Return To Perform

About Return To Perform

Bridging the gap between injury and full return to sports performance.

Return To Perform Description

Return To Perform has been created through a passion of providing professional services focussing on the void between injury and full return to sports performance.



The start of a new Return To Perform chapter with two big announcements;
1. A big welcome to Ryan as a partner of RTP who brings a wealth of experience working with elite level athletes across a number of sports.
2. New website launched today - check it out and let us know what you think!
... We’re currently working on a number of projects and details will be out soon.
Return To Perform is #bridgingthegap @ Newcastle, New South Wales
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In athletes - examine movement quality during internally controlled environments, then see if they can replicate that quality in more dynamic progressions. . . . .... . #movement #training #athlete #performance #squat
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To improve power development, you need to incorporate exercises which have the goal of projecting into space. Jump, throw, sprint. . . . .... . . . #power #training #speed #strength #fast #explosive @scottymatthews_
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When getting rag dolled by your athletes is part of the job.
Going through a drill that is a part of @cheechii’s return to contact program for rugby. Being involved in these types of drills helps you to gain a much better insight into what level your athlete is at and what progressions they are ready for. . .... . . . #rugby #training #contact #smashed #strength #comebackstronger #frominjurytoperformance
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Ankle prep. Multi directional, low level plyo work is great for improving the structural integrity of the ankles.
Manipulate volume, frequency and intensity depending on where you are in the season and what you have previously been exposed to. . .... . . . . #plyometrics #ankle #prehab #movement #training
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Speed kills in sport. So does the way you get there.
Working on some acceleration mechanics with @cheechii . .... . . . . . #speed #power #rugby #fast #acceleration
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Emphasise intent to apply force to the ground. . . . .... . . . #speed #power #force #athleticdevelopment @drutonks
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If you’re child doesn’t complete any structured physical preparation, they are more likely to get injured from those that do in their given sport.
Stronger kids hit harder. Powerful kids bump off weak kids. Physically fit kids recover quicker and out last those that aren’t. Athleticism isn’t just for adults.
We’ve all heard (and have most probably said) the term “I wish I knew this when I was younger”. Well I wish I knew the difference that a good quality athletic development program could make when I was younger, because the difference I’m seeing in kids I work with is incredible.


The Reactive Strength Index (RSI) and Eccentric Utilisation Ratio (EUR) are effective, and simple tests you can implement to assess the ability of an athlete to utilise the stretch shortening cycle.
Science for Sport have a couple of great articles on the RSI and SSC if you want to look further into the benefits and implementation. . .... . . . . . . . . #sport #testing #training #jump #power #strength #sportscience #gym #comebackstronger @cheechii
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TKE progression. Great for adding context and postural challenges to a traditionally static exercise. . . . .... . . . . #sport #training #injuryprevention #movement #prehab #gym
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Another season done and dusted with @westharbourrfc
Many challenges, mistakes, learning experiences, and successes to show for the first year of running the performance program. Seeing many players going on to receive higher honours locally and internationally. Watching the development of the players from pre season right through to the end.
All of the above and more is why I love this. Proud and thankful of everyone involved, and can’t wait to keep helping this great club to what it deserves to be.
Always family ❤️🖤 📸 @sidelineshooter @ Concord, New South Wales, Australia
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Learning about angles and applying more force to the ground. . . . .... . . . #frominjurytoperformance #comebackstronger #speed #power #fast #rugby #training
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A snippet of some training with @cheechii, who is getting back on track after an elbow dislocation.
Developing overall athleticism is a big focus of any #returntoperform program, no matter the injury. Obviously you need to address the injury itself and develop an integrated program to promote healing and regaining of function and performance, but it doesn’t stop there.
Tonight we introduced a few new drills which we’ll work on nailing along with other progressions. All a par...t of an overall structure to elicit positive performance changes and develop the system as a whole. . . . . . . . . #rugby #training #rehab #performance #training #athlete #athleticism #comebackstronger #fast #speed #strength
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All the best to the uso @ayteee_1 on his way to join Melbourne Rebels to play Pulse Energy Highlanders
Make the most of the opportunity 👌🏼
West Harbour Pirates


The Spanish Squat is a great exercise to use for loading the quadriceps isometrically or eccentrically. It can be useful in rehabilitation for most anterior knee pain (consult with your practitioner first) and is generally used isometrically anywhere between 30° and 90° with the tibia perpendicular to the ground. . . . .... . . . #spanishsquat #squat #training #gym #rehab #returntoperform #comebackstronger #injury #quads
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#tb to Pre-Season with @dionspice testing his velocity on the TENDO.
Technology can easily become overused and relied on too heavily with the abundance of availability we are seeing in the current S&C world. However, if applied appropriately can help you achieve outcomes with great success.
TENDO units (or any other velocity based tools) can be used to help drive the need for intent on a lift by setting a target athletes must reach. Lifting a heavier weight at a give velocit...y will increase power development, sometimes athletes need that little extra motivation. . . . . . . #rugby #power #strength #vbt #velocity #rackpull #gym #training #pirates #redgoesfaster
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You don’t need a library of 1000 different exercises to elicit a range of positive training adaptations. Variations on base/staple movements is enough to get you over the line 99% of the time. . . . .... . . @scienceforsport #training #pendlayrows #sport #gym #basic #whydoesntanyoneeverdosevenreps
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Create the intent to make the first step count. Band can be a great tool to educate an athlete about intent. |
▪️Slow movement = band dominates. | ▪️Explosive movement = athlete dominates. | @cheechii ... . . . . . . . . #frominjurytoperformance #comebackstronger #speed #power #strength #athlete #rugby
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One of my favourite Bulgarian Split Squat variations to safely add load.
Provides a different stimulus to DB’s, BB, etc. . .... . . . . . . . . @haloneuroscience #training #legs #squat #strength #gym #performance #athleticdevelopment
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Brayden does an excellent job of bridging the gap between the physio/injury and competitive play. He has extensive knowledge of the science and the art of returning to perform. Couldnt recommend him highly enough �


Brayden does an excellent job of bridging the gap between the physio/injury and competitive play. He has extensive knowledge of the science and the art of returning to perform. Couldnt recommend him highly enough �

More about Return To Perform

Return To Perform is located at 10 William St (Cornerstone S&C), Adamstown, New South Wales 2289