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A 59-year-old elderly poor man who worked as a fisherman has been sentenced to 7 weeks' jail after he accidentally swerved his lorry into the path of a foreign cyclist from Britain. The cyclist triggered the accident when he smacked the left window of the lorry, with the entire incident caught on a rear car cam video.
Singaporean Teo Seng Tiong was convicted for "committing a rash act endangering human life", and sentenced to 7 weeks jail and a S$500 fine for "failing to repo...rt to the police within 24 hours of the accident". He was banned for driving for 2 years.
The rich foreigner, 35-year-old Eric Cheung Ho Yu, was let off with only a S$2,800 fine for "committing mischief".
The Singaporean poor who has since lost his fisherman job and now taking odd jobs, was represented by a pro bono lawyer. The Singapore public prosecutor asked for a 10 weeks' jail, 3 year driving ban and a fine.
The Singapore court also tried to justify the harsher punishments on the Singaporean by reading out Teo Sent Tiong's criminal records, which are unrelated to the court case. 100
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Singapore's judiciary is up for a second round of public thrashing again after the judge imposed a gag order on the identity of an elite foreign student from Singapore's top university, Yale-NUS, to protect his reputation.
According to a tip-off, the peeping tom is a foreign student with an influential family background and that his victims are already identified in the university. A female Yale-NUS student said the gag order makes no sense and only serves to protect the crim...inal.
Living with female housemates in the student dormitory, the male student took videos of them showering over two years. On 3 March 2018, he was caught using his handphone to take a video of his housemate showering. When confronted, he first deleted all other videos in his phone, denied the act and pushed the blame to a group of partygoers in another floor. He confessed only after the victim said she is going to the police.
The victim agreed to let him off after hearing him lied that that was his first offense and no video was taken. She changed her mind only after persuasion from her family, and the police subsequently found numerous videos in the peeping tom's laptop and phone.
NUS-Yale has since dismissed the peeping tom in October 2019.
This is the second case of the Singapore Court being lenient on sexual offenses. In an earlier case, an unnamed peeping tom was allowed to leave the country to student in UK despite having been caught red handed by the police. 095
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According to the pro-government Singapore High Court, all POFMA appeals would be heard in a closed-door chamber, censored from media coverage.
A Singapore opposition party which has been wrongfully accused of fabricating fake news was told that their High Court appeal will not be heard in an open court. The Singapore Democratic Party revealed the shady judicial procedures in the Lee Hsien Loong dictatorship on Facebook yesterday (Jan 13).
In an article posted on its website l...ast month, the SDP published government figures showing the rising trend of Singaporean professionals being retrenched while unemployment figure had also risen. The article collaborates with the latest employment data released by the Ministry of Manpower, where the unemployment rate hit a decade-high of 3.3%.
Abusing a new censorship power known as Protection against Online Fake News and Manipulation Act (POFMA), Manpower Minister Josephine Teo immediately ordered the article to be taken down as the article went viral and made her look bad.
The Attorney-General, Lucien Wong, a notorious crony of Lee Hsien Loong, will be taking the case against the opposition party.
The Singapore High Court is unable to explain why procedures of the POFMA appeal must not be revealed to the public.
The Singapore dictatorship actively censor the internet, persecute government critics and attack local opposition parties through the abuse of the judiciary and police. 092
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PAP MP Foo Mee Har was forced to come out from her usual rest days to meet the opposition figure, after hearing about his visit to her PAP-held West Coast GRC. The PAP MP has not made any door-to-door visit since her election in 2015.
According to residents in the area, they have never seen the PAP MP before or even know who their MP is.
The Singapore's government-controlled state media also launched an offensive on opposition leader Dr Tan Cheng Bock, accusing him of being "...not ready".
The Straits Times interviewed Dr Tan Cheng Bock on Sunday (Jan 12) during Dr Tan Cheng Bock's party walkabout at Teban Gardens Market and Food Centre in Ayer Rajah.
When asked if the former PAP MP of Ayer Rajah will be accepting the offer to lead a small alliance consisting of four political parties, Dr Tan Cheng Bock declined and said he is focusing on building his own team:
"I have met all these people but I don’t want to commit myself just yet because I’m still building my own team properly first. They are all entitled to do what they want."
The Straits Times, alongside other state media outlets, however attacked Dr Tan Cheng Bock claiming that he is "not ready to lead the opposition alliance".
West Coast GRC is an under-developed suburb with old coffeeshops and run-down HDB blocks. Residents in the area have always voted the ruling party because there is hardly any opposition alternative committed to the area.
Dr Tan Cheng Bock will likely contest West Coast GRC if his former constituency of 26 years is still a part of the grouped constituency.…/p ap-mp-foo-mee-har-f…/
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In the recent parliamentary debate, Trade Minister Chan Chun Sing tried to cover up citizen employment data by attacking his questioner, MP Pritam Singh, claiming that the latter is trying to "drive a wedge" between Singaporeans and permanent residents.
In a failed attempt to support his beleaguered colleague, Minister Chee Hong Tat twisted the definition of the term commonly-used term, "locals", and claimed permanent residents are not foreigners.
The public delivered their ...verdict on the outlandish defence put up by the PAP minister, and ridiculed Minister Chee Hong Tat further. Independent political analysts have also rallied behind Pritam Singh, confirming that his request for citizen employment data to measure manpower policies is perfectly valid.
Permanent residents are foreigners, and they should not form part of the employment statistics because this distort the actual representation of reality. This is clear as day, but when it comes to dodgy politicians like Minister Chee Hong Tat, it is timely to remind him the 3 primary reasons why PRs should never be labelled as "locals":
1) Employment data of PRs distorts reality Unlike Singaporeans, when PRs are unemployed for a long period of time, they fall out of the employment statistics because they just pack their bag and go home, where they can access a larger employment market many times Singapore's size. This depresses unemployment figures and inflate employment numbers, distorting the actual figures. Conversely, unemployed Singaporeans have nowhere else to seek employment and they naturally form the "unwanted" unemployment data (that makes the government looks bad).
2) Citizens are the target of government policies, not foreigners The Singapore government has grown so out of touch that they forgot the very purpose of government policies is to serve citizens, not foreigners. By including PRs as "locals", the incumbent manpower policies are not effectively measured because the figures are watered down by the huge foreigner presence. Like what MP Pritam Singh asked, how do we know if the 2018 Industry Transformation Maps created more jobs for Singaporeans or foreigners (PRs included)?
3) Insult to Singaporeans Calling PRs "locals" is a bloody insult to every Singaporean for the sole fact that they do not need to be conscripted in NS. There is nothing more unjust than being forced against your will to serve the army. These so-called "locals" do not even conform to our Singaporean culture or identity, and yet they enjoy equal employment and housing rights in the country. Please don't ever call PRs a "Singapore local", when they don't even behave like one.
Alex Tan STR Editor…/h ere-are-3-reasons-w…/
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Continuing attacking Opposition MP Pritam Singh for asking the "wrong question" in Parliament, Senior Minister for Trade Chee Hong Tat claimed that Permanent Residents are not foreigners because "many are family members of Singaporeans":
"I am puzzled why Mr Singh failed to acknowledge these statistics in his Facebook post... Many PRs are family members of our fellow Singapore citizens, as Mr Singh would be aware since the Workers' Party has joined PAP MPs in advocating for f...oreign spouses and children of Singapore citizens to be given priority for Singapore citizenship."
Permanent residents do not serve National Service conscription, while Singaporean males lose more than 2 years of employment or education opportunities due to NS training.
The WP MP was only asking for the statistics of citizen employment.
This however incurred the wrath of various PAP ministers, who did not have the data. To cover up their embarrassment, Minister Chan Chun Sing, Minister Chee Hong Tat and Ministers Zaqy Mohamad took turns to accuse the WP MP of inciting division between foreigners and Singaporeans.
WP MP Pritam Singh is unapologetic and he did not respond to the ministers' witch trial allegations and insisted that actual numbers of citizenship employment must be revealed for government policies to be effective.…/m inister-chee-hong-t…/
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When questioned why are more foreigners being more well-paid than locals, Trade Minister Chan Chun Sing blamed Singaporeans claiming they are lazy, unskilled and inexperienced.
The millionaire former army general said Singaporeans should work harder if they want to get higher-paying jobs:
"You need to work hard to upgrade skills to take over the higher-paying jobs as soon as possible. But do not exploit sentiments to create envy, anger and frustration towards that foreigner w...ho is now taking the $10,000 job."
Minister Chan Chun Sing also claimed that accepting foreign investments means having more foreigners:
"A Singaporean who is earning $5,000 today can only get the $7,000 job because he does not yet have the skills or experience for the $10,000 job. While the Singaporean may feel he is being unequally treated, not accepting the investment will mean both the $7,000 and $10,000 jobs disappearing. The Singaporean will have fewer opportunities to rise to a higher-paying job and, more importantly, his children will not be able to aspire to those jobs either."
Minister Chan Chun Sing also made a baseless claim saying the senior management of early semiconductor companies in Singapore is now filled with Singaporeans since their arrival in the 1970s:
"The first three semiconductor companies in Singapore - National Semiconductor, Fairchild and Texas Instruments - created more than 7,000 jobs in the 1970s. But our people did not get the best-paying jobs immediately... because they lacked the skills or experience. But in time, many of the early engineers and technicians became senior executives in the sector, and mentored a new generation of Singaporeans. Today, the same situation is taking place in the info-communications technology (ICT) and software industries. So do we go out and attract these investments like Google, Grab and Facebook, not just for this generation but more importantly also for the next? I say we do, and land the investment first."
A fact check revealed this is however untrue. None of the three semiconductors has ever been headed by Singaporean citizens even in over 45 years.…/m inister-chan-chun-s…/
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A rich man's son who was arrested for filming 20 women in toilets had his identity successfully protected by the corrupted Singapore Court. The Singapore Court even allowed him to return to England when the public prosecutors strongly protested that this is "clear flight risk":
"We believe he poses a clear flight risk as he came from a family of substantial means and could live comfortably overseas if he absconded... The accused has thus far shown to be able to afford the fee...s and funding for his three-year undergraduate education in history. This would require estimated funding of approximately £111,270 (S$200,000), which is by no means an insignificant sum. Given the above, the accused is able to live comfortably overseas. In the circumstances, there is little motivation for the accused to return if he is allowed to leave the jurisdiction."
Despite the protest, the Singapore Court granted the rich man's son
Hailing from a "top British university", the unknown 22-year-old Singaporean posted online videos of cameras he installed at his home toilet. In year of 2018, the rich man's son invited numerous women to his Bukit Timah's condo.
One of his victims is a 15-year-old underaged minor.
He was caught only after he took an upskirt video of a woman at King Albert Park MRT station.
The Singapore Court issued a gag order claiming that revealing his identity will lead to the identification of his 11 victims. This is never heard of in Singapore and the first time the Singapore judiciary is protecting a criminal.
The reason for the bail was even more ridiculous: the 22-year-old need to continue his studies and start a new university term in England.
The rich man's son will leave Singapore this Friday.…/r ich-mans-son-get-id…/
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Culture Minister Grace Fu called for Singaporeans to sacrifice and bear with severe traffic jams if they want to have "one of the top marathons in the world". Speaking for rich people who insist on having their marathon in the city, the PAP minister said the rest of the Singaporeans must support the government:
"The logistics of elevating the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon (SCSM) into one of the world's premier races will pose public inconvenience initially. But with t...he support of Singaporeans and by working closely with event partners, the marathon could become an event all Singaporeans can be proud of."
The millionaire PAP minister insisted that she will be holding the marathon again despite the serious inconvenience caused to the rest:
"Given the scale of the Singapore Marathon and our ambition for it to be among the World Marathon Majors, we recognise that the logistics will pose inconvenience to stakeholders and members of the public in the initial years, and we will keep aiming to improve how future editions are organised."
The Standard Chartered marathon is held every year for rich people in Singapore, and major roads in the city are closed for the whole day in every event. This however caused serious traffic jam in the landlocked country, with the middle class and poor people ended up late for work due to severe traffic jams.
Most Singaporeans have called for the marathon to be cancelled or held elsewhere in the rural region of Tuas and Woodlands, where road closures have minimal impact on others. The rich however rejected this proposal because they want to enjoy the city sceneries while running a marathon.…/m inister-grace-fu-si…/
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In a parliamentary response, Education Minister Ong Ye Kung defended himself over the government practice of withholding exam results for unpaid school fees. The Education Minister wrote that school fees are as cheap as S$6.50 a month, and that parents must pay as a form of example-setting lesson for their children:
"School fees are highly subsidised, the monthly cash payment for primary schools are low. Parents pay S$6.50 for miscellaneous fees, with another S$6.50 paid by E...dusave. But a small payment is still required, to demonstrate that as parents and families, we have a part to play. In fact, most families take this payment very seriously, and it inculcates in children the value of commitment and playing our part, however small."
The PAP millionaire minister also commented on the particular case where a PSLE student did not get her result because of S$156 in outstanding school fees. Minister Ong Ye Kung said that her parents are at fault for not applying for financial assistance from the government and that the exam results were withheld as a "last resort":
"I looked into the pupil’s situation and noted that her parents were given a copy of the application form for MOE’s financial assistance scheme but they did not apply... A large proportion of the form is to tick the menu of assistance required. The results slip is withheld only as a last resort."
Minister Ong Ye Kung also denied that the student was embarrassed because her teachers told him so:
"On the day of the PSLE results, she had received her results in the same way as everyone else, except hers was a copy. Teachers did not observe her to feel embarrassed or emotionally affected."
Earlier last month, Minister Ong Ye Kung admitted that the government spend S$238 million each year sponsoring the studies of foreign students, and even called it a "small amount". When confronted by the public over the news of the S$156 school fees case, Minister Ong Ye Kung went silent.…/m inister-ong-ye-kung…/
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When questioned in Parliament why does the government made up a new legislation demanding all opposition parties to submit political advertising content to the government, Minister of Communications and Information S. Isawaran refused to respond and dismissed her with an one-liner:
"You are barking up the wrong tree."
In Singapore culture, the English idiom is offensive and especially so against women.
... Minister S. Isawaran also refused to answer another question by a NMP, of why the new censorship government law, POFMA, is applied only at content criticising the government:
"It is just a convergence or coincidence, possibly an unfortunate one, that the first four correction directions issued under Singapore’s ‘fake news’ law were directed at opposition parties or people affiliated with political parties."
The PAP Minister also took the opportunity to attack the Opposition, saying they have a "pattern" of fabricating fake news:
"That is a convergence. Some might say unfortunate convergence or coincidence. It may also indicate a certain pattern of communication that exists out there... It’s about whether there is a falsehood, whether there is a public interest threshold, then what is the appropriate course of action."…/p ap-minister-s-iswar…/
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A senior police officer forced a detainee, who was in handcuff, to masturbate and perform oral sex on him in the interview room at a police station.
On 6 Dec 2017, two Chinese prostitutes from China in their 20s were arrested for illegal prostitution. The senior staff sergeant, 39-year-old Lee Sze Chiat, who learned of the detainees arrival then told the investigation team that he wanted to "help interview" the prostitutes.
The investigation team agreed to his "volunteer", an...d the senior staff sergeant started his first interview with the younger woman. The Staff Sergeant molested her breasts and asked for a sexual service. The woman rejected and in his second interview, the second prostitute complied. The two foreigners did not tell anyone about the molest until 5 days later, when they had another police interview.
On Nov 19 last year, Lee Sze Chiat was sentenced to only a year's jail and one stroke of the cane. He was dismissed from the police service last month on Dec 21.…/s ingapore-senior-pol…/
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When questioned about employment statistics, Minister Chan Chun Sing confessed that foreigners have higher paying jobs and claimed that Singaporeans will have to wait for "one day" to get such opportunities:
"Over time, with more jobs created and more Singaporeans being trained, they may one day take on the top job that was once occupied by a foreigner."
Minister Chan Chun Sing then pluck a random number from thin air:
... "Local employment increased by nearly 60,000 between 2015 and 2018."
Opposition MP Pritam Singh responded asking:
"If that is the case, then for (the increase of 60,000 in local employment between 2015 and 2018)… How many were for Singaporeans and how many went to PRs?"
Minister Chan Chun Sing was unable to reply and he then lost his temper confronting WP MP Pritam Singh for asking "a pointless question" in parliament:
"We can get you the numbers. But let me say this: What is the point behind the question? First, has local unemployment increased with all these efforts? The answer is a resounding 'no'. Our people are getting good jobs. Are our wages going up? Yes, and it's faster than many other countries. Those are proof points to show that we are doing right by Singaporeans. But I'm always very cautious about this constant divide — Singaporean versus PR. The insinuation seems to be that somehow Singaporeans are not benefiting."
Minister Chan Chun Sing accused the Opposition MP of dividing Singaporeans with Permanent Residents with his question:
"I’ve just spent the last half an hour explaining and sharing with this House how we are working hard to make sure Singaporeans do so. It’s not the data — it is the point of Pritam Singh's question. And I would like to remind this House: The ultimate competition is not pitting Singaporeans against the PRs, it is about the team Singapore comprising Singaporeans, the PRs and even the foreign workforce."
Unemployment is at a decade-high of 3.3%, with more jobs created for foreigners than Singaporeans. The unemployment rate for young people under the age of 30 is a lot higher at 5.6%.…/m inister-chan-chun-s…/
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In response to the Filipino maid community asking for a specified gathering site, the majority Singaporean answer is naturally a resounding NO.
Call this racist or arrogance, the reality is that the island country is already the world's most crowded nation in the world and there are already insufficient living spaces for Singaporeans.
Singaporean students have to study in fastfood restaurants and cafes, hospital beds are at capacity and the trains are always overcrowded.
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Following the Lucky Plaza car accident that saw two Filipinos dead and four others injured, Filipino maids have rallied demanding the Singapore government to give them a "proper place" in Orchard Road to hang out. Calling Orchard Road their kampung, a Filipino maid told Singapore media Today:
"Where else can we go? We have no choice. We have no other place to go... It is the Singapore Government’s responsibility to give domestic workers a proper place in Orchard Road to hang ...out at. This is our kampung. You don’t need to wait till someone died to do something."
There are 255,800 maids in Singapore, which itself is already overpopulated from the influx of foreigners. Some shopping malls find foreign workers like construction workers and maids a pest, and put up barriers and signs warning them not to sit or gather.
Orchard Road is supposedly a premium shopping district, but its attraction as a tourist spot degraded with maids picnicking on pavements and elderly Singaporeans half-begging selling tissue paper for a living.
Singapore remains a third world country due to the influx of third world Asian migrants with poor cleaning habits and manners. Every Sunday, the "picnic spots" will be strewn with litter and garbage - which ironically is cleaned up by cheap foreign cleaners.
Slavery is legalised in Singapore, with lowly-paid live-in maids being forced to work excessive long hours. Sourced from third world countries, maids in Singapore usually get a day off every Sunday. Third world governments with no self-respect like Philippines often export their people like commodities to serve as maids.
Culturally, Singaporeans accept the shabby employment conditions as they are beneficiaries of the slavery system while the maids are contented to draw a salary higher than they could get in their home country.
Most Singaporeans have no concept of human rights and freedom, as they too subject themselves to live under the oppressive PAP dictatorship.…/f ilipino-maids-deman…/
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Ignoring out of pocket private tuition costs, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong claimed that education in Singapore is affordable to everyone:
"No one in Singapore should be put off from pursuing education due to cost, which is why it has always been kept affordable to all."
Public education in Singapore is poor and lacking, and students who want to do well will have to hire private tuition teachers to supplement their studies.
... Part of the reasons why Singapore public education is low quality is because of exceedingly-large class size. The average class size for secondary school students in Express stream is 40, according to the Education Ministry in 2019. This is the world's highest, when compared with OECD statistics. The OECD country with the largest class size is Chile, at 30 students per class, while Australia has an average class size of only 24.
According to the Household Expenditure Survey in 2018, Singaporeans spent S$1.4 billion each year on private tuition. The government survey revealed that each household paid for private tuition at S$88.40 each month on average.
As such, students from poorer families tend to do worse as they could not afford one-to-one private tuition.
While Singapore students excel in studies, the achievements are all all their family and own effort. The Singapore government however often shamelessly boast about having a "world class" public education system.
Education fees are also exorbitant especially at university level. The Singapore government made pursuing higher education especially hard to stop Singaporeans from emigrating or questioning the government.…/l ee-hsien-loong-educ…/
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An Indian national who works as a software engineer in Singapore under the CECA trade deal, was sentenced to 5 days' jail for randomly kissing a 24-year-old Singaporean woman's hand in public and offering her to have sex for S$100.
34-year-old CECA foreign talent, Meesala Siva Prasad, defended himself in court saying that he had no criminal intent and that it is "his culture" to kiss woman in public and offering them to be prostitutes.
On 27 Jun 2019 at 10.50pm, the Indian na...tional approached a woman at Dhoby Ghaut MRT station and asked for walking direction to the North East Line. The Singaporean woman then kindly walked him to the train line, and along the way, he asked her to go to Hotel 81 with him.
The father of two children took out S$100 from his wallet and repeatedly asked the woman to have sex with him. The Indian national then took her right hand and kissed it in the train.
The Singapore public prosecutor said the offence is minor and a fine would suffice, but as Meesala had been detained by the police for undisclosed number of days. The judge then sentenced him to 5 days' jail and backdated it to the day he was remanded.…/c eca-indian-national…/
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