Soul Kindle Sanctuary - Home Page

About Soul Kindle Sanctuary - Home Page

‘Supplying and Promoting
That which gives
Back to The Earth’

Soul Kindle Sanctuary - Home Page Description

The Soul KIndle Foundation shop is an outlet selling products that in some form or another 'give back' to our sacred Earth.
For far too long we have raped & abused the land and we can no longer afford to wait & slowly change our ways. . . . We have to help now.
We have to learn now & change our consumer lifestyles to sustainable, community based & simple lifestyles.
Everything sold here has been produced from a heart striving for a better future for ALL beings & respect for all on Earth. . . . be it jewellery, CD's, DVD's, books, knits, clothes, personal products or artworks.
All has been sourced as local as possible, as natural as possible and with as little as possible packaging -- to help reduce impact on our delicate eco system.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Making choices & shopping easy for you. . . . . . .
xX All Love,
Jenny & team at Soul Kindle Foundation Xx

More about Soul Kindle Sanctuary - Home Page