Serbian Festival Sydney

About Serbian Festival Sydney

Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much more! - www. au

Serbian Festival Sydney Description

Discover the heart of Serbia by attending the Serbian Festival in Sydney. Infuse yourself with the cultural traditions of this European country and enjoy a weekend of exciting performances, fun activities for the family, music, delicious food, competitions and much much more!



In the end the better team won, congratulations to Brazil on making it through to the next stage of the FIFA World Cup Our boys did us proud, not giving up and playing the full 90 minutes! In the end, love conquers all 😉


Celebrating the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, Google's Doodle for today is S E R B I A 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Check it out - ----- У складу са Мундијалом у Русији, компанија "Гугл" данас приказује Србију на својој главној страници. Шта мислите на слику?... Изоставили су "само" пар детаља наше културе, али шта ћеш, барем мисле на нас 😉
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JELEN PIVO (Serbian beer) doing their thing and getting us all ready for the start of 2018 FIFA World Cup. First match - tomorrow 10PM vs Costa Rica


And so it begins... Have you heard about the big screen?? 🤗🤗🤗🤗 Tomorrow night 10PM Serbia vs Costa Rica ----- Србија - Костарика Прва утакмица Орлова на Мундијалу у Русији. ... Директан пренос на великом екрану у Бониригу! 🎉🎉🎉
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#serbianfestivalsydney #volunteers #dreamteam
Thank you all! Хвала свима!


2018 was HUGE and the amazing individuals did all the hard work Join us tomorrow evening for our annual event, and help us say THANK YOU!
Everyone is welcome, dinner and live music are included 😁😁 Invite your friends and family!
... Tickets via
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Our annual Gala Evening is THIS Saturday. Everyone is welcome and don't forget - free entry for 2018 volunteers. Come and celebrate with us their tremendous efforts 🤗🤗
Tickets via
... More info on Serbian Festival Sydney 2018 Gala Evening
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Have you ever had a friend ask: "Why's Kosovo such a big deal to you Serbs anyway?". Well, here's your chance to show them why, without the need for an incredibly lengthy explanation. Kosovo: a Moment in Civilisation is a documentary produced in English with Serbian subtitles, making it convenient for everyone. Call your mates!
Sydney Times - Tonight: Bonnyrigg; Tomorrow: Paddington RSL. ------ Да ли су вас икада упитали, ,,зашто је Косово толико битно Србима?". Имате јединствену прилику да им прикажете детаљан одговор. Документарни филм, ,Косово: моменат у цивилизацији" је на енглеском језику са српским преводом. Позовите пријатеље!


Direct from the director. Boris Malagurski invites you to view Kosovo: a Moment in Civilization.
More info: ----- Порука од директора. Борис Малагурски вас позива да гледате документарни филм, Косово: моменат у цивилизацији.


First in line of the scheduled talks during the Great Lent, come and welcome fr Nemanja. The talk will be held in Serbian. Tomorrow, 6pm at our St Sava parish in Elanora. 🤗🤗🤗


A must-see documentary, Kosovo: a Moment in Civilization is coming to Syd. & Melb over the next couple of weeks. Read the article within for detailed info. Tag your friends.


Have you heard? Kosovo: A Moment in Civilisation is coming to Australia! Syd & Melb: Get ready! Produced by Boris Malagurski & presented by Stefan Popović - this is a must-see event. Tickets are only $20.
Article coming soon. In the mean time check the event page here:


Summary from the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand SOC. (Full text is in Serbian) ----- Вести из Митрополије аустралијско-новозела ндске.
... Follow the Metropolitanate page for more updates: Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand SOC
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Tomorrow - humanitarian day at the church grounds in Rossmore (NSW)
Address: 20 Bringelly Rd, Rossmore 2171 When: From 3PM What to expect: Food, Jumping castles, Folklor, Sports
... Come and show your support! ----- Сутра - хуманитарни дан на црквеном имању у Rossmore-у Све донације иду ка лечењу младе Нине.
Почетак у 3ч, субота 17 фебруар. Адреса - 20 Bringelly Rd, Rossmore 2171
Храна је бесплатна уз добровољни прилог.
Заједница се скупила, дођите и ви!
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Is it really over!? We still can't feel our feet.. 🤣 Setting up and running everything, it felt like we did over 20 000 steps per day - need a Fitbit next time.
For those of you that feel rested, the 36th Greek Festival of Sydney is this weekend!!
... #SFS18 #serbianfestivalsydney
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Срећан дан државности! ----- Happy statehood day!


Now that we've had a day to recover, the entire team would like to thank each and every person who helped make SFS '18 the best festival yet! Volunteers, performers, sponsors and stall holders - thank you! To everyone who attended: We love your support, appreciate your feedback, and hope that you enjoyed a weekend full of food and drink, entertainment and dancing. The Serbian Festival is a completely volunteer run event. We're already looking forward to the next instalment!
#...SFS18 ------ Успели смо да се одморимо након напорног али успешног викенда у центру Сиднеја! С тога, желимо свим учесницима да се захвалимо - волонтерима, извођачима и спонзорима! Као Српска омладина у Аустралији, дајемо све од себе да грађанима Сиднеја представимо нашу културу у најбољем светлу. У томе смо још једном успели... Надамо се да су сви посетиоци фестивала уживали у овогодишњој манифестацији, која је, по нама, најбоља до сада. ХВАЛА!
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We had heaps of fun.

Music was great.

Food was yummy.

The heat was ok need more shelter and seats.

Hard with kids and a baby having a sook over no where to sit in the shade.

But it was great to see ppl i haven't seen on ages.


We had heaps of fun.

Music was great.

Food was yummy.

The heat was ok need more shelter and seats.

Hard with kids and a baby having a sook over no where to sit in the shade.

But it was great to see ppl i haven't seen on ages.


We had heaps of fun.

Music was great.

Food was yummy.

The heat was ok need more shelter and seats.

Hard with kids and a baby having a sook over no where to sit in the shade.

But it was great to see ppl i haven't seen on ages.

More about Serbian Festival Sydney

Serbian Festival Sydney is located at Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia 2000