Sascha Deguara Coaching

About Sascha Deguara Coaching

Sascha Deguara is an NLP Coach, Practitioner & Master TimeLine Therapist¬ģ with a soul purpose and passion to help other people their true purpose in life.



Creativity is one of the most important qualities we have and tend to overlook.ūü§Ē From a self-development perspective, creativity allows us to see the world differently, to have an open mind, to be more present, increase your self-awareness and become more resilient ūüí™
From a business perspective, creativity is now one of greatest skills you can acquire in navigating this modern world. Technology will always advance..we know that… but computers will lack imagination and creativ...ity !
Schools and businesses throughout the world are latching onto this. Most fortune 500 companies now have a commitment to allowing their staff devote 20% of their time to thinking creativity and exploring new ideas. ūüßź
So how do we build this creativity muscle?
Check out my article on PAGE 35 of the current issues of Smart Healthy Women magazine ‚úÖ‚úÖ
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"When it comes to raising vibrant, happy, healthy daughters, clinical psychologist and author Dr. Shefali Tsabary says the best thing a mother can do is be her most empowered, authentic self"


The conscious mind subconscious mind represents the dual nature of our mind. Once you learn the truth about the interaction of your conscious and unconscious mind you will be able to transform your whole life ūüĎć
The conscious mind is like a navigator or captain at the bridge of a ship ūüöĘ It directs the ship. It sends orders to those in the engine room. The people in the engine room obey the captain because the captain is in charge.
... ūüí•
Your subconscious mind takes the orders you give it, based on what your conscious mind believes and accepts as true. It does not question the orders or the basis of which they are given.
Neuroscientists show that most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behavior depend on the 95% of brain activity that is beyond our conscious awareness, which means that 95 ‚Äď 99% of our life comes from the programming in our subconscious mind ūüėĪūüėĪūüėĪūüėĪūüėĪ
Dr Lipton ( cell biologist) also says that the unconscious mind operates at 40 million bits of data per second, whereas the conscious mind processes at only 40 bits per second ūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ē So the unconscious mind is MUCH more powerful than the conscious mind, and it is the unconscious mind which shapes how we live our life.
So basically, in order to change your reality, your thoughts, your behaviours, your habits, achieve your goals you need to change it on an unconscious level! ūüėĪūüėĪūüėĪūüėĪūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüíęūüíęū üíę
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