Sally Guthrie - The Freedom Connection

About Sally Guthrie - The Freedom Connection

I facilitate freedom from non beneficial life patterns and a return to inner truth. Specialising in the 2 most powerful modalities available to access & realign the subconscious mind, enhanced by my own signature processes.

Sally Guthrie - The Freedom Connection Description

Specialising in MPM Rapid Transformational Therapy - A hybrid modality, combining the best of NLP, psychotherapy & CBT, utilising hypnosis as the inroad.



I love helping my clients find freedom from so many varied limitations & pain, emotional & physical 💗 #therapythatworks #rtt #perfectimperfection #youdeservethefreedomyoullfind #gratitude #bestjobever #freedom


Another “alcoholic” now a social, moderated, selective drinker... it is such a joy to help people rid themselves of the conditioning that holds them to non beneficial patterns & behaviours... This excerpt is used with permission & I will get better at remembering to share the amazing results of my work 💗 #rtt #perfectimperfection #gratitude #freedom #selflove #youdeservethefreedomyoullfind #bestjobever #therapythatworks


It’s our choice, everyday I’m reminded that we have the power to choose 💗


We choose...


A little Friday morning wisdom... We can never be reminded too often that we are the creators of our experience 💗


Today is R U OK? Day. It’s so important to ask & it’s REALLY important to answer honestly... we’re all ‘not ok’ sometimes & being honest about it helps us & others around us to know it’s ok too. Life is a juicy journey of different seasons some are incredulous & some are really tough & both need to be shared. Get real. Get honest. Get vulnerable.
... Ask. Listen. Encourage action. Check in.
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Smiling actually changes the chemistry of our bodies... simplest bio hack of all 😁


I live such a diverse life... started my day with a sunny topless (the car not me) drive in the city... ended my day loading a dead calf onto a quad bike, taking it down the paddock & then burying it... just a 2hr drive between my life in the city & life on the farm but they are such different worlds. #gratitude #diversity #variety 💗sad for the sweet baby & her worse for wear Mumma :( #farmlife


Love this piece of spoken word. #truth 💗 #youare


It’s been 21yrs since I’ve looked into your eyes... Here we are crossing over 21yrs with you & now 21yrs without. I miss you & wish you were here & at the same time I find myself lost in gratitude for the wonder & purpose of all that is. You & I are perfect imperfection. You were the perfect mother for me & set me up so well for all that I am & will be 💗 xxx


Universal Law... We reap what we sow!💗 My mother taught me this law when I was young & this clip explains it beautifully. We have a choice no matter how your garden starts off you can always dig it up & plant new seeds. I love that I get to do this with my amazing clients every day. 💗😍


A continued practice...


So much wasted energy creating more of what we don’t want... it takes effort, it’s not easy but keeping our attention on what we want & what is good brings more of what we want & what is good. We get good at whatever it is we practice repeatedly... Observe, notice, be curious... What are you practicing? What are you thinking about? Where is your energy directed most of the time? Come back to the beauty of THIS moment 💗


Ahhh life creation. Reality creation. It is a CHOICE! It’s based in/on gratitude now for your future & for what is in this moment. We are COMPLETELY defined by our past & the programming we live by UNTIL we begin to CHOOSE something else 💗 Freedom is sublime & it’s available to you xxxx
... #freedom #create #gratitude #rtt #nofilterneeded #perfectimperfection #youdeservethefreedomyoullfind #balmoral #besttimeoftheday #startfresh
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What is it that you’re needing to ramp up the self talk on...? What we say to ourselves is the key to everything. My list is long but high on my list right now are my fitness goals 💪🏼 😳 It’s time! #perfectimperfection #freeyourmind #getfit #gethealthy #itstime #clarity #rtt #iam


#thesetwo 💗 My cup overfloweth... #gratitude #nofilterneeded #daughters


Saw some inspirational ladies making their own sunshine today. #perfectimperfection #sunshine #yellow #bringyourownsunshine


Currently I am surrounded by the fragility of life... even if you live to 100 it’s still a very short time & it goes by so quickly. Make your list, live your list, you never know how long you have & you might not get any warning. Life is precious, why do we wait, what are we waiting for...? I’m challenged right now to make EVERY day count however that looks.


Amazing results!!! I feel enlightened after one session. It's like a switch has been turned on to highlight the piece of the puzzle I always knew was missing. Plus, my husband's attitude has even changed and it hasn't even been 24 hours nor was he in the session! Thanks a million!


Amazing results!!! I feel enlightened after one session. It's like a switch has been turned on to highlight the piece of the puzzle I always knew was missing. Plus, my husband's attitude has even changed and it hasn't even been 24 hours nor was he in the session! Thanks a million!


Amazing results!!! I feel enlightened after one session. It's like a switch has been turned on to highlight the piece of the puzzle I always knew was missing. Plus, my husband's attitude has even changed and it hasn't even been 24 hours nor was he in the session! Thanks a million!

More about Sally Guthrie - The Freedom Connection