Shift Wellbeing

About Shift Wellbeing

On a mission to motivate and inspire others to be the best possible version of themselves; to help people achieve their health and fitness goals.

Shift Wellbeing Description

On a mission to motivate and inspire others to be the best possible version of themselves; to help people achieve their health and fitness goals and to find balance in their lives. This all helps to create a shift from feeling average to feeling awesome.

Our daily habits define us and I believe that small daily shifts make for significant and life changing results.



We are SO excited to announce that from today, Allison Kearns will be taking the Thursday 6:15PM HIIT sessions! ‚ú®
Al has been an integral park of the #PARKSWEAT community with her infectious enthusiasm for training & of course her epic guns *refer to image above ūüėČūüí™ To welcome Al as a trainer, we got her to answer the below questions:
1. From your experience, describe the #PARKSWEAT community in 3 words ... Supportive, strong, kickass.
2. On a desert island & you're allowed to bring 3 things - what do you bring? A Book, a bestie and snacks!!
3. What is your food kryptonite? CHOCOLATE (of all varieties)
4. Pick your poison: EMOM, AMRAP, OR Hill sprints. EMOM
5. Favourite quote Don’t fight for what you want. Fight for what you really want.
Make sure to sign up online & get to Al's first class TONIGHT at Prince Alfred Park!
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#PARKSWEAT is turning 1 & it‚Äôs time to celebrate this kickass community in the best way we know how... with an EPIC sweat sesh! ‚ú®ūüí™ūüôŹ


Want to WIN 5 FREE PT sessions with @hanporteous? Think about the possible #gains !! All you have to do to be eligible is:‚†Ä ‚†Ä 1. TAG two of your best mates in a @shiftwellbeing post ūüĎĮ‚†Ä 2. Get the 2 tagged friends to FOLLOW @shiftwellbeing‚†Ä ‚†Ä... Enter as many times as you want with 2 tags & 2 follows equalling one entrance! You have until 5PM on Monday the 16th of July to enter. ‚†Ä Share the love & get ready to invite your #PARKSWEAT buds to the gun show ūüí™ūüôč
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Try this fitness test #humpdayHIIT to benchmark where you are at & monitor your progress. This is a #PARKSWEAT favourite & works a treat running 1km laps around Prince Alfred Park ‚ú®ūüôĆūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
30 mins AMRAP Aim to hit a minimum of 3 rounds - this circuit should be challenging. Keep moving & aim to maintain a consistent pace.
... 1km run 20 x reverse lunge 18 x bear traps 16 x split squat 14 x push ups 12 x burpees
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Want to WIN 5 FREE PT sessions with the one & only @hanporteous?? All you have to do is TAG two of your best mates in this post & then get them to follow @shiftwellbeing for your chance to win! Share the love & get ready to invite your #PARKSWEAT buds to the gun show ūüí™ūüôč ‚ú® The winner will be announced on Monday the 16th of July! Enter as many times as you want with 2 tags equalling one entrance! *disclaimer - PT sessions with Han means your form will be on POINT after 5 weeks, so get ready for some solid strength & fitness #gains... ūüĎäūüôŹ


It‚Äôs such a great feeling to look back at a week of solid training where you have given it your all ūüí™ūüôŹ‚ú® However it‚Äôs not always easy & at this time of year it‚Äôs easy to get bogged down in excuses. But don‚Äôt let them become your reality. Let‚Äôs put excuses aside & focus on what helps YOU to simply show up!‚†Ä ‚†Ä What motivates you? Here are things that I find help me show up:‚†Ä 1. Tell your mates when you‚Äôll be training this week & get them to check in on you ūüĎĮ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ‚†Ä 2. Train in a gr...oup situation where you have accountability. (Oh, where were you tonight?! ūüôÖ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ)‚†Ä 3. Book in your training sessions on a Sunday night based on the week ahead. If something changes, make sure to fit the session in another day.‚†Ä 4. Front load your week. Get shit done Mon-Thurs so that you can not stress about squeezing in all your training in over the weekend. ‚†Ä 5. Book social sweat dates. This is a game changer. Mid-week catch up runs/swims/dance-classes etc are awesome. Follow it with a vino if you must, but making it social creates lifelong habits that are much easier to sustain #win ūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüßė‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹä‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ‚† Ä ‚†Ä Let us know how we can support you in your goals. It‚Äôs amazing how often we forget to prioritise ourselves - but that‚Äôs where a trainer or gal squad (#parksweat) can help out. ūüíĀ ‚†Ä Shoot us a DM or comment below & let‚Äôs get it done!‚†Ä
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20 min EMOM 5 x pull up burpees 15 x squats ... 15 x TRX ROW 20 x joeys (double jump squats)
One exercise per minute in the EMOM. Make sure you‚Äôre close to failure in the TRX Row. It wouldn‚Äôt be a Wednesday without a little bit of constructive failure! ūüôĆūü홂ú® Comment below how you go! ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä #shiftwellbeing #PARKSWEAT #kickasswomen #surryhillsfitness #outdooradventures #fitness #grouptraining #outdoorfitness #outdoorwomen #fitspo #thiswomancan #thisgirlcan #nikewomen #hiit #sydneycommunity #surryhillslife #sydneycbd #sydneylocal #groupfitness #fitlifestyle #funfitness #fitnessgoals #girlswholift
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And to wrap it all up with @amyg_yoga #shiftwellbeing take over, a feminine flow sequence to keep you connected to the softness within, from steady movement. ūüßė‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ‚ú®ūüôŹ
You can practice this flow first thing in the morning, or in the afternoon downtime, or just when you feel a little busy and want to reconnect to that spacious space within.
Start in mountain pose with your hands resting on the lower belly. Circle the hips in a figure of eight shape- making sure you go both direct...ions. Inhale and take your arms wide and high, exhale turn the palms down and bring your hands back to the low belly, slide your hands to the lower back and down the backs of your legs as you fold forward. Catch your elbows and have a gentle sway from side to side. Slide your hands up the front side of your legs to the low belly and come to standing. Repeat that flow. From uttanasana forward fold find malasana, yogic squat, press into the outer edges of your feet to protect the knees, roll the wrists a few times. Lift the hips up forward fold over the legs, roll up to standing sliding the hands up the front of the legs. Reach your arms out to shoulder height and then give yourself a big hug- repeat a few times and let this feel good! Bring your left palm to your heart space and right palm to lower belly and drink in a few deep breaths connecting your heart to your womb- the centre of your creative power! Namaste.
@inyogalife #amyginspired ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚†Ä #PARKSWEAT #inyoga #inyogalife #kickasswomen #thisgirlcan #thiswomancan #thesweatlife #womensfitness #surryhillsfitness #journeytowellness #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogalifestyle #deskjob #asanaaddict #asana #mindfulmoments #mindfulliving #mindfulmovement #mindbodyspirit #sydneylocal #alifeinyoga #surryhills #yogaaustralia #yogasydney #awakenyourlife
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During Winter we can sometimes fall out of good habits & resort back to habits that leave us feeling tired, puffy & lethargic. We can easily lose sight of our goals & Spring is spent 'just getting back to square one'. It's important to make conscious daily shifts in behaviour change that result in you feeling strong, fit & damn awesome despite the season.
Check out our top tips for creating long lasting change: rs/


#PARKSWEAT. A community of kickass women who sweat, support, empower & inspire.⠀ ⠀ Training solo can be tough throughout these chilly months, that’s where it really makes a difference to have a crew behind you!⠀ ⠀ *WINTER SPECIAL*⠀... 2 week all-access trial pass // $50 for unlimited classes⠀ ⠀ Follow the link to start your trail NOW! ksweat-starter-
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For many athletes, the pressure to perform can be overwhelming. In a high stress environment there is often the temptation to overtrain, leaving very little time for recovery and as a result, significantly impaired performance.
Effective recovery techniques are essential for the body to repair and rebuild while reducing the risk of injury. To ensure you can perform at your best, make time for these 5 aspects of recovery...
... Written by Han Porteous Vogel Corporate Media ntials/
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@amyg_yoga takes over #shiftwellbeing
Barrier to Wellness: General fatigue Yoga asana to combat: Prasaritta Padattonasana or Downward Dog (with something under forehead for support) ūüôŹ You know those days where you have been so busy you feel overwhelmed or fatigued by the activities of the day, the list or to do‚Äôs, the actions of attention; only to get home and find yourself ‚Äėdoing‚Äô (netflix, cooking, tax, washing, admin, nails, shaving your legs, checking emails, facebook, ...instagram) when you should be having downtime and settling in for the night? This occurs when the nervous system and brain still feels stimulated, and going going going feels ‚Äėnormal‚Äô. Through some gentle movement and the practice of going a little slower in the body/mind connection, we allow the body to return to its natural state of rest. My favourite thing to do if I am fatigued is an inversion. Get your head lower than your heart, circulate a bit of energy through the lower body region, tone the spine, and balance the mind. Try it out for 10-20 breaths in the evening to drop your attention inwards, ready to drift off to deep rest.
@inyogalife #amyginspired ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚†Ä #PARKSWEAT #inyoga #inyogalife #kickasswomen #thisgirlcan #thiswomancan #thesweatlife #womensfitness #surryhillsfitness #journeytowellness #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogalifestyle #deskjob #asanaaddict #asana #mindfulmoments #mindfulliving #mindfulmovement #mindbodyspirit #sydneylocal #alifeinyoga #surryhills #yogaaustralia #yogasydney #awakenyourlife
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Reminder that going into the Winter months we are back to just our 6:15PM Strength session on Wednesday nights. Rain or shine, we will be in #princealfredpark getting all the gains! ūü홂ú®ūüĎä‚†Ä ‚†Ä See you tonight with @allisonkearns as she puts you through your paces! ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä... ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä #shiftwellbeing #PARKSWEAT #kickasswomen #surryhillsfitness #outdooradventures #fitness #grouptraining #outdoorfitness #outdoorwomen #fitspo #thiswomancan #thisgirlcan #nikewomen #sydneycommunity #surryhillslife #sydneycbd #sydneylocal #groupfitness #fitlifestyle #funfitness #fitnessgoals #girlswholift #strengthtraining
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Dont talk yourself into failure. I am not runner. I could never do a pull up. I can't run that fast, it's just my body type. I never seem to get stronger.... I've heard these all a thousand times. In fact I'VE said these exact things. And you know what? It's complete BS. We are not being real with ourselves about our potential. I'm done with this inner dialog because there is no place for it in my progression & I will do my best to hold everyone around me to the same standard. Your potential is HUGE. Yes, yours! It comes down to the work & how much you want it. True, you will never do a pull up if you don't add strength training into your week consistently. True, you won't become a faster runner if you avoid speed/hill sessions (guilty in the past). True, you won't become stronger if you don't challenge your strength 2-3 times per week. So I challenge you to call the BS & do something about it. Throw away your limiting beliefs. They are not worth your time. If you're unsure of the next step PM me & let's chat out your limiting beliefs & bring them crashing down.
@hanporteous x ūüď∑ repost @buisnesschicks #shiftwellbeing #PARKSWEAT #thiswomancan #realtalk #healthyliving #fitness #fitnessmotivation #selflove #mindset #thisgirlcan #surryhillslife #sydneycbd #nikewomen #outdooradventures #fitstrongfierce #goals #persistencepaysoff #success #inspiration #hustle
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@amyg_yoga takes over #shiftwellbeing
Barrier to Wellness: Wrist soreness (classic computer/mouse injury)
Yoga asanas to combat:... Flex and extend wrists Make a fist and fan fingers out Make a fist and roll wrists in each direction Hands to shoulders, elbows roll around in circles Open arms wide/ give yourself a hug
Sometimes ignorance is bliss! Other times, we know how we sit at our computers isn‚Äôt quiet right for our posture, and how typing all day leaves our wrists feeling weak and tight. ‚ÄėPawanmuktasana‚Äô is a series of wind-releasing poses through the joints to open them up, relax the muscles, and promote general health. These should be done with a relaxed attitude so the focus is on creating space through the body especially in those places we need it most. Try this set of wrist and upper body releases to keep the energy flowing in a healthy way through the day.
@inyogalife #amyginspired
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Those post #PARKSWEAT feels. Sweaty & full of sparkles ‚ú®ūüí™ūüĎä‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ ‚†Ä #shiftwellbeing #PARKSWEAT #kickasswomen #thisgirlcan #thiswomancan #thesweatlife #fitstrongfierce #womensfitness #fitness #surryhillsfitness #outdoorgroupfitness #outdoorgrouptraining #fortheloveofit


HIIT the gym with this #humpdayHIIT‚†Ä @hanporteous loves this circuit. It's a tough no-brainer! Push the limits & aim for 80% effort ūüĎäūüí™ ‚†Ä ‚†Ä 4 Rounds ‚†Ä 300m sprint ‚†Ä... 300m row ‚†Ä 100 skips ‚†Ä 10 burpees ‚†Ä Rest 1-2mins‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä #shiftwellbeing #PARKSWEAT #kickasswomen #surryhillsfitness #outdooradventures #fitness #grouptraining #outdoorfitness #outdoorwomen #fitspo #thiswomancan #thisgirlcan #nikewomen #hiit #sydneycommunity #surryhillslife #sydneycbd #sydneylocal #groupfitness #fitlifestyle #funfitness #fitnessgoals #girlswholift
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Who's ready for another week of smashing those #PARKSWEAT goals? Planning your week ahead of time is the best way to stay accountable. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Get out those diary‚Äôs & book out time for your training. ūüôĆūüí¶‚†Ä ‚†Ä Monday HIIT 6:15PM‚†Ä Tuesday HIIT 6:15PM & Mobility 7PM‚†Ä Wednesday Strength 6:15PM‚†Ä... Thursday HIIT 6:15PM‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ‚†Ä ‚ÄĘ ‚†Ä #shiftwellbeing #kickasswomen #thisgirlcan #thiswomancan #thesweatlife #fitstrongfierce #womensfitness #fitness #surryhillsfitness #outdoorgroupfitness #outdoorgrouptraining #fortheloveofit #fitspiration #motivation #getstrong #sweat #trainhard #nopainnogain #justdoit #community
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@amyg_yoga takes over #shiftwellbeing‚†Ä ‚†Ä Barrier to Wellness: Running injuries‚†Ä Perfect for all those out running the #UTA & #SMH this weekend! ‚†Ä ‚†Ä... I love the saying, ‚Äúuse it or lose it‚ÄĚ. We need to use the whole range of motion of the joints in order to keep them lubricated and moving as freely as possible. Running and other higher intensity training is amazing to keep us mobile and active, but it can take a toll on our joints, if we aren‚Äôt taking the time to ‚Äėwarm up‚Äô and ‚Äėcool down‚Äô. Yoga can complement deeper stretching and release to help prevent injuries and shorten recovery time. ‚†Ä ‚†Ä Yoga asanas to combat: Toe Sit - Tadpole - Half Frog (fold forward and in between legs)- Square Pose with lateral stretch ‚†Ä ‚†Ä If you‚Äôre a runner try this short set of fascial release postures - before or after training, or when you have some down time throughout the day! Hold for a little longer (1-3mins) to feel deeper benefits! ‚†Ä ‚†Ä @inyogalife #amyginspired‚†Ä @ In Yoga
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Happy Mother's day to all of the Mums out there. This year we've been lucky enough to welcome into the world a few #shiftwellbeing babies & have been inspired as these women took on the role of motherhood full of love & strength (#gunsūüí™ ). It‚Äôs been simply awesome to be a part of their journeys.
Here's to strong women. May be know them, may we be them, may we raise them. #mothersday


Han is a fantastic trainer. I never thought I could enjoy such a tough workout as much as I have, and it's all because Han creates such a encouraging, supportive and fun environment to do it in at Shift Wellbeing. She is extremely knowledgeable and very generous in her advice and the sessions are truly a great way to get fit and build strength. Thanks Han!


Han is a fantastic trainer. I never thought I could enjoy such a tough workout as much as I have, and it's all because Han creates such a encouraging, supportive and fun environment to do it in at Shift Wellbeing. She is extremely knowledgeable and very generous in her advice and the sessions are truly a great way to get fit and build strength. Thanks Han!

More about Shift Wellbeing

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