Return To Wellness

Monday: 08:30 - 18:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 18:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 18:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 19:00
Friday: 08:30 - 18:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:30
Sunday: 09:00 - 15:00

About Return To Wellness

Return To Wellness focuses on treating and preventing chronic degenerative diseases using novel health assessment tools and nutritional medicine.



Recent research paper states "antioxidant advantages of H2 gas included: *1) its high biomembrane penetration and intracellular diffusion capability which enable it to reach subcellular compartments like mitochondria; and 2) selectively scavenging the deleterious hydroxyl radical while preserving other important reactive oxygen and nitrogen species for normal signaling regulation.."
*The photo taken before and 3 minutes after ingesting 4 tablets of Sevenpoint2 Recovery with H...ydroFx shows the incredibly rapid diffusion and positive impact of molecular hydrogen generated by Recovery formula on red cells damaged by oxidative stress due to heavy metals (dental amalgams) and environmental toxins from pesticide exposure.
*Red cell aggregation shown as chains of red cells and one isolated single cell "Target Cell" with an inner bright circle where higher oxidation of hemoglobin, makes the patient more susceptible to stroke. Poor oxygen penetration and binding capacity of such blood lead to fatigue and low metabolic status and susceptibility to dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases described below*
"Up to date, the clincal applications of molecular hydrogen to human patients has been conducted. The small cohert patients studies or case reports revealed the safety or some promising benefits of theraputic hydrogen in the a variety range of diseases and pathological status such as post-cardiac syndrome, Parkinson's disease, acute cerebral ischemia, metabolic syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, hemodylisis and postpsoriasis" Reference: 313/
I tested this formula almost 5 years ago and has been part of my personal wellness regime and one of the most frequently prescribed formula receiving significant benefits personally and feedback from thousands of patients.
This is one formula all health professionals must have in their repertoire of remedies. Check out the special health professional program offered by Sevenpoint2 the manufacturer of Recovery with HydroFx and the other organic vegan food supplements which provide a healthy nutritional foundation at: For anyone else interested in learning more how this unique formula can be used therapeutically or in prevention contact me by phone +61421021719 or
Formula can be purchased at
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Exogenous Ketones are proving to be an essential addition to anyone keen to prevent diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s, insulin resistance, obesity, arthritis and more chronic degenerative and neurological diseases Including autism. ADD/ADHD, anxiety and depression.
Recent Ketokademy held by Pruvit the producer of KetoOS and Max drew many prominent scientists involved in the therapeutic benefits of Ketones.
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It doesn't get any better than this!


Hydrogen saline suppresses neuronal cell apoptosis and inhibits the p38 mitogen‑activated protein kinase‑caspase‑3 signaling pathway following cerebral ischemia‑reperfusion injury. Li D1, Ai Y1. Author information Abstract Cerebral ischemia‑reperfusion injury (CIRI) is a serious pathological disease that is associated with a high rate death and disability. Saturated hydrogen (H2) saline exhibits brain protective functions through anti‑inflammatory, antioxidant and antiapoptot...
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It doesn't get any better than this!


Something for everyone.


Most chronic diseases start from the digestive system. The ancient science of life or Ayurveda as well as the more modern Iridology and Dr Bernard Jensen's pioneering work validating the accuracy of iris diagnosis, emphasize the importance of the stomach as the core organ of proper digestion.
While digestion of carbohydrates start at the mouth the main site of protein digestion is the stomach; Stomach acid and the enzyme pepsin playing a key role.
During times of acute or ch...ronic stress when the priority is "Fight or Flight" adrenal function is enhanced and digestive, immune, and eliminatory functions decreased.
This leads to poor digestion of proteins, particularly gluten, at the stomach.
Acid and Enzymes are essential in the preliminary phase of protein digestion in the stomach which prepares the food for further digestion in the small intestine with pancreatic enzymes.
If food is poorly digested at the stomach further digestion by pancreatic enzymes is incomplete leading to partially digested food entering the colon.
Microflora of the colon can use this food and generate gases and acids as well as toxic metabolites.
Enzymes are vital for digestion and for every physiological reactions in the body. All enzymes are biosynthezed from amino acids we ingest as proteins.
If proteins are poorly digested we do not have the raw material to make enzymes.
Dr John Bergman in the below video explains in details my own view on enzymes and their importance in health and preventing disease.
For more information on how our exposure to an ever increasing toxic environment is causing chronic degenerative diseases and what solutions we have:
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We have seen very high incidence if flu and resulting coughs and bronchitis.
While antibiotics can help the side effects are significantly debilitating especially for the elderly.
It's important to support your liver and gut if you are presently on antibiotics or have finished a course.
... Suggestions and Recommendations
If on antibiotics or been on a course:
Liver Support formula
Immune Boosters and natural anti microbial formulae
▪98Alive ▪ChinaMed C and F and AntiTox ▪Fusion Cold and Flu
Please visit us to get a health check to assess immune system function and find out about suitable supplements to treat and prevent viral and microbial infections.
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A few of our favorites! Which one do you like best? Enter code AUGUST5 at checkout to get $5 off. Valid this week only.


A few of our favorites! Which one do you like best? Enter code AUGUST15 at checkout to get 15% off. Valid this week only.


We love the new EnergySym.


Our diet and dental/oral health are tightly connected. Very Low Carb diet with foods high in alkaline minerals and good fats including omega 3 fatty acids can save your teeth and gums.
One of the biggest challenges I see in patients with chronic degenerative diseases is presence of dental amalgams and chronic heavy metal toxicity.
Since heavy metals that are not detoxified and eliminated are stored in fatty tissue and deeper bone tissue, when people go on low carb or Ketogen...ic diets, toxins are released rapidly from fatty tissue when the fat is metabolized.
During fat loss if the liver and blood are not protected a d supported with proper nutrients required for optimal detox and safe elimination, several unpleasant and unwanted reactions occur.
1. Slowing down of fat loss and experiencing a plateau.
2. Fatigue, headaches, constipation and/or diarrhoea.
These are 2 of the most common issues reported by my patients.
Below is an excellent explanation of the importance of diet on oral health and general health. id=1974191609490065&id=1608140252761 871
More information on optimizing fat loss with supported detox please request Nourish Detox Cleanse ebook.
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KetoOS 5 day trial packs available from August 21 Monday from Return To Wellness and World of Health.
▪*5 Day Pack KetoOS Orange Charged or Caffeine Free $ 25 save $15
▪*5 Day Keto Max Maui Punch ... Charged and caffeine Free $ 40 Save $15
Ideal Detox Mix
Sevenpoint2 Greens plus Max Maui Punch
*5 Day Detox Pack $ 60
Do a Keto Greens Fast !!
Fasting with KetoMax 1/2 sachet plus 1/2 Sachet of Sevenpoint2 Greens powder 4 x per day plus 1 capsule of Liver Rx help the body nourish, detox, and cleanse.
Includes 5 Max sachets 5 Greens Sachets 10 Liver Rx Detox capsules
*Above packs avalable only from Return To Wellness and World of Health store in Mosman. We can send by mail for additional $10 express mailing cost.
Pay by Credit Card call 9969 3920 or PayPal
Fast Fat Loss and Detox Pack
10 Day Nourish Detox Cleanse Pack
▪10 Max Sachets ▪10 Sevenpoint2 Greens Sachets ▪5 Sevenpoint2 Protein Sachets ▪20 Liver Rx capsules
▪Nourish Detox Cleanse ebook from with comprehensive information and diet guidelines $49.95 value (Download) Retail Value of pack $295 Save $100! $ 195
Purchase from Return To Wellness in Mosman Or pay by PayPal We will mail the 10 Day NDC pack by express post.
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Accelerated ageing and chronic degenerative diseases are impacting a large segment of our population.
Conventional medicine can only provide "band aid" solutions and temporary relief. The true solutions lie in understanding potential causative factors, screening for biomarkers, and removing the causative factors through safe detoxification protocols.
A group of chemicals that serve as Bio-markers is AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products). Glycation is a reaction between sug...ars and proteins that contribute to many diseases.
Fortunately scientific research has led to the development of an instrument that can scan for AGEs stored in the skin. This is a powerful screening tool to assess individual potential for developing diseases such as diabetes, cataracts, atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer's.
Knowing ones AGEs score can be the first step in the direction of treating and preventing these diseases.
If the score is low or within the healthy range one can take preventive measures by reducing dietary sugars and carbohydrates in general, reducing exposure to toxic chemicals that cause oxidative stress, reducing intake of glycated foods (grilled, charbroiled) which increase cellular AGEs.
If the score is high it's crucial to take steps to assess oxidative stress levels, eliminate sugars, carbs, and glycated foods, support liver detox, include special supplements that inhibit Glycation.
Recent research indicates that Beta Hydroxybutyrate, one of the most researched Ketones inhibit glycation reactions.
Dr. D'Agostino's development of Exogenous Ketones has made it possible to use Ketones as a supplement to inhibit Glycation as well as assist in following a low carb diet.
One of the fastest ways of assessing for oxidative stress on blood is to analyze a droplet of Blood from the fingertip under a Dark Field Microscope.
More information on AGEs uA
Research paper on Beta Hydroxybutyrate and Glycation /PMC4551523/
Health Assessments
Learn how to reduce exposure to our toxic environment and solutions
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More about Return To Wellness

Return To Wellness is located at 1-3 Brady Street, Mosman, New South Wales, Australia 2088
Monday: 08:30 - 18:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 18:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 18:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 19:00
Friday: 08:30 - 18:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:30
Sunday: 09:00 - 15:00