Retirement Options Now

About Retirement Options Now

Helping Baby Boomers Achieve Their Dream Retirement

Retirement Options Now Description

"You're Never Too Young & Never Too Old To Achieve Your Dreams" Richard White

Finding the right business model in these ever-changing times has just created a path to personal and financial freedom for my family and I. And this story might help you find your own path to freedom, too. I hope so.

Let me back up a minute.

I was born in Sydney Australia, into a fairly average family. I had a happy childhood and the opportunity for a great college education. When I started my career in construction, I became quite successful after a number of years. I secured contracts with a couple of major commercial builders and suppliers and worked extensively with many of Australia’s major corporations and government departments.

I’m currently contracted to one of the biggest mining companies globally, and I’ve got a wonderful wife, Roslyn; 5 grown up kids; 6 grandchildren and hopefully more in the future.

I’ve always diversified my interests in business over the years: commercial construction, interior design & fit-out, heavy mining infrastructure, tourism / mobile home park construction, import-export, heavy transport and at one point a major fast food franchise, to name a few.

I loved the idea of multiple sources of income, and I NEVER trusted a job to be the same as financial security.

After 35 years of business, the thing I wanted most was the personal balance between work and family. As an embedded contractor, the remuneration is great and the FIFO lifestyle (Fly In, Fly Out), quite surprisingly, helps with that balance to a large degree. You effectively work 2 /3 of the year overall and yes, you are away from home, but good quality time with family is certainly there in your R& R weeks.

In 2008, the world melted down economically. Many construction projects in the mining sector were delayed or abandoned. I took an unwanted but well-deserved break. The time off back home in Sydney gave me the opportunity to check out the Web, social media, and advancements in technology. To my surprise, I found a whole new world. You can get virtually anything you want online from a box of tissues to a University Degree!

Had I been living under a rock? The Web had evolved beyond all belief and to me, now offered huge opportunities! Welcome to The Future! It was time to connect.

I began my research in earnest. I found myself on an obsessive journey to achieve a “dot-com lifestyle”, one of having the freedom to work and live anywhere I wanted. My research led me down many dead ends and some “terrific” opportunities with big holes in them.

After investing a lot of time and effort and $40-50K, I didn’t make a cent! I could see it worked for tech-savvy individuals, those who were possibly born in the Matrix or had a chip inserted into their heads, but not for me.

I quit in 2009 – I put it in the “too hard” basket and walked away, until now (2015).

The whole time I was back in Western Australia, working my tail off in construction, the people that I personally knew and respected back in 2008 continued to invest the time and effort that I couldn’t afford to. From way back then, they endured roadblock after roadblock, failure after failure, disappointment after disappointment, but never gave up until they cracked the code and when they did, they literally became “dot com” success stories “overnight”.

And I found irrefutable proof, exactly what I’d been looking for! With their success intact, these friends shared with me the dynamic way they packaged their business plans and systems into a blueprint form that I could replicate – without having to be a technical wiz kid.

I instantly saw my plan B for my long-term financial security in retirement!

You see, my retirement was another thing that had been bothering me for a long time. But more about that in a second.

Immediately, I took action and approached these key trainers and trailblazers, building Alliances that could offer the finest in cutting-edge technology training, business models, and product development with an eye to creating massive online success stories and a movement of thinking, vital, educated, and high-energy retirees.

I created a new Educational /Re-Careering /Revitalization Forum for budding retirees, which is fast becoming a movement!

Concurrently, I was also exposed to health products that fulfilled a pressing desire of mine – to find my health increasing, not decreasing, as I age. Adding the health and knowledge factors into my budding Alliance was like putting the icing on the cake – we now knew how to set up profitable online marketing funnels, provide life-changing information to the public around financial matters, and help people increase their levels of health and fitness.

Here’s the reason I was so consumed with the desire to get these partnerships off the ground and running. The constant reporting in the media about the plight of the Baby Boomer Generation around the world –including me (and possibly you?) – was all about facing a decreasing quality of life due to the majority not having adequate Superannuation to last them the 20 to 30 years of retirement ahead.

It’s a proven fact that we are now living longer than previous generations and every individual now needs to be adequately funded for the future.

It’s a changing world as we Baby Boomers move into retirement.

Out of sheer necessity, Baby Boomers are changing the face of retirement. The old system has failed us. The Superannuation model used our generation as the guinea pigs and didn’t give us enough time to accumulate the funds necessary for an extended retirement of 20-30 years. Also, when you have a system thrust upon you that is locked into a volatile share market that crashes periodically, what do you expect the results to be? Lost Billions in Superannuation!

Want to avoid the next CRISIS?

My vision of retirement is not about having to count my pennies and be tight-fisted! It’s all about doing the things I’ve always dreamed of and worked for all my life. What about you?

Retirement doesn’t mean quietly fading away as it used to – it’s more activity, more health, and more free time to start that adventure, start that business, or achieve whatever it takes to fulfil your life’s dreams!

And that takes money and financial stability.

I took these perfected business fundamentals, turnkey systems, worldwide retirement data, and health solutions and rolled it into a new Educational / Re-Careering / Revitalization Forum for budding retirees, which is fast becoming a movement! This is all under the umbrella of:

RON: “Retirement Options Now”

This is not going to be your Grandfather’s Retirement!

I want to share what I’ve learned with other people who are retired or contemplating retirement. I was so excited about the possibilities of real financial security, better health, and more time to do what I love with the people I love, that I threw all my time and energy into creating RON.

Click here for further information.

Talk soon,

Richard White


More about Retirement Options Now

Retirement Options Now is located at 26, Sydney, Australia 2221