Soul Creations By Cindy Bennett

About Soul Creations By Cindy Bennett

Soul creations channeled from my higher self. Every painting tells a story that is unique to the beautiful being that it is meant for οΏ½οΏ½



Now is not the time to let your faith waiver πŸ™you may be feeling as though your life is falling apart , when in fact , everything and everyone that no longer serve your highest good , or align with your authentic self , are falling away to make room for all that is genuine and right for you . Keep the faith , and know that all is well and always will be πŸ’–βœ¨


A very loving , generous soul πŸ’– a healer ,wise woman , centred ✨ she understands the power that lies within and uses it to the best of her ability , for the highest good of herself and others πŸ’– She trusts the information she receives from her "God force" and speaks her truths with confidence πŸ’–βœ¨


"The smiling assassin" came to me two times during meditation . He made me laugh at how forced his smile was , yet I could see that he was a gentle and loveable character underneath his facade . He looked about 50 years old in my vision , but he chose to be painted as a younger (more good looking) version of himself 😁 his ears looked ridiculously small for his face , but that is how he instructed me to paint them haha 🀣 I feel he passed from undiagnosed heart related issues .so his passing was quick bless his heart πŸ’–βœ¨


Crone woman/ wise woman ✨seeds of change are all around you, as you undergo a deep transformation , spiritually and physically. You may not recognise who you have become on the outer , as you see streaks of silver/ grey , dancing through your mane and lines of time etched deeply across your face. This may be an ending , on many levels . Yet it is also the beginning ✨ You are becoming enlightened, dear Wise one . Your beauty shines from the inside out . You are a powerful Goddess , with so much knowledge to share , Just when you thought you were invisible, that you had nothing to offer πŸ’–βœ¨


It's not that you cannot speak is that you choose not to . As an observer you are seeing so much more . You have come out of a time where the dark threatened to extinguish your light . Utilising your self healing, self love and nurturing to strengthen you ..igniting your inner flame so that it/ you can shine so much brighter than ever before ✨ πŸ’–βœ¨


A time to go within to connect with your soul , to reflect , to heal . To maintain a balance ,both body and spiritπŸ’– know that you are good enough , that you have much to offer πŸ’– Give yourself permission to just be πŸ’–βœ¨


The Keeper Of The Flame ✨ You have a burning desire to share your wisdom and your light with the world .Your Soul is on fire and nothing can extinguish the powerful and radiant being that you are πŸ’–βœ¨


A work in progress πŸ€— loving how this image is coming to life βœ¨πŸŽ¨πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨


This image speaks of the need to take care of and nurture the inner child , to be kind and gentle to your self as you go through physical, emotional and spiritual growth /changes. There is vulnerability , but there is also strength , focus and determination . The need to love and be loved . The gold/yellow background is symbolic of the beautiful light that surrounds you as you break through old "fear based" patterns , showing the world your true and authentic self . The yellow is also connected to happiness, clarity , wisdom and brighter times ahead πŸ’–πŸ”†βœ¨


This painting speaks for itself ✨intense healing , inner work , transformation, metamorphosis , drawing on the self for inner strength and support ...


Spirit Guide "Quin Lee" πŸ’–βœ¨


Such a loving , giving soul πŸ’– seemingly perfect and held together , on the outer ...forever searching for "the key" outside of herself unlock the secrets to her heart , her authentic self ..what she seeks lies always has been πŸ’–βœ¨


Chieftan/ Warrior of the heart πŸ’– Baring his heart and Soul ..Braveheart , open and honest , believing in true love, Soul mates . Finding "the one" πŸ’–βœ¨ Love that has always found a way , over many life times πŸ’–βœ¨


This image has so much to tell ✨ transformation , many paths forged , with room for more growth ..deep interconnectedness with Spirit and the higher self ...πŸ’–βœ¨


Laden down with so much emotion , fragility , child-like innocence , wearing a mask / make-up to hide pain. Trying to portray a different picture to the outside world ..very connected to nature , very loving , soulful . So much inner strength coming from within ,struggling with "deep -rooted" , past emotional trauma . Green leaves indicate hope , new growth , new beginnings πŸ’–βœ¨


This beautiful "Siren" starting calling out to me yesterday in connection with a person who has given me permission to share this image πŸ’–βœ¨ I am amazed at how quickly she revealed herself 😁✨

More about Soul Creations By Cindy Bennett

Soul Creations By Cindy Bennett is located at Westwood Ave , Adamstown Heights, Newcastle, New South Wales 2289