs expanding with your breath. Repeat until you feel present in this moment. Imagine that I am behind you with my hands in your shoulders. Receive my energy that is clearing and realigning your chakra system. Close your eyes to receive it.
You will feel a warmth in your hands, that’s me sharing a special gift with you. With your eyes closed allow this gift to reveal itself to you and keep it in your heart.
This gift brings a key to your ascension path, once put it in your heart it will start to move energy and amplify what you needed to be raised in the light / love consciousness of the Creator. Trust the process, I am with you! Allow yourself to receive. When you feel it’s finished just anchor the energy on the Earth.
This simple but powerful exercise is bringing to you from the Creator itself and through my hands a missing piece of your puzzle. This is a great blessing to be received on this day. I bless you , I am Metatron”
Light activations - http://www.susanatavaresart.com/light-act ivation-pack
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Dear Ones,
You are incredibly versatile Souls - because of your “main job” as a Human Be-ing, you are living and leading a dual life as Human/Spirit, and because many of you still do not see the full magnificence of “who you truly are” you plod along in the old duality of 3rd Dimension whilst your Soul/Spirit is calling you into the 5th Dimension ever so gently, but firmly.
Your awakening increases daily and you oscillate from 3D/5D like a child in a play ground, choosing whi...
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It’s easy to get lost on your path especially if you start comparing yourself to others. You are unique.
Your life experiences were just for you, so you can be who you are today. Look back, just for a moment, and see how far you’ve come.
Congratulate yourself for where you are today and how far you have journeyed. It’s an achievement that needs to be acknowledged.
... You owe nothing to anyone else but yourself. Don’t compare yourself to them either, it’s a disservice to them and to you. We all have our own journey, our own highs and lows. No-one is immune to ups and downs of life.
Today, celebrate your journey, your personal growth, and shine your light. It’s worthy for everyone to see.
Emily Soul Transformations 360
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'Earth Angels', or those people who carry a template of angelic healing energy in their soul, are usually found in helping, nurturing and supporting roles.
They go above and beyond to care for others and are very tuned into emotions. So often, earth angels are profound empaths and intuitive healers, sent by the Universe to gift the earth with a very special kind of frequency.
... It can take a long time for earth angels to awaken to their deep nature, and to become empowered by the divine love that is carried inside their wings.
Many earth angels resonate with patterns of negative behaviours and relationships that seek to suppress their incredible sensitivity so the world feels easier to deal with, and put up with relationships that don't honour their innate wisdom and grace.
I often see the wings of earth angels who have become so used to being in a 'helping' mode, without looking after their own energy, as trampled, muddy, broken or forlorn.
These people just give and give and give and give. They allow themselves to be walked over and taken for granted. And still they keep offering their hearts on a plate in the attempt to 'heal' others.
It doesn't work, and it doesn't serve anyone, least not the earth angel.
Earth angels are constantly absorbing emotional and psychic energy from everywhere, and it is easy for 'psychic cords' of attachment to become lodged in their auras. This is why, even if they have been told this a thousand times, they must clear, clear and clear again on a daily basis. If they don't, their intuition is clouded, powers of soul choice weakened, and vibration out of alignment with truth.
There comes a time when earth angels wake up to the damage that has been done to their highly sensitive and soft natures. They find solace in the company of other earth angels, and perhaps learn invaluable tools to strengthen their energy field, unfurl and tend to their precious wings, and learn how to stand up for themselves.
There is so much healing energy available for earth angels to move from wounded to whole and highly functioning. This is what they must do now, as the earth needs them more than ever.
Earth angels are here to serve a very high function of global healing. When earth angels understand themselves, and focus on their own wellbeing in conjunction with offering healing to others, a huge shift takes place and they can really begin to vibrate from a place of inner power.
The Universe is saying "Earth Angels Unite!"
© Sophie Bashford
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I was taught that giving is just what you do.
I was taught to share, to help out and to offer to those in need.
I like being able to offer my time, my energy and my focus. I feel that I’m an individual with lots to offer. So why wouldn’t I want to help, right?
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Every morning I come to you for wisdom, introspection on what I'm experiencing in my life right now-- in my relationship with my soulmate and in my own spiritual awakening. I am forever grateful for the words you share leave such an imprint on my soul. Namaste!


Awesome page filled with valuable insight into this shared journey that we are traveling. It’s so comforting to read about so many having similar experiences...when crazy things are going on...and tools to help ease the challenges.

More about Raising Vibrations

Raising Vibrations is located at 4000 Lincoln, Lincolnshire