Sydney Tacfit

Monday: 18:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 22:00
Friday: 18:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Sydney Tacfit

TACFIT - Tactical Fitness is a secret training system used for over 20 years by elite level personnel for rapid fitness and health improvement.



Chronic stress is one of the biggest silent killers. Most Sydney-siders are stressed from their horrible commute to work stuck in Sydney's carparks called "roads" and "motorways". Then stressed at work and not taking holidays. And stressed from rising property prices and rent.
High levels of stress reduce both dopamine and serotonin, and greatly increase cortisol (the stress hormone). This leads to a bad mood, tiredness, high blood pressure, irritability, accelerated aging, a...nd poor health.
The TACFIT system is designed to reduce your body's stress response by restoring these two hormonal pathways and reducing cortisol release.
When faced with stress, your body won't react as aggressively and you'll feel calmer with a more stable mood.
High intensity exercise releases dopamine. Most programs require working harder with greater levels of stress and ultimately decreased dopamine production, so over the long run it isn't sustainable and you'll feel tired and burnt out.
TACFIT reverses this by using "wave" protocol for exercise programming and recovery. It stimulates your body just enough, then backs off. This avoids increasing total stress and makes the program accessible to people of all abilities.
TACFIT isn't designed as a superhero workout...its for those of us average people that want superhero results.
Moderate-High intensity exercise is required to activate dopamine and BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which is why gentle programs like yoga, meditation, tai chi, etc are not enough by themselves to produce resiliency and greater brain function against stress.
Alone they will help you relax and perhaps "de-stress" after a long day. But they won't stop you getting stressed.
The training methods in TACFIT help you consciously access your body's ability to relax, recover, and reduce catecholamines (your fast release heart and blood pumping hormones), glucocorticoids (your slow-release stimulation hormones) and vasopressin (your anti-diuretic hormone).
By doing this at a hormonal level, you'll experience better quality sleep, nutrient absorption and bodily repair of serotonin (and acetylecholamine).
TACFIT combines BOTH high intensity exercises AND relaxation recovery programs combined in a specific way to produce optimal stress resilience.
#hormones #endocrine #homeostasis #trainsmarter #recover #hiit #yoga #functionaltraining #shield #protect
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Tomorrow we'll explain how TACFIT can help you build a shield against stress!


From one of the best CST / TACFIT / Clubbell coaches in the world, here’s another great program from Summer Huntington.
Remember: your progress is only as good as your recovery. Ease away the soreness after training!! #activerecovery


🤣 While this is hilarious 🙈 ...good health is somewhere in between, with both strength AND flexibility #tacfit #intuflow #prasara #yoga #cst #strength #mobility #flexibility


A daily bubble tea, iced frappe, caramelatte, soft drink, smoothie, or even FRUIT JUICE is going to give you this much sugar...
Just because it’s “natural” doesn’t make it healthy.
Tip: the 40-60g of sugar typical in a drink gives you 230 calories that can be burned off with a 5km walk(!), 2.5km run, or 20min of HIIT exercise.
... No wonder it’s easy to put on weight. That’s a lot of work for a drink 😱 Keep your sugar intake moderate...
#healthy #sugar #thatsugarfilm #walkitoff
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FLASH GIVEAWAY ! Come collect a free gift from reception 😊


Nancy is flowing well after a few short sessions! #animalflow


For beginners Animal Flow is a fun movement program to help you get started on improving your health.
For experienced athletes, performing these moves between sets will boost your existing workout by activating greater neuromuscular control.
For TACFIT athletes, Animal Flow offers great movements for Low-Moderate mobility/compensation recovery days. It has many similarities to FlowFit but the activations are different.
... #animalflow #movement #trainsmarter #calisthenics #yoga #bodyweight #mobility #flexibility #tacfit #flowfit #activerecovery
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Go ahead. Be a rebel. Drink water. 😅


Worth reading ❤️ Use your time wisely #gratitude


There's only ONE secret to getting better...


Most supplements don't help knee pain. New research shows rehab strength training is the best value for money because it works. Make a goal to be pain free in the new year!
#trainsmarter #intuflow #freedomtomove #painfree #tacfit


Diet is 1/3 of your results. Recipes often use olive oil because it's adds heathy fats to your food. Here's how to buy QUALITY and not get ripped off.
Surprise - Woolworths Extra Virgin Olive oil passed the tests and is great value!
Top 5 tips for choosing and using olive oil:
... Buy the freshest oil possible. Look for a "harvested on" date, as best-before dates aren't necessarily a good indicator of freshness.
Don't buy oils from stores where they've been displayed near heat sources (such as refrigerator motors) or in a shop window where they're exposed to direct sunlight.
Store in a cool dark place at home (i.e. not next to the stove/oven/window).
Keep your oil tightly stoppered and use it in a timely manner. As a rule of thumb, buy a container size that matches your monthly consumption.
Avoid using olive oil for cooking that requires very high oil temperatures (such as deep frying).
Is olive oil healthier?
Olive oil is rich in 'better for you' monounsaturated fats and contains a wide variety of valuable antioxidants. According to the Dietitian's Association of Australia, extra virgin olive oil is the main source of fat in a Mediterranean style diet, which research has found to be good for weight control and heart health.
It's a healthier substitute for saturated fats such as butter or palm oil, but bear in mind that it still contains the same amount of kilojoules as any other fat.
Olive oil should also not be used for cooking at high temperatures because it has a low smoke point and starts breaking down. Use vegetable oil or even coconut oil instead.
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There are 3 key factors that contribute to your health or take away from it: what you eat (nutrition or lack of it), how you move (exercise or lack of it), and how you recover (sleep and stress).
Make sure in 2018 you're adding to the quality of life by improving in each of these areas.


Master the Basics and Suspend the Superfluous.
"You cannot adequately utilize a skill until you have mastered it.
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being perfect technique, even if you perform it with very good form (an "8"), you’re still conditioning yourself with a "2" of something that’s untrackable, unmeasurable and probably undesirable, which accumulates into pain and injury.
... However, many people train with a technique level of 5: so/so or “not bad but not great” form. In other words, 50% of what their doing is working for them, and 50% against them, for a net result of zero.
This wastes effort due to lack of basic mastery, and creates more problems than it solves.
Be serially monogamous about personal mastery.
Stick with one set of skills until you’ve mastered the basics of the discipline. Then you can move on to another.
And once you master both (or more), only then can you integrate the two bodies of work.
How you master one thing is how you master anything.
If you want to perform uncommonly well, then don’t discard the basics.
Master the mundane. There’s magic within."
--Scott Sonnon
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More about Sydney Tacfit

Sydney Tacfit is located at 537-551 George Street, Sydney, Australia 2000
Monday: 18:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 22:00
Friday: 18:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -