
About Riskmax

RiskMax has matched the right tools and processes for many organisations to create rapid and cost effective risk management solutions.

Riskmax Description

In today's economic climate, there are both internal and external risks that need addressing and diffusing immediately for continuance and growth.

Our team will assess and further develop your current risk management capability to provide your organisation with a risk framework that is relevant and valued by your team and aligned to your business strategy. We will help you determine risk appetite and embed risk ownership to the advantage of your organisation in achieving strategic or program outcomes. We'll show you how to prosper from risk.

- Current Environment -

In an ever increasing environment where margins are constantly squeezed, competition is ever increasing; regulations and compliance add costs. Many organisations focus their risk efforts into identifying risks and plan to mitigate. Many other organisations take an approach of avoidance. Many organisations fail to integrate risk management as a strategic process that enables them to take risks to create value.

- Our Solution -

Our aim is to develop or strengthen your risk management framework to manage and unlock optimum value from risk using cost effective measures. We only undertake short sharp consultancies to identify and unlock your risk tolerance and address key gaps in managing risk.

Using carefully designed tools, we identify and prioritise enterprise-wide risks and assess your organisation’s risk capabilities to support your business goals. We capture all this knowledge in convenient and user friendly action tool: RiskMax™. We recognise the importance of training transfer and ensure cost-effective means of learning that educate the entire organisation about the levels of risk and individual accountability.