Susie Mander

About Susie Mander

Susie is the author of Bird of Chaos. She writes fiction /fantasy /sci-fi with strong female leads. Her latest work is set in Sydney and asks, what happens to our sense of self-worth when we are made obsolete by artificial intelligence?

Susie Mander Description

Susie wrote her first novel when she about eleven years old. It was seven pages long. She saved it to a floppy disk that has since been lost or thrown away to be replaced by The Cloud.

English was her favourite subject at school and she was the teacher's pet, achieving outstanding results in anything that involved creative writing and average results in just about everything else.

She studied English at University but spent most of her time at Manning Bar writing "edgy" prose that didn't impress anyone.

After studying she traveled to the UK and hated London. She moved to Edinburgh hoping to meet J K Rowling at the Elephant House (no luck there). Winter came and that was no fun so she abandoned her writing group and returned home in search of finer weather.

She was briefly distracted by the need to earn money and became an English teacher then gave up full time teaching to write books and have babies.

She self-published Bird of Chaos just after the birth of her daughter in 2015 then wrote the sequel (unpublished) during her daughter's first year. In 2016 her son was born and she started a new project: a fictional story with hints of sci-fi set in Sydney. It asks, how can we achieve self-actualisation if artificial intelligence makes us obsolete? It is due to be published in late 2017.

More about Susie Mander