Sakana-Ya Japanese Seafood Restaurant

Monday: 18:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 21:00
Friday: 18:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 14:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 14:00

About Sakana-Ya Japanese Seafood Restaurant

The Restaurant where the fish is tasty. https://www. au /

Sakana-Ya Japanese Seafood Restaurant Description

Sakana-ya means 'fish shop' in Japanese, specialises in seafood. The menu includes more fish than you can poke a stick at - and raw, grilled or fried



明日は母の日! 美味しい魚を食べて過ごしま� �んか?
気温の低下と共に魚達は身が� �まって脂が乗ってきておりま す。 明日用に良い魚取り揃えてお� �ます。... 鮪、真鯛、南青トラギスは是� �食べて頂きたい!
御来店頂いたお母さんには最� �にアイス(抹茶or胡麻)をサー� �スさせていただきます。
mother's day tomorrow!
we've got beautiful seafoods for tomorrow. please come and try them.
also lovely mum gets a free ice cream (green tea or sesame). please enjoy mum's day.
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Easter Holiday Notice ================= We are opened on Easter Holidays, as usual We are closed for lunch on Sunday, a lunch and a dinner of Tuesday In order to avoid customer disappointment, we recommend that customers make a reservation.
... Friday 30 March: open > Lunch and Dinner Saturday 31 March: open > Lunch and Dinner Sunday 01 April: open > Dinner only Monday 02 April: open > Lunch and Dinner Tuesday 03 April: closed Wednesday 04 April: open >Lunch and Dinner
イースター中 いつもと変わらず営業してお� �ます。 通常通り、火曜日 ランチ&ディナー、日曜日ラ� �チがお休みで、他営業予定で す。 お客様の失望を避けるために� �、私たちはお客様がお電話で 予約されることをお勧めいた� ��ます。
皆様のお越しをお待ちしてお� �ます。
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>>>>>Sakanaya Holyday notice>>>>>
25 (Monday)December 2017 closed 26 (Tuesday) December 2017 closed 31 (Sunday) December 2017 closed... 1 (Monday) January 2018 closed 2 (Tuesday) January 2018 closed After 3rd January 2018 back to normal trading hours
************* Sakanaya's Schedule for the end of the year and the New Year 年末年始営業日のお知らせ =============== We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support to Sakana-ya throughout this year. We will be continuously making efforts to provide you high-standard Japanese food and heart-warming atmosphere in this restaurant.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
All staff in Sakana-ya ***
平素は、弊店をお引き立てい� �だきまして誠にありがとうご ざいます。 新年も、お客様にご満足いた� �けるレストランを目指し、日 々努力してまいります。
皆様のご健康とご多幸をお祈� �申し上げます。良い新年をお 迎え下さい。
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この鮪を食えばどうなるもの� �。 戸惑うなかれ 戸惑えばありつけぬ。 その一切れに感謝し その一口に感動し 幸せになる。 迷わず食えよ 食えばわかるさ。
... 喰うぞぉー! 1, 2, 3 まぐろぉぉー‼︎
this is 77.5kg blue fin tuna from tasmania.
seeing is believing. please come and try this.
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Sakana-ya Japanse Seafood Restaurant will be open as usual throughout the Easter Holidays ******* - Good Friday 14 April 2017   >> Lunch 12–2:30pm   >> Dinner 6–9:30pm... - Easter Saturday 15 April 2017   >> Lunch 12–2:30pm   >> Dinner 5:30–9:00pm - Easter Sunday 16 April 2017   >> Dinner only 5:30–9:00pm - Easter Monday 17 April 2017   >> Lunch 12–2:30pm   >> Dinner 6–9:30pm - Tuesday 18 April 2017   >> Closed
お客様へ イースターホリデーは通常通� �営業しております。皆様のご 来店を心よりお待ちしており� ��す。
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今年の2月14日バレンタインDay� �火曜日で本来定休日となるの ですが、お問い合わせも多い� ��、2月14日(火曜日)営業 2月15日(水曜日)代休とさせ� �いただく事にしました通常通 りのシェフおまかせコース$7 5/お一人様は、事前オーダー� �承っております。
14th February this year Valentine Day is Tuesday and it is basically a regular holiday, but as there are many inquiries. We decided to open on Tuesday, 14 February, close on Wednesday, 15 February 2017. As usual "TODAY’S CHEF’S SPECIAL COURSE DINNER " $ 75 / person is available on advance order


Sakanaya Holyday notice updated 25 (Sunday) December 2016 closed 26 (Monday) December 2016 closed 27 (Tuesday) December 2016 closed 31 (Saturday) December 2016 closed... 1 (Sunday) January 2017 closed 2 (Monday) January 2017 closed
Reopened 3 (Tuesday) January 2017
************* Sakanaya's Schedule for the end of the year and the New Year 年末年始営業日のお知らせ =============== We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support to Sakana-ya throughout this year. We will be continuously making efforts to provide you high-standard Japanese food and heart-warming atmosphere in this restaurant.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
All staff in Sakana-ya ***
平素は、弊店をお引き立てい� �だきまして誠にありがとうご ざいます。 新年も、お客様にご満足いた� �けるレストランを目指し、日 々努力してまいります。
皆様のご健康とご多幸をお祈� �申し上げます。良い新年をお 迎え下さい。
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オオミツトゲチヒロ海老入荷� �ました‼︎
非常に長く覚えにくい名前で� �ね。 入荷が少なくレアな海老です� �
... アカザ海老同様深海に生息し� �ます。 脂がのっており甘味がありま� �。 頭は味噌汁や唐揚げでどうぞ� � 是非お試しください。
this is scarlet prawns. its rare prawns from nelson bay. its sweet and tasty please try it
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今日の夕食はカマスで決まり� �
今朝仕入れた魚達です。 週明けから質の良い魚揃って� �す。
... 中でもカマスは最高です。 今回は珍しくタスマニアから� �きました。 何が嬉しいかって鮮度は言う� �でもなくそこまで人気のない 魚がしっかり氷詰めされてワ� ��ワザ遠くのシドニーに届い� �る事です。
今日は焼き霜造りにてネギ、� �姜でお出し致します。 ぜひお試し下さい。
today's fish. all fish are freshest
have you ever tried pike fish? it's not so popular but worth to try. today's one from tasmania we serve it with seared melt melt in your mouth.
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冬の味覚 南洋金目鯛、雲丹、南鮪の御� �家で福が来る‼︎ 魚や本日揃いました。合掌‼� � 自然、漁師、問屋全てに感謝� �使わせていただきます。
.. . yes we have imperador, uni and blue fin tuna today. please come and try them.
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只今オリンピックが開催され� �ますが 腹が減っては応援は出来ぬっ� �︎ って事で今日は少し料理のご� �介です。
if you are hungry or starving... you cant support your country your favorite team or player in olympic games.
please let us introduce some dishes
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週明け 皆様おはようございます。
本日良いお魚揃えております� �
先週末は大変厳しくメニュー� �ら... 刺身物が殆ど消えておりまし� �。
自分で見て触って納得のいく� �しか 仕入れておらず皆様にご迷惑� �掛けすることがございますが 御理解頂けると助かります。< br> 本日はどれもオススメですが� �真の 一番上のカマスはいかがでし� �う? 炙ってネギ、生姜と・・・最� �です。
today's fish‼︎ we recommend everything! please come and try them.
it was very hard to get freshest fish last weekends. very sorry any inconvenience.
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タスマニア産の絶品白ウニ入� �致しました。 甘い〜旨い〜美味い〜‼︎ 是非この初物をお試し下さい� �
あと毛蟹も再入荷致しました� �... 今回は一杯1.2kg近くあるかなり 大型サイズで食べ応えありま� ��。 お値段が大型サイズだけに高� �で普段は宴会コース等にお出 ししておりますがアラカルト� ��もご注文いただけます。 前日までにご注文お願い致し� �す。
first UNI of the season from tasmania. please try it‼︎ tastes unbelivable〜‼︎
also we got hairy crabs from hokkaido in japan. have you ever tried? ave 1.2kg pretty expensive but you can order from a la carte. please order in advance at least one day prior.
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Wagyu Tri-tip with a marble score of 9+. We use this for our Jyo Karubi. Enjoy grilled with a special dipping sauce or on a bed of rice with capsicum and onions.



More about Sakana-Ya Japanese Seafood Restaurant

Sakana-Ya Japanese Seafood Restaurant is located at 336 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest, New South Wales, Australia 2065
Monday: 18:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 21:00
Friday: 18:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 14:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 14:00